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Kurtle Squad

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Been chatting to Miss K on IM at work. Laying down some real groundwork. It's a colleague's birthday tomorrow so we're gonna go out. Hopefully it'll be a chance to kick things up a notch.



I'm aware I've probably lost the respect of many of you.


Really Moogle, really?? Despite previous discussions you'd still go there?! WHYYYYY? WHY MOOGLE WHY?"!!>?"LRE


(i know the answer, i just want to hear it from yourself)

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Really Moogle, really?? Despite previous discussions you'd still go there?! WHYYYYY? WHY MOOGLE WHY?"!!>?"LRE


(i know the answer, i just want to hear it from yourself)


I genuinely like her. Also, I think the stuff she said before was exaggerated because she was drunk. Hell, I've done worse things under the influence.


Also she's hot.

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You's gone get done, son. You's gone get done.


But naaaaaaah, I'd do the same fucking shit. Seriously though, you can't complain too much if it don't work out. You start out thinking about how crazy/warning flags shit be, and you STILL do it(as do I) and then you ain't got nothing to stand on when it goes wrong. It's gonna hurt brah, BUT I WOULD STILL DO IT. Maybe.

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You's gone get done, son. You's gone get done.


But naaaaaaah, I'd do the same fucking shit. Seriously though, you can't complain too much if it don't work out. You start out thinking about how crazy/warning flags shit be, and you STILL do it(as do I) and then you ain't got nothing to stand on when it goes wrong. It's gonna hurt brah, BUT I WOULD STILL DO IT. Maybe.


Don't misunderstand me, I'm well aware that I'm taking a risk. But living in my shell hasn't served me too well so far; who dares wins.


Plus, work might be more fun if it all goes tits up.

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Could be that she was also chatting/dating somebody else, and she's no longer on the market.


It's possible, she did seem to be very busy with work most of the time so it's not as if we were messaging every day, part of me would like to think that things at work just got busier and she then had even less time for dating so decided to delete her account. :rolleyes:


Reality probably is, she met someone through work and decided to easier option was to just cut ties with me completely, it's just a shame that she couldn't have just sent me one last message to let me know but she doesn't really owe me anything as we barely knew each other I suppose so why would she? ::shrug:


I must admit it does bother me a little bit but I'll just have to get over it and mentally move on, the whole experience wasn't a complete loss, it was actually her who got me back into reading again - indirectly - so I'll just take that away with me and be happy. As I said before I was actually really surprised to get any kind of response in the first place so it's not a total loss, if anything it's her loss because I would have been prepared to wait for her until she wanted to meet up, but perhaps it was just never to be... at least I tried though which is something. : peace:


Anyway I'll never know for sure so I'm certainly not going to torture myself over it, was just a bit of an initial shock is all, being that I've had the day at work to think about it this is just something that I've got to chalk up to experience, move on and be happy in the knowledge that I'm a decent person, hopefully one day someone might actually see me for who I am, want to get to know me and actually let me share my life with them/vice-versa... maybe one day. :)


Until then I'll just remain single, so Game On! :p

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Colleague's birthday last night, so we all went out in Oxford. Me and Miss K were chatting for a bit. But then later she said to me:


"Why are you making this difficult?"

"Sorry, what?"

"I told you I liked you."


"What more do you want? I'm not going to start hitting on you."

"I wasn't expecting you to. Lets go out in London, just the two of us."

Then she scowled at me and the conversations was over.


Is it me being stupid, or bitches be krazy?


And then later, the conversation I was dreading:

"So what happened to the other girl you were seeing then?"

"Doesn't matter." [i'm aware my initial words probably weren't the best]

"It does, what happened?"

"She said she wasn't ready for anything serious, so I called it off." [kind of]

"So it doesn't work with her and then I'm second choice?"


I think I managed to pull it off after that though.


Although this morning she text me apologising.

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Went out with this guy, went to a party. It went well, too well. He's very very very keen now and it's scary since we've been out once. Wants to hang out all the time, text all the time. Ahh! Told me immensely personal things and laid everything out straight away. Why can't someone like me enough to go out again but not so much that it's overbearing?

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Small update from me (because I feel like it). Not seen the turtle for a few weeks. One weekend he was feeling down, next I was out of London and the next (this weekend just gone) he said he'd come round and then fell into a sleep hole apparently. Responses have become less frequent and I've (pretty much) got over the paranoia that he's lost interest and instead chalking it up to his Mediterranean genes. Still, asked if I'm seeing him this weekend and hope to. May just suggest a weekend in bed as he seems to do that a lot :heh:


But yeah, plodding along slower than I expected but I want to give this a try. Doesn't help that he lives 13 miles away.

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Hey now Charlie, the love doctor is in the house. We should heed his sage advice. He's saying you should get personal with a person first, and let the conversation come later. A few unwelcome physical advances, a glomp or two then introduce yourself. If adventurous, approach naked for a quicker effect and faster rapport building - this is an advanced technique mind, and can be difficult to pull off correctly without experience.

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Hey now Charlie, the love doctor is in the house. We should heed his sage advice. He's saying you should get personal with a person first, and let the conversation come later. A few unwelcome physical advances, a glomp or two then introduce yourself. If adventurous, approach naked for a quicker effect and faster rapport building - this is an advanced technique mind, and can be difficult to pull off correctly without experience.


I reckon you should lead with the completely unwelcome smack on the arse. Followed up be a cheeky wink and walk off.


A conversation will ensue later, possibly with the law.

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Got another reply this morning, this time from a french girl living in London. In my message I talked about some of the places she said she's lived. The reply is hard work, it was "I like visiting". It doesn't really answer any of the questions I asked... And gives me absolutely nothing to go with. Why bother?

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Got another reply this morning, this time from a french girl living in London. In my message I talked about some of the places she said she's lived. The reply is hard work, it was "I like visiting". It doesn't really answer any of the questions I asked... And gives me absolutely nothing to go with. Why bother?


Yeah, you get a few people like that. Real talkative, they won't ever let you get a word in edgeways! ;)

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