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Kurtle Squad

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So I'm seeing a new guy, and it's going well. We've got to the point where he's calling me Johnny and I'm calling him Billy (his name's actually William). It's kinda cute / I want to die.


Just don't start dating someone whose name rhymes with your own.


*glares at a certain Italian*


Enjoy le new guy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay so I guess I do and I don't have an update for you lot. I went to one of my mate's barbeques on Sunday and got talking to one of her mates. We started talking and she seemed cool. We decided to play Spin the Bottle with a few other people (don't even know how this came about) and the bottle landed on her. She chose Dare and one of them dared her to kiss some other guy and she said she wouldn't do it but she wanted to kiss me. My mate laughed and told her I would be too pussy to do it but she soon shut up when we did it. Was awesome considering I haven't had any kind of female contact in four years and it seemed like forever. We kissed a bit more and stuff and we left with each other's numbers.


So you're probably thinking there's no problem, right? Well, I made out with another girl there as well and stuff and I found out that they're both friends and they work together and I've got her number as well...awkward! Don't even know how this one happened, I can't remember, lmao. I like them both but I doubt any of them would talk to me since they'd probably talk and find out they got off with the same bloke within about an hour of each other. So yeah, I feel bad but at the same time, I feel like a total pimp, lmao. I know it's minor stuff but still, my confidence has boosted majorly. I don't know whether to leave them or not, what would you do? Both of them saw it as fun and I do too but still, I don't know whether I should see if there's something more or not (with one of them)

Edited by Animal
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Okay so I guess I do and I don't have an update for you lot. I went to one of my mate's barbeques on Sunday and got talking to one of her mates. We started talking and she seemed cool. We decided to play Spin the Bottle with a few other people (don't even know how this came about) and the bottle landed on her. She chose Dare and one of them dared her to kiss some other guy and she said she wouldn't do it but she wanted to kiss me. My mate laughed and told her I would be too pussy to do it but she soon shut up when we did it. Was awesome considering I haven't had any kind of female contact in four years and it seemed like forever. We kissed a bit more and stuff and we left with each other's numbers.


So you're probably thinking there's no problem, right? Well, I made out with another girl there as well and stuff and I found out that they're both friends and they work together and I've got her number as well...awkward! Don't even know how this one happened, I can't remember, lmao. I like them both but I doubt any of them would talk to me since they'd probably talk and find out they got off with the same bloke within about an hour of each other. So yeah, I feel bad but at the same time, I feel like a total pimp, lmao. I know it's minor stuff but still, my confidence has boosted majorly. I don't know whether to leave them or not, what would you do? Both of them saw it as fun and I do too but still, I don't know whether I should see if there's something more or not (with one of them)



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Okay so I guess I do and I don't have an update for you lot. I went to one of my mate's barbeques on Sunday and got talking to one of her mates. We started talking and she seemed cool. We decided to play Spin the Bottle with a few other people (don't even know how this came about) and the bottle landed on her. She chose Dare and one of them dared her to kiss some other guy and she said she wouldn't do it but she wanted to kiss me. My mate laughed and told her I would be too pussy to do it but she soon shut up when we did it. Was awesome considering I haven't had any kind of female contact in four years and it seemed like forever. We kissed a bit more and stuff and we left with each other's numbers.


So you're probably thinking there's no problem, right? Well, I made out with another girl there as well and stuff and I found out that they're both friends and they work together and I've got her number as well...awkward! Don't even know how this one happened, I can't remember, lmao. I like them both but I doubt any of them would talk to me since they'd probably talk and find out they got off with the same bloke within about an hour of each other. So yeah, I feel bad but at the same time, I feel like a total pimp, lmao. I know it's minor stuff but still, my confidence has boosted majorly. I don't know whether to leave them or not, what would you do? Both of them saw it as fun and I do too but still, I don't know whether I should see if there's something more or not (with one of them)


I think it just depends on whether one of them, or both of them like you. If one does and the other doesn't then it shouldn't be a problem. You weren't going out with them at the party so it shouldn't matter.


If both of them like you... If it were me and my mate both liking someone we'd both take a step back, bros before hoes and all that.






Time until I'm a whiny little bitch: 4 days.


I'm not actually too sure how I feel about her leaving for good on Sunday. We've been together 2 months and had a great time but we always knew this was coming...

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I like the way you think, now if only them two thought the same way...:D




Hopefully, I plan to! : peace:


If this is karma's exchange rate, Serebii has a great future in store. :heh:


LOL! True. Although if this is karma's exchange rate...I expect a little more but I'm not complaining! :D


I think it just depends on whether one of them, or both of them like you. If one does and the other doesn't then it shouldn't be a problem. You weren't going out with them at the party so it shouldn't matter.


If both of them like you... If it were me and my mate both liking someone we'd both take a step back, bros before hoes and all that.






Time until I'm a whiny little bitch: 4 days.


I'm not actually too sure how I feel about her leaving for good on Sunday. We've been together 2 months and had a great time but we always knew this was coming...


Yeah, I can most likely see it like this. I don't really mind if nothing comes out of it, I'm still shocked that I did that on Sunday, it's not like me but as I said, I'm not complaining!


Also dude, we'll be here for you in four days to try and help you through it, man! : peace:

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Time until I'm a whiny little bitch: 4 days.


I'm not actually too sure how I feel about her leaving for good on Sunday. We've been together 2 months and had a great time but we always knew this was coming...


Well I can confirm that saying goodbye at the airport was an awful thing to have to do. We got there quite early so sat together just before security for an hour or so. Neither of us were able to say much. It sucked. My last memory of her will be watching her walk away from my up the security corridor at Glasgow Airport. :(


I went home and got into bed and read my book from about 5pm to midnight to try and forget about it all.


Feeling much better today but still wish she didn't have to go. :(

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