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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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But if this thread started being positive, where would I go to feel better about my life?


The cellar, Magnus, the cellar.


As an aside' date=' I have noticed Ville's gotten sour this year. He used to be so OK Positive, but now perhaps he's IDK Negative.[/quote']


Naah, just evolved into a grumpy ol' man. Swinging my cane at them whippersnappers, get off mah lawn...

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Well, his name is Ville...which could be short for Villain! He may have lulled us into a false sense of security by being positive and this is the real him! :o:O:O




My love life isn't going so great if I'm being honest with you. I'm still messaging the American girl I've told you about and have been for about two months. We have a lot in common and get on very well, just a shame she doesn't live here. I'm not very attached to her because she could easily disappear without a trace but I really love messaging her and recieving her messages.


In real-life, my mate's cousin likes me and wants to hook up but she doesn't want to tell my mate because she thinks she'll flip. I don't think my mate would actually be pissed off by it. I don't know! Women, aye?! :p

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My love life isn't going so great if I'm being honest with you. I'm still messaging the American girl I've told you about and have been for about two months. We have a lot in common and get on very well, just a shame she doesn't live here. I'm not very attached to her because she could easily disappear without a trace but I really love messaging her and recieving her messages.

You never know, Dazz!


I'm sure Flameboy never expected to fall in love with a Canadian, either.

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My love life isn't going so great if I'm being honest with you. I'm still messaging the American girl I've told you about and have been for about two months. We have a lot in common and get on very well, just a shame she doesn't live here. I'm not very attached to her because she could easily disappear without a trace but I really love messaging her and recieving her messages.


My friend is currently in America visiting a girl he met online. Long distance relationships can work, they just require a lot more effort and patience.

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Just back from the second date with the girl from Saturday - another great night. I'm now a little upset to be leaving, she's super super awesome, and I think might even manage to die me down were I around much longer. Now I definitely need to move to Japan.

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Just back from the second date with the girl from Saturday - another great night. I'm now a little upset to be leaving' date=' she's super super awesome, [b']and I think might even manage to die me down[/b] were I around much longer. Now I definitely need to move to Japan.


Wow and I thought @The Bard was into some kinky stuff.

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The title is an empath! We need more happy stories (eddie and will have started the ball rolling) for the title to change :P


I'll tell mine.


I'm seeing a girl, she really likes me and we get on well. I'm meh about the whole thing and far too busy right now to think about anything serious.

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Aww, man! You're going to wake up tomorrow with a sudden urge to dump her for a younger model. :sad:


You can't escape the seven-year itch, Bob!


I fell victim to the 7 year curse actually, must be some truth in it!!!


Over a month with the new girl now though and already feels better than that one ever did. Madness.


I have heard there is some truth in it!


Although I am past the eight year mark! :)

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I'm in a bit of a dilemma.


I'm currently in a long distance relationship (sort of), my boyfriend lives in Australia. He was here for about a year until a couple of weeks ago, and I was planning on moving over there in January after Christmas. All good. My contract at work was ending in December, so things looked perfect.


However yesterday my boss asked me if I'd like to extend my contract until the end of March, with a bit more responsibility. As a recent graduate, the extra experience would probably really help my chances getting a job down under. But I really don't want to go back to long distance. :shakehead

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Is three months that long though, in the grand scheme of things? (lets assume you'll be together forever) Do you think those extra few months will benefit you career wise? Or, do you think you'd be able to find a job comfortably in Australia? If so, go! If no, stay for a short time.


It'll be difficult for those three months, but "distances makes the heart grow fonder and that".

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Is three months that long though, in the grand scheme of things? (lets assume you'll be together forever) Do you think those extra few months will benefit you career wise? Or, do you think you'd be able to find a job comfortably in Australia? If so, go! If no, stay for a short time.


It'll be difficult for those three months, but "distances makes the heart grow fonder and that".


That's the thing, it probably is insignificant in the long term but right now seems really long. I think the extra few months would benefit me, but at the same time over a ~40 year career maybe not?


I think I'll find something in Australia either way but I really don't know. I guess I'm a little paranoid. People always say how easy it is to get stuff over there but I don't really believe it, no-ones going to hand me a job!


We did long distance last year for 7 months, was do-able but annoying. If I stayed this would be our longest consecutive time apart though, as we saw each other for 3 weeks in the middle of our time apart last year. It's just a bit frustrating as we thought we were done with time apart! I almost wish I hadn't got that offer, though its nice to know I'm doing a good job.

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That's the thing, it probably is insignificant in the long term but right now seems really long. I think the extra few months would benefit me, but at the same time over a ~40 year career maybe not?


I think I'll find something in Australia either way but I really don't know. I guess I'm a little paranoid. People always say how easy it is to get stuff over there but I don't really believe it, no-ones going to hand me a job!


We did long distance last year for 7 months, was do-able but annoying. If I stayed this would be our longest consecutive time apart though, as we saw each other for 3 weeks in the middle of our time apart last year. It's just a bit frustrating as we thought we were done with time apart! I almost wish I hadn't got that offer, though its nice to know I'm doing a good job.


You could put aside a certain percentage of those extra three months and make your first day/night in Australia really special. That way you have a personal reason (as well as the possible professional benefit) to keep on going.


Or alternatively there are now Wi-Fi enabled adult devices that you umm...use and the other person....feels a simulated version. Or so I hear...

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You could put aside a certain percentage of those extra three months and make your first day/night in Australia really special.

Oh man, I thought you meant sexually. Like, "only masturbate 70% of what you normally do and save things up for your boyfriend."



Anyway, I'd discuss it with the boyfriend first, but three months really isn't that long. And you could buy a Wii U to keep you company!

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