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The new anime and manga thread! [Use Spoiler Tags!]


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Two seasons into Bleach and its pretty damn good.


Prepare for it to change dramatically, remain good, then suddenly plummet into fillers, spiral into terrible drawn out episodes, filler jokes, awful(er) music, awful animation and then for no good reason, end one arc before the manga.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, they say it's cancelled for good, but I actually think it will be animated one day, when the manga is finished. If they actually do that, it's the first time I've known an anime actually stop until the manga has finished or gotten far enough ahead. Maybe Japanese viewers are finally becoming less forgiving and giving them a good enough ratings kick during the shitty times.


They can actually plan it out well in advance then, get through it at a nice pace, be consistent with animators etc. etc..

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While they didn't exactly "stop", the first Fullmetal Alchemist series followed that spirit, no? I mean, they knew they wouldn't be able to keep it up, so they went with a completely different direction.


Also, Rurouni Kenshin got cancelled because the filler arcs got so bad (this was an adaptation that avoided DBZ-styled padding, so we got a bunch of filler mini-sagas between two major arcs, but it was still too much).

That second arc hasn't been properly animated to this day, though (one of the OVAs covers part of it, the other one simply poses an alternate ending to the manga arc)


Still, I do hope Bleach sets more of an example.

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Anime deviating from the original plot is fine, it's a good enticement to follow all the story lines. The problem with the big ones like Naruto and Bleach though is that it's basically just to drag out the time with whatever shit seems like a good idea while constantly walking on egg shells to make sure any plot doesn't fuck up any canon that may occur later on.


The problem with this is that they can't really get deep into anything meaningful and it just fucks up the whole feeling of the series.


Fullmetal Alchemist was fine in the fact that Bones had a set episode number and had no desire to keep it running as long as the anime. So they basically had all the freedom in the world, thanks to the fact that Arakawa the writer of the manga herself pretty much gave them her blessing to part ways and let them think for themselves to ensure both works wouldn't eventually meet similar conclusions. And aside from a very weak ending, the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime was pretty damn good by itself.

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I dont mind filler if its good but when they shove an entire season of filler inbetween an on going story arc now that just pisses me off. I'm so glad I skipped all the Bleach filler because they stop the Arrancar stuff far to much.


They dont really do themselves any favours in Japan do they? They really pump out the episodes each year, I mean an episode nearly every week. Maybe they should really slow down and cut down the amount of episodes they do each year.


I would love to see the remaining Bleach done some day as the characters and action are great. I love the bald guy he had some great filler episodes.

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They're making money though. You would be surprised how quickly and cheaply they can throw out and episode of Naruto that has 20% flashback, 10% OP/ED, 20% stills where the camera just pans and audio distracts you from the fact that nothing's moving and a team of low paid, shitty animators.


I definitely agree I would much rather each of the big animes took 6 month breaks than continue with filler.


I still remember Naruto's filler hell :(

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I'm just re-watching the Three tails arc (seen it before, but just bought the DVD). Bloody abysmal filler.


Kakashi is made out to be useless against the fat guy with a weird face.

You've got Kiba and Hinata getting shown up by Guren's minions, only for them to turn out to be complete pussies.

Guren goes from out of chakra, to pushing the boat out.

Naruto's collaborative jutsu destroys a crystal barrier completely, then when he uses it again it just knocks Guren and Rinji over.

The seal protection team, doesn't even do it's job. Yamato and Kiba piss off once they've scared off the pansy squad. When they'd clearly continue to protect the sealing team..


And Yuukimaru is just annoying as hell.

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Having watched the 3.0 camrip last night... I am pretty fucking confused. Confused, blown away, anguished, slightly angry and genuinely EXHAUSTED.


This is pretty much the only image I can post that accurately represents the direction Rebuild seems to be going in:



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These impressions are a mess because the film has left my mind a mess.


You Can (not) Redo is a very cool movie with fantastic moments but... overall it just feels a bit rushed and untidy. Considering how long we've waited for this film, it's actually a little bit underwhelming - mostly in plot, the film looks and sounds amazing. Nothing really had enough time to sink in or develop like I wanted it to because the film moves extremely fast.


I can totally see why people have been so polarised over events in the film, the story and characters have left the TV series we know and love far far behind by the time the 3.0 credits start.


1.0 and 2.0 genuinely felt like remakes of the original series with a bigger budget and some new ideas. 3.0 just kind of loses that awesome feeling of it being a remake and steers it toward being something COMPLETELY new with very little to compare it to. It also feels like they just went ahead and skipped an entire movie between 2.0 and 3.0 - really hoping 3.33 has some kind of OVA or mini-movie bundled to explain some things.


I'll be in a better position to judge the films when all four are released and I can watch the thing as a whole. Further appreciation will hopefully come when I've seen it without rollercoaster tilt-o vision - the cam rip is jerky, but mad respect to the brave otaku who made the ultimate sacrifice to bring us a video of the complete film.


There's plenty of action to enjoy, but the pacing is all over the place. Lots of time is spent with characters (nope, not the ones you hoped for) chatting cryptically. That goddamn Anno. People are still trying to figure out the original series and the master troll went and dumped a feast of new ones on Eva's already full plate.


The movie reeks of merchandising more than anything Eva has ever done before and although I should be used to it as a long-time fan of Japan's biggest cash cow, the whole thing really irks me.


At this point and with the plot progression in 3.0, I genuinely feel Sadamoto's manga is the best Evangelion story available. It takes everything that was great about the television series and gives us lots of new stuff we wish we'd seen in the show. Highly recommended if you guys fancy something new and different to fill the gap between now and the home release of 3.0.

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As much as they say that 3.0's story was as planned, I don't believe a wink of it. I love it, but it's very weak and does actually feel rushed. It' the first time I've watched a film in a cinema, hear a glimpse of some back story (well, not back story really, it's incredibly important and we know fuck all about it) and came out thinking "fuck, I wish the movie would have been that back story, sounds a lot more intriguing".


One thing 3.0 does improve upon is the musical score. Fuck me, that sound track is absolutely fantastic. The wait for the movie was painful, but as soon as I came out of the cinema, I was automatically pining for the sound track.




I'm very intrigued as to how they're going to dub this movie, there are a lot of scenes that's going to require a very strong and an emotionally convincing tone.


EDIT: One other strength 3.0 has is the imagery. The backgrounds and designs of certain things are absolutely awesome especially considering just how much has changed. This is in stark contrast to the CGI and the character designs, which were definitely at their weakest. I think Sadamoto forgot how to draw chins.

Edited by Debug Mode
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Just browsing amazon and seen that Code Geass season 1 bluray is out at the end of this month, with season 2 following in March. I missed out on getting the dvds, as they are now out of print, so this has come as a welcome surprise.


The Persona 4 bluray is also out in March.


*preorders both*



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More GITS! This is awesome.


I've been watching Zetsuen no Tempest and rewatching SAO, and reading Akame ga Kiru. I also read all of Good Ending, which is a fluff harem romance thing and was quite endearing/funny/enjoyable about half-way through but ended seriously poorly and ultimately the one-shot was better.

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Did Rock Lee just 1 shot Madara? Hell yeah!


Bitch, this is Naruto, like fuck is there going to be a one hit that quick!



Surprised about the lack of policing on Youtube, there are like a billion uploads of Evangelion 3.0


But I'm still too busy listening to the soundtrack to death..


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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I've realized I stopped caring for anime. I've been watching One Piece and Naruto just for the sake of watching it, it evokes no passion from me anymore. I belive I can say the same for 95% of the entire industry, actually... I can't stand "animus" and even stuff everyone seems to love like Steins;Gate or Code Geass just made me increasingly doubtfull of the whole scene. The industry as a whole needs a revamp and a drastic change of tone and themes, and a hell of a lot more diversity. The only animes I could enjoy these last 5-7 years were Mushishi, Mononoke and Usagi Drop, now that I think about it... The ridiculous amount of time I wasted watching Naruto and One Piece alone is making me regret I ever got into anime so much...(thank the gods I got wise about Bleach early on and quit it midway through the Arrancar arc).

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