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The new anime and manga thread! [Use Spoiler Tags!]


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The manga started a few weeks before the anime (from what I recall) but it was always intended to be a separate story written and illustrated by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto who was the main character designer for the anime series. The manga isn't vastly different, but there are some welcome changes that help flesh things out or at least give certain characters a little more time in the spotlight.

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It was a good few months I think and started to hype up the anime.


Guy's post pretty much sums it up, there are quite a few differences between the anime and manga telling of Evangelion but the direction it goes in is largely the same. I actually prefer the manga telling, as it offers quite a few pieces of information which, although some fans will argue isn't exactly cannon, seem to have been included as answers for some burning questions regarding the anime.


I definitely recommend it if you have the time.

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I think as a complete work the manga is way more focussed and consistent in telling a story. People who say the Evangelion anime series is upsetting should check out the manga. There are so many absolutely heartbreaking moments in Sadamoto's story it makes me sad just remembering some of them.


The manga also wins for omitting that one ridiculous moment in End of Evangelion we all hate.

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So i bought 1.11 and 2.22, the problem is they've sent me out 2 copies of each of them, if you want the extras just PM me your address and i'll send them out as soon as i can, probably Monday or Tuesday. Don't bother asking for a price, they're free. First come first served.


Edit: Only 1.11 left, if you want it then PM me.

Edited by martinist
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I finished Code Geass R2 last night and loved it as much as I did when I watched it back in the day. There's so many twists and turns and towards the end its just one battle after another. Quality series.


Wow, you went through it fast. I'm on episode 8 and whoever said it starts off slow...Well I think it's pretty good so far and that might be an understatement. Loved how they upgraded the Gurren mk2 mid battle, Kallen is so awesome.

Edited by Emerald Emblem
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Did you see the extended episodes 21-24? Those contain some important scenes that help flesh things out toward the end of the story (okay, they just contain nicer animation - there aren't really many amazing extra scenes if I'm honest). From 24 you'll want to go on to The End of Evangelion, or maybe watch episodes 25 and 26 and then End of Evangelion if you want the true experience. Consider episodes 25 and 26 an extremely weird "trailer" for the movies, plus they're legendary in their own way and it wouldn't really be the Evangelion I know and love without recommending you see them before diving into the film.


Even though the events in the series/movie endings are the same, the final two episodes of the series have been done in such a way that nothing will be spoiled. Only teased, and confusingly at that. When you watch the film you'll slowly start matching moments from 25/26 up to it.

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Death is a recap of the series with a couple of scenes redrawn or amended, Rebirth is the first quarter of End of Evangelion with some unfinished/different music and footage.


From here you're all good for End of Evangelion! Sorry for the confusion.

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So, just watched the movie.


Consider myself properly mindfucked and disturbed! 'Twas an interesting thing to see, that's for sure.


I'd definitely like the series a lot more if they explained certain tangible details better, though. I actually didn't realize Adam was a thing they found at the Antarctic, I was wondering if it was an Alien that was called or something that was created by the scientists.

Another thing was not realizing Asuka's Mother lost her mind to an Eva 02 experiment, which makes a lot of sense, and could've been better implied.


Anyway, I got satisfied with the explanations I got from the Internet regarding the small stuff.




Not feeling like reviewing the whole thing again with Rebuild or the Manga, but I do think it's definitely a series worth watching. I was afraid it would be one of those overrated things, you see.

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It'll be the same as all the others, except this one is actually canon to the series which is nice. Not sure how I feel about the video of Vegeta singing and dancing. Man, his character was DESTROYED throughout that series. All of them were.

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I was oh so very wrong about this movie. Watched it on an IMAX screen and fuck, it actually felt like the first Dragonball after Dragonball Z ended to feel naturally apart of the story. Me and my Japanese friend were basically giggling ourselves stupid at an entrance of some familiar characters we were not expecting at all, and the jokes they managed to get out of them.


Fucking loved it. Would pay £14 to see again.

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It'll be the same as all the others, except this one is actually canon to the series which is nice. Not sure how I feel about the video of Vegeta singing and dancing. Man, his character was DESTROYED throughout that series. All of them were.


Correct me if I'm wrong but there is a specific reason why he's dancing.



The Rabbit God asks him to.




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Code Geass R2 finished. Verdict?


Mind = Blown

Eyes = Saturated


Well that ending certainly made up for season 1's unsatisfactory end and then some. I daresay it was one of the best endings for an anime I've ever watched. A top 5 all time favorite anime contender? No doubt about it.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but there is a specific reason why he's dancing.



The Rabbit God asks him to.




Vegeta dancing and singing was one of the best parts of the movie. Don't be hatin'.


I heard that too. It's all good though, comedy Dragon Ball with occasional action is the best Dragon Ball.

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So I just marathoned Angel Beats, it was alright, had a few good moments. Turned into a blubbering 3 year old girl by the end of it though, I don't deal well with emotion, it was Clannad all over again. OVA cheered me up though. Might leave it a while before I even attemt to re-watch it.

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Code Geass R2 finished. Verdict?


Mind = Blown

Eyes = Saturated


Well that ending certainly made up for season 1's unsatisfactory end and then some. I daresay it was one of the best endings for an anime I've ever watched. A top 5 all time favorite anime contender? No doubt about it.




Everything gets wrapped in such a cool way and the way it all works out with the twist is heart breaking.


New Naruto chapter is out.


Ending was epic as hell. All of the previous Hokages standing on each of their head monuments was awesome. With them now entering the battle it's all gonna kick off again.


Now sure I care for Sasukes switching of sides. I wanted Naruto to beat the hell out of him at some point, but then that was never going to happen. :(


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