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Kurtle Squad

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How did you have physical contact whilst playing mini golf? Did you "accidentally" smash her in the face with the putter?


It's pretty simple, show her the correct way to stand. Hold her steady. Small fleeting touches whilst handing over the score card. Congratulating her on a good shot with a high five or a hug for a great one.


It's all about having fun.



Although take it with a pinch of salt, she didn't text me back yesterday. :heh:


Update - I want to expand upon the above statement and say there's not many things ruder than just not speaking at all to someone after a date. You've shared an evening together, whatever happens in it, whether it went well or badly, the least you can do is say thanks the next day. If you don't want to see the person again, tell them that and explain it isn't going to work. If the person texts you and says thanks, asks how your day has been you reply. Not doing so is incredibly rude and poor form.


This isn't really about the above girl (although might still apply - I'll let you know in a couple hours if the news is good or bad, @bob), I actually expect her to get in touch today, it's just in general and a bit of a copy of a post I made on Reddit earlier.

Edited by Charlie
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Update - I want to expand upon the above statement and say there's not many things ruder than just not speaking at all to someone after a date. You've shared an evening together, whatever happens in it, whether it went well or badly, the least you can do is say thanks the next day. If you don't want to see the person again, tell them that and explain it isn't going to work. If the person texts you and says thanks, asks how your day has been you reply. Not doing so is incredibly rude and poor form.

I assume you texted this to her? :heh:

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I assume you texted this to her? :heh:


Not yet, I have two options.


1) Be the bigger person and not contact her

2) Sent a bitchy text like that.


She has now deleted me from Facebook, but it's OK, I'm laughing about it too!


Poor chat from her, absolutely not consideration shown, but as I always say... Onwards and upwards! It's Friday, bitches!

Edited by Charlie
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Okay, whoever says Internet Dating don't work is wrong. I never expected so many girls messaging me! Right now, I'm talking to three girls. Two don't live far from me and one lives in New York (the same one I told you all about three weeks or so ago). I really like the girl from New York, we've been talking non-stop almost. Every night, we always send a message but she hasn't for a few days because she's been ill but it's cool, she's replied with a nice lengthy message! :D


In real-life, I've had two customers ask me out for dinner, which was quite flattering. One had four kids which I don't really care about but I'm thinking there'd be complications when it comes between her kids and their dads (I say 'dads' because 3 were white and 1 was brown so...ahem...). The other was okay, nice-looking and she asked what days I were working next week so I told her and she said she might see me then. Feeling pretty pimp right now! :awesome:

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Daaang, dude! :D


I know...just feels so odd! I guess Lynx kind of DOES work! :p yes, I wear Lynx Africa, sue me!


Way to make everyone else feel bad. :p


Good for you, though!


Dude, honestly, I've not had this much attention since school. Does a lot for confidence. All you peoples out there, share the love and message/talk to them, if you get knocked back, fuck 'em, they're not good enough for you!

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I've never been more aware of how easy it *can* be to be gay and *single*. But I never expected the thought of losing someone from my life would be so awful. I didn't miss people until 9 months ago. I was content and incredibly loved by family but never by another person who I wanted to spend all my time with and who fitted into my life. I love the fact I now hear songs in a different light. You can think you understand everything there is to understand about relationships, but it's only objective until it's subjective. I've learned so much about *life* in the 9 months I've been with my boyfriend, about how absolutely amazing two people can make each other feel, about how terrible and unfair things can be, about what one can and cannot change, and what could make you want to change. To know love has been the greatest thing I could ever have experienced by leaving home and coming to uni somewhere else, and it was completely unexpected. I have transformed, physically and mentally too, in the last 3 years, and falling in love came at just the right time. Falling in love helped me accept myself and my sexuality and finally come out. It taught me about how another person can become so important to you that all you care about in regards to the future is that they're happy, that they grow into who they're meant to be, where they're meant to be. It taught me a little bit about selflessness (though still need to work on that one a lot). It taught me that, no, falling in love isn't just an expression of desperation or clinging to another person for support or as some sort of confirmation we're not alone. It's not just an acceptance of someone because you're scared of being treated badly by someone else, treating someone else badly, or not finding anyone else entirely. It's something so indescribable and when obstacles appear that have the potential to forcibly end or strain a relationship, it puts such a shot of fear though your heart - that you don't realise how much comfort you've gained from this person, and you never ever want to lose that - and if you did have to because of circumstances out of your own control, it would be absolutely awful. Because what you have is so good. I don't know what will happen with me and my boyfriend, purely down the potential interfering circumstances that could come up in the future, things completely unfair and out of our control. It's something we'll talk about more as time goes by. As we talked about it recently, the possibility of what could/would/should happen, this song came out and smacked me right in my face.


Will you take a moment, promise me this

That you'll stand by me forever

But if God forbid fate should step in

And force us into a goodbye

If you have children some day

When they point to the pictures

Please tell them my name

Tell them how the crowds went wild

Tell them how I hope they shine


Long live the walls we crashed through

I had the time of my life, with you

- Long Live, Taylor Swift


See what I mean? I mean I loved Taylor before, but her song actually affected me! I have my Joni's, Fiona's, Bjork's etc too, but sometimes it's where you least expect it...where you never noticed it. Until you understand. Many musical artists told me about love, but what they all say only makes real sense once you know love. It seems silly but I love it. :bouncy:



*gasp giant picture*


Happy 9 month anniversary to my boyfriend (few days late! And he's not on the site, but felt like sharing). Sorry being so soppy. I just felt like it. :love::indeed:

Edited by Paj!
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Paj, that was beautiful. I hope everybody finds someone who makes them feel like that. I want to have that feeling again! :D I'm very happy that you've found someone who loves you and I love how he's become an influence/inspiration/whateverblah for you to accept yourself and who you are. It's such an awesome thing to read and I applaud you both for that. I hope you have many more months and years like the ones you're experiencing now. :)


Also, Taylor Swift is awesome and I loved how her lyrics affected you! :D




Guys, I have a question. Me and this girl on OKC have been talking for almost a month every day and I've just asked her if she has Skype or any other instant messaging service so we can talk more. Do you think I should have done that? I don't know, maybe I'm being stupid in worrying but I kind of am, strange.

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