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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Well it's been just over a month since I posted teh whole "omg I like a girl and she likes me!!" thing, and we're all facebook official now and I'm just... really, really, really loving spending time with her :) I can't get over how lucky I am to have met her.



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I need my N-E bros and hoes! Help!


So the Valentine's video went down a treat and me and USA spoken the next day from Valentine's but since then, we've not said anything at all. She hasn't bothered messaging me or said hello to me at all. Usually, I say hello to her or something so I thought I'd leave it to see how long she'd leave it until she messages me. It's almost been two weeks now. Am I right to think that this isn't normal? I mean, I've heard of keeping space between each other but is this a bit too much? Should I message her or should I leave it and see how long it takes for her to reply?

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Maybe you're both sitting there, worrying: "Why isn't he/she contacting me?"


More likely she's got real world stuff going on at the moment?


@Animal, I hate to be the one to say it but do you not think its for the best? You've never met the girl in real life, and unless I missed anything in the 3 weeks I was away, there are no plans to meet her any time soon.


Move on and find a girl local to you.

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Yeah, I think it's for the best and I don't think we're exactly dating but we're just good friends, I guess. We were talking about meeting up and stuff but I don't know anymore. It's kind of weird how I feel now. It's like that time after we met on Valentine's, I really like her but something was different and I couldn't put my finger on it. I don't know but I think you're right, Charlie. I think there is someone local-ish to me anyway.

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Seriously though guys, do you ever think a girl is flirting with you but really, they're just being friendly? I've often thought that some girls were proper flirting with me but they end up saying they were just being friendly. My girl mates usually say "Friendly my arse, she was flirting! Total cocktease!" lmao.


Just went through the thread to try and find your post about the V Day video, couldn't find it but came across this post.


I think that the being friendly line is just a self-defence mechanism that everyone uses when they get told they were flirting. A lot of the time people (guys and girls) don't even realise they're flirting.

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Was sat in front of my PC for six hours chatting to girl-that-I-have-actual-interest-in, about literally everything last night. She's fucking great, totally brings out the emphatic enthusiasm in me. I just bought us tickets to see Iron & Wine in May. Fingers crossed ^_^

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I think that the being friendly line is just a self-defence mechanism that everyone uses when they get told they were flirting. A lot of the time people (guys and girls) don't even realise they're flirting.


Is is truly flirting if only the receiving party thinks it's flirting, though? Or do you mean to suggest that people flirt subconsciously?


Personally it seems to me that it's merely a difference in interpretation whether something constitutes flirting or not; as such I think the only relevant aspect is the actual intention behind it. But then I'm not exactly the expert, so I'm curious to hear your take on it.

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Don't kick her.


Very ironic congratulations on continuing to kick the dead horse there, Klaus :p


Is is truly flirting if only the receiving party thinks it's flirting, though? Or do you mean to suggest that people flirt subconsciously?


Personally it seems to me that it's merely a difference in interpretation whether something constitutes flirting or not; as such I think the only relevant aspect is the actual intention behind it. But then I'm not exactly the expert, so I'm curious to hear your take on it.


It's usually not too difficult to discern how the person you're talking to wants to have their intentions interpreted - people are rarely subtle with flirting. At that point it just comes to whether you're going to let the little speck of reasonable doubt as to their intentions prevent you from flirting right back.


It is a hell of a lot harder to pick up on cues when all of your interactions are text based though - which is what makes online dating a difficult proposition for me.

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Slimgate was practically chasing me around the gym today... I was stealthily watching him in the mirror... haha :heh:




Its a big ass gym, you could be in there with someone you know and not see them at all, yet conveniently he seemed to walk by me about three times, and picked the elliptical right behind me when they were all empty.. Creep.

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Come on, it had to be posted :heh:


Have you tried any different dating sites since we last spoke? My friend mentioned something about one called 'my single friend' or something, where a friend sets up a profile. May be worth looking into?

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Ooookaaayy...at the end of March I'll probably be at a birthday party (depending on whether I can take the day off work)...and my ex will be there, too.


I'd really love to go to the party as there will be a lot of people I haven't seen in years.

But...I don't think it will be a good idea to see my ex again.



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Ooookaaayy...at the end of March I'll probably be at a birthday party (depending on whether I can take the day off work)...and my ex will be there, too.


I'd really love to go to the party as there will be a lot of people I haven't seen in years.

But...I don't think it will be a good idea to see my ex again.




Why not? I say go, don't suffer because of your ex.


(though I don't know the previous/current situation, is there anything mitigating?)

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Ooookaaayy...at the end of March I'll probably be at a birthday party (depending on whether I can take the day off work)...and my ex will be there, too.


I'd really love to go to the party as there will be a lot of people I haven't seen in years.

But...I don't think it will be a good idea to see my ex again.


You have to go even if you are working the next day (don't drink in that case). If you don't go and she does she'll win. You need to show that you don't care, even if you do.


I'm still striking out. Sending messages and everything, trying on nights out but absolutely nothing. It really seems as if nobody finds me attractive and/or interesting


I don't get it


Your looks have very little to do with it in real life (online that's pretty much all they can go by). It's your chat, how you carry yourself, how confident you look, if you look like you're having a good time.


Read The Game.


I wouldn't recommend using the games etc that he suggests as I don't think they work in the UK (in Glasgow especially you'd probably get a slap) but his theory behind a lot of the stuff is based on psychology and when you think about it, common sense.

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You have to go even if you are working the next day (don't drink in that case). If you don't go and she does she'll win. You need to show that you don't care, even if you do.




Your looks have very little to do with it in real life (online that's pretty much all they can go by). It's your chat, how you carry yourself, how confident you look, if you look like you're having a good time.


Read The Game.


I wouldn't recommend using the games etc that he suggests as I don't think they work in the UK (in Glasgow especially you'd probably get a slap) but his theory behind a lot of the stuff is based on psychology and when you think about it, common sense.

A friend recommended that book to me and I read it, but it hasn't really helped

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You need to show that you don't care, even if you do.


That's gonna be very tough, though, because I still have feelings for her.


I'm only beginning to getting over her, and if I see her again...don't know what that will do to my heart and my brain.


Thinking about talking to her beforehand, but there are so many reasons why I shouldn't..

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I'm still striking out. Sending messages and everything, trying on nights out but absolutely nothing. It really seems as if nobody finds me attractive and/or interesting


I don't get it


I hope you're not still omitting the fact you run a very popular games website. If you're a nerd, be a proud nerd. Try doing something like replacing one of your OKC profile sections with something more personal. I used "6 things you can do without" for "My 5 celebrity crushes" and a couple of people messaged me just for that (in spite of a profile picture that makes me look like a member of the council from Avengers on casual Friday.) And be positive. Project positivity. When you message people, message them because there's something you find genuinely cool about them and tell them that. (Also, make sure you've got the "online in the last week" filter set correct. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything. :heh: )

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A friend recommended that book to me and I read it, but it hasn't really helped


Are you sitting up straight with you shoulders back? Smiling a lot? Being a positive person with a lot of energy and confidence? Those are the tips to take out of The Game.

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Are you sitting up straight with you shoulders back? Smiling a lot? Being a positive person with a lot of energy and confidence? Those are the tips to take out of The Game.

As much as I can, yeah


I hope you're not still omitting the fact you run a very popular games website. If you're a nerd, be a proud nerd. Try doing something like replacing one of your OKC profile sections with something more personal. I used "6 things you can do without" for "My 5 celebrity crushes" and a couple of people messaged me just for that (in spite of a profile picture that makes me look like a member of the council from Avengers on casual Friday.) And be positive. Project positivity. When you message people, message them because there's something you find genuinely cool about them and tell them that. (Also, make sure you've got the "online in the last week" filter set correct. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything. :heh: )

I am omitting that...it'd be a massive thing against me with normal people. Will try changing the headings to more interesting stuff, though.

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I am omitting that...it'd be a massive thing against me with normal people.


No it isn't. That's the most interesting thing about you. You could be a skydiving nudist and it'd still be the most interesting thing about you. I don't fucking know anybody who runs a popular games site, let alone the most read independent Pokemon site on the fucking internet. Running that site is the thing that demonstrates you are an intelligent, accomplished, passionate, fun human being. Without that you are, at best, Captain Nice McNormalguy and nobody wants to date him. You know why?


Because he's boring. He's not the guy who has studied hard to develop an important skill. He's not the guy with a fun passion for something millions of other *adults* enjoy. He's not the guy with so much enthusiasm for something he built a fucking awesome website for other people to share. There are no "Normal People". There are people who have got something to share and people who fucking don't. You have something to share. Stop hiding it.

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