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I don't smile in photos...part of my body image issues has me feel that I appear overweight when I smile...or that the excess skin from my weightloss is visible


Fact: Everyone is at their most attractive when they smile. You give off positive vibes that people pick up on and make people think you are a fun guy to be around. Smile all the time.


This is mine:




I don't like it.


See above!

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That may be the case, but some people hate their smile though @Charlie.


Everyone hates beer the first time they try it, train yourself to like your smile like you did beer.


Just put up a photo when you're smiling and see if it makes a difference. I don't particularly like my own smile (i'm a bit self-conscious about the lines on my face) but I smile anyway and you know what? Not once has anyone pointed out the things I'm self-conscious about.

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I don't like smiling because I had an overbite as a child so the correction from braces makes my forced smile look strange to me anyway. I think I should practice smiling so I get used to it. Maybe you can too seribii?


I also second the comments about the photo, too Starey. Cube's isn't loading for me so can't make judgement!

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Everyone hates beer the first time they try it, train yourself to like your smile like you did beer.


Just put up a photo when you're smiling and see if it makes a difference. I don't particularly like my own smile (i'm a bit self-conscious about the lines on my face) but I smile anyway and you know what? Not once has anyone pointed out the things I'm self-conscious about.

Oh yeah I know, that's why I'm not keen on my smile either. In everyday life I don't let it bother me/just get on, and no people don't say anything... But are you keen on having it captured in a photo? I know I'd rather just give a hint of a smile in photo's.
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I think I should practice smiling so I get used to it.


I know how stupid that sounds but it it is actually true. ALthough you aren't "getting good at it" unless you actually change your smile. You're getting comfortable in your own skin. If you aren't comfortable with yourself why would anyone else be?

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The obvious solution to all of this is to just use The Bard's photo.


Then, when you get lucky and meet one of them in real life, use your millions of GBP made from Pokemans to transform your face so you look like The Bard. Just the face. Keep the white body intact.


Or smile in photos. Whichever is easier.

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I like Cube's though' date=' true it may look a little businessy but it's casual enough. I'd go on a date with him.[/quote']


I wouldn't go on a date with him, but I'd definitely add him on LinkedIn.


I don't like smiling because I had an overbite as a child so the correction from braces makes my forced smile look strange to me anyway.


You took the words right out of my mouth.



...it must have been when you were kissing me... awkwardly as we both have corrected overbites.


Although for me, correct "as a child" to "up until last year". It's hard to smile when you spent 20 years being self-conscious and trying to hide your teeth and smile.

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The only photos of me alone where I'm smiling just a little are from when I went to the Doctor Who Experience last year...not exactly the best thing


"Oh, this guy is hot...oh wait, he's in the TARDIS...he's clearly weird/geeky/a timelord. Next"

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The only photos of me alone where I'm smiling just a little are from when I went to the Doctor Who Experience last year...not exactly the best thing


"Oh, this guy is hot...oh wait, he's in the TARDIS...he's clearly weird/geeky/a timelord. Next"


Can you not crop/photoshop the Doctor Who elements out?

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The only photos of me alone where I'm smiling just a little are from when I went to the Doctor Who Experience last year...not exactly the best thing


"Oh, this guy is hot...oh wait, he's in the TARDIS...he's clearly weird/geeky/a timelord. Next"

Although, does it necessarily matter? Ultimately I imagine you'd like to go out with someone who is into the same sort of things/also like Doctor Who/is just as quirky (whatever).
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Fact: Everyone is at their most attractive when they smile. You give off positive vibes that people pick up on and make people think you are a fun guy to be around. Smile all the time.


Dun dun duuun...enter Canadian scientists.


Study finds smiling men are less attractive to women


Women find men less attractive when they smile compared to when they take on swaggering or brooding poses, a Canadian study has found.In contrast, men find women more attractive when they smile, and least attractive when they look proud and confident, the study of 1,084 heterosexual men and women shows.




I'm never smiling again.
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Standards != hotness. It's a variety of factors. It includes spelling in their profile (mixing up things like their/they're, your/you're etc. - sorry but there's no way in hell I'm going to let that slide :p), likes etc.


So bad spelling is unacceptable but poor grammar is fine?


It is not just looks
It is not just looks
It is not just looks
It is not just looks
It is not just looks




That may be the case, but some people hate their smile though @Charlie.


Yeah, some of us end up like this:



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So bad spelling is unacceptable but poor grammar is fine?












Yeah, some of us end up like this:



Pfft. Pedant :p


Serebii you need to start correcting red-eye.

I get red eye when there is no flash. Not something that can be done :p

Edited by Serebii
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The obvious solution to all of this is to just use The Bard's photo.


Then, when you get lucky and meet one of them in real life, use your millions of GBP made from Pokemans to transform your face so you look like The Bard. Just the face. Keep the white body intact.


Or smile in photos. Whichever is easier.


Yes, just think, with this face you can do away with the petty day to day negotiations of everyday life, and just treat your existence as an all-you-can-fuck buffet.


On a serious note, Serebii - don't be afraid of being seriously, super fucking geeky in your profile. Half of my "about me" section is a crazed rant about Marx and Phoenix Wright - my username is Audioserf, for fucks sake - during the course of which I confess my love for wearing an oversized PC headset and screaming in German at teenage kids on Company of Heroes. Add some humour to it, make it seem like you're self aware about being a dork, and suddenly it doesn't seem nearly as much of a boundary.

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