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007 Mafia Game


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Ok that's really really strange then.


I targeted shorty last night however I received no PM or anything to say anything about what had happened.


This does not sound like a mafia kill though, there must be a neutral with the power to kill running around. I have my own suspicions on who is mafia but nothing that I have any proof of. Just feelings.


Does anyone else have anything of note?


Wait a second; it looks like someone received a ransom note yesterday wanting something in return for Jonnas.


Did Jonnas make a single post yesterday?


Who received the note and what did it say?

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Ok that's really really strange then.


I targeted shorty last night however I received no PM or anything to say anything about what had happened.


This does not sound like a mafia kill though, there must be a neutral with the power to kill running around. I have my own suspicions on who is mafia but nothing that I have any proof of. Just feelings.


Does anyone else have anything of note?


As far as I can tell it's still night, so hush, sleep. No talking.

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Night 3 is over


A man seemed to disappear tonight, and if anyone had come looking for him they would have had no chance of finding him… but as it turned out, nobody did.


Two men watched over each other, rather pointlessly.


A man was eagerly awaiting his file this evening. When it landed on his desk, he snatched it up and read.


The mysterious dutch agent smiled as he watched this unfold on his monitor. Grabbing his briefcase he left his office and boarded a nearby helicopter.


A secretary was finally back doing her job, and she was on the phone all night again.


A large, colourful man took notes on another man, who was being preoccupied by a beautiful woman.


Tonight, everyone stopped as screams were heard once again. Moments later, more screams… but from the opposite direction. How strange…


A large, shifty man crept into an office and took something, chewing as he left.




The sophisticated man didn’t leave his room tonight. As he sat, slumping slightly in his chair, a figure appeared at the door. The man seemed to try to sit up, but couldn’t manage it. Falling back again he grunted.


The figure raised his hand; the silenced pistol fired three times again, then once more, just to make sure. The figure turned, and left silently.


Cube is dead. He was good. He was René Mathis, a sophisticated French agent who would sneak into office and swap files to cause confusion.




The woman cowered once again, in a different room tonight. She had no idea just how lucky she had been before. Glancing out the window, she began to see the first light of morning creeping over the horizon. She started to relax, thinking she’d gotten away with it again, but not tonight.


The silver-haired man heard a movement behind his curtain. Straightening his glasses he strode over to disturbance, drawing his gun as he went. He ripped back the curtain and saw the red-headed woman curled before him.


“Oh dear oh dear, what do we have here, then,” said the man in an English accent.


Not waiting for a reply, he raised his gun.


“Wait!” Shouted the girl. “Aren’t you that newspaper guy?”


Angry that the girl had seen his face, the man pulled the trigger, firing a bullet straight through her skull. He picked up her body and dumped it where he hoped nobody would find it.


Maddog is dead. He was good. He was Natalya Simonova, a helpless and rather annoying sidekick who relied on others to survive. She had to target someone each night and hid in their room.





17 Players remain
















The Peeps










Majority is 9


Day 4 Starts NOW


(Let me know if I've forgotten anything, but I think [for the first time] I haven't :D)

Edited by Nintendohnut
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This is not good, dropping like flies now.


For the first time I garnered no information all I have to share are my observations of the writeup.


We have 2 killers during the day and one at night. We need to hear from Yvonne if her role changed as she targeted sprout last night. It seems as if tales has stolen something, was it anything usefull?

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Night 3 is over


A man seemed to disappear tonight, and if anyone had come looking for him they would have had no chance of finding him… but as it turned out, nobody did.


Two men watched over each other, rather pointlessly.


A man was eagerly awaiting his file this evening. When it landed on his desk, he snatched it up and read.


The mysterious dutch agent smiled as he watched this unfold on his monitor. Grabbing his briefcase he left his office and boarded a nearby helicopter.


A secretary was finally back doing her job, and she was on the phone all night again.


A large, colourful man took notes on another man, who was being preoccupied by a beautiful woman.


Tonight, everyone stopped as screams were heard once again. Moments later, more screams… but from the opposite direction. How strange…


A large, shifty man crept into an office and took something, chewing as he left.




The sophisticated man didn’t leave his room tonight. As he sat, slumping slightly in his chair, a figure appeared at the door. The man seemed to try to sit up, but couldn’t manage it. Falling back again he grunted.


The figure raised his hand; the silenced pistol fired three times again, then once more, just to make sure. The figure turned, and left silently.


Cube is dead. He was good. He was René Mathis, a sophisticated French agent who would sneak into office and swap files to cause confusion.




The woman cowered once again, in a different room tonight. She had no idea just how lucky she had been before. Glancing out the window, she began to see the first light of morning creeping over the horizon. She started to relax, thinking she’d gotten away with it again, but not tonight.


The silver-haired man heard a movement behind his curtain. Straightening his glasses he strode over to disturbance, drawing his gun as he went. He ripped back the curtain and saw the red-headed woman curled before him.


“Oh dear oh dear, what do we have here, then,†said the man in an English accent.


Not waiting for a reply, he raised his gun.


“Wait!†Shouted the girl. “Aren’t you that newspaper guy?â€


Angry that the girl had seen his face, the man pulled the trigger, firing a bullet straight through her skull. He picked up her body and dumped it where he hoped nobody would find it.


Maddog is dead. He was good. He was Natalya Simonova, a helpless and rather annoying sidekick who relied on others to survive. She had to target someone each night and hid in their room.





17 Players remain
















The Peeps










Day 4 Starts NOW


(Let me know if I've forgotten anything, but I think [for the first time] I haven't :D)


You've forgotten that I'm now in the game!

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I don't think this was the role for me. I think I'm supposed to guess who they are based on the things I find but I don't remember small details like this about the characters. You guess.


Eenuh - Has a watch that counts down from 3 minutes. Nothing happens when it reaches 0. If I had been asked, I would have pressed, sounds like a death wish to me. I got worried when I read the first part of the pm. I thought I died.

dannyboy(from Cube) - Packet of breath mints(I took a couple and started chewing on them, probably just flavour)

Yvonne - Still chewing the breath mints, found a deerstalker. don't know what that is, but I tried it on me.


*wouldn't have pressed, I mean

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3 people gone in one night?


And we're allowed to lynch one person a day... Is this even winnable?


We're being raped.


It is highly unusual that so many people have died in such a short time. Normally the mafia only gets one kill per night, so I'm not sure what happened. Jonnas was apparently kidnapped, and MadDog seemed to have hid in the wrong room.


Yvonne - Still chewing the breath mints, found a deerstalker. don't know what that is, but I tried it on me.


Sherlock Holmes? :heh: I don't remember any James Bond characters with a deerstalker hat.

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