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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I've become much better at engaging in social behaviour (yay for breaking out nerdy stereotypes!) and just talking to people I don't know, which is quite the personal achievement for me, but I still don't seem to be sending the right signals when it comes to attracting the attention of the female population. Does anyone know of a place where I can get my pheromones enhanced or something? :heh:

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So at the start of the month, I posted how a girl I liked but was ultimately just friends with was kicking me out of life for some guy she just met.


Today, I got a text from another female friend who is doing the same because this guy she is seeing has been cheated on before and is jealous of her speaking to other guys and she wants to give him a go. Now I don't like her like that but we've been friends for 3 years now and no one has ever known me as well as she has. In some ways, it was the relationship that never was. We've had a few arguments along the way and aren't as close now as we were at our best but things were looking better than they have done for a good while.


The other week, we were on the phone for 3 and half hours and it was the easiest conversation I've had in ages. And on Saturday I was speaking to her and she said that if my mate can't come London with me next month cos he's skint, she would join me instead. I wanted to ask her but didn't cos I didn't want her to feel like second best so I was really happy when she said that. And now a couple of days later, she is saying goodbye to me.


So seeing this message this morning reading so much like the other was just a complete shock.


Makes me wonder if it really is me.

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I've recently been in a similar situation. My best male friend for many years has recently stopped communication with me because his girlfriend doesn't like us hanging out, even with her there.


My male friend used to have a thing for me many years ago (it wasn't reciprocal), and I guess he still has a bit of a soft spot for me. I can tell his girlfriend is insecure and I can understand why she feels uncomfortable seeing me and him together. So I guess for now I'm okay with him not talking to me, even though I was a bit grumpy when they first started declining invitations to parties etc!


I wouldn't be friends with guys I was attracted to and I don't date in my social circle. Neither would I have a boyfriend who was attracted to their female friends.


Hope that helps!

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It does make sense. I just figured of all the people I've ever met, she would be the last person to say that to me. It's not like we actually hang out much cos she lives in London and I'm some 150 miles away. Which is admittedly a lot closer than I was to the girl I liked but as said, there was nothing at all going on between me and this one.


Plus, I know she is going through a lot of personal stuff right now and I don't think her pushing people away who genuinely care for her is going to be good for her for someone who might hang around for 5 mins before disappearing. And I suspect if he does a vanishing act, she will be too ashamed to speak to me.

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So, say you're in a club or meeting a random female...




Do clichés like "Can I buy you a drink?" really segue into actual conversation? Was out last night and my friend was trying to help me end this everlasting dry-spell, but I just didn't know what the hell I can say. Everything seems like a MASSIVE cliché and as a crazy person, I have a habit of over analysing everything. I can see very possible outcome unfold in my head and I panic. (In crowds, walking through a busy street, my mind sees the people and automatically can tell where they're going, whether they'll stop etc. so I can navigate around them with ease) so I just freeze and that's the outcome. Every single time.


What the hell is wrong with me? :(

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So, say you're in a club or meeting a random female...




Do clichés like "Can I buy you a drink?" really segue into actual conversation? Was out last night and my friend was trying to help me end this everlasting dry-spell, but I just didn't know what the hell I can say. Everything seems like a MASSIVE cliché and as a crazy person, I have a habit of over analysing everything. I can see very possible outcome unfold in my head and I panic. (In crowds, walking through a busy street, my mind sees the people and automatically can tell where they're going, whether they'll stop etc. so I can navigate around them with ease) so I just freeze and that's the outcome. Every single time.


What the hell is wrong with me? :(


I've said it before, but I'll repeat it anyways,.. from my experience if your 'trying' you tend to not 'get'



when i've been out in times i've been in relationships, I don't really tend to care what I look like or how I act when I'm out. So I can quite happily dance like a complete twat and make a fool of myself as I'm not out to impress anyone..... However this seems to draw attention (I can imagine dancing like a twat would) and then I tend to get approached, end up in conversations with girls, dance with girls, then leave it at that as there is no need for things to go further.


now flip that round completely, On a few of the occasions I'm single, and tried to dance normally next to girls (to initiate the grinding on the womens) they dont bite.



I don't know, I guess the company that your with can help too, seems stupid but if your with a group of friends that are all fairly attractive, chances are the group will get attention, your part of the group, ergo get attention.



hard to say really, i've not had many problems with town / girls and such other than the occasions that I've really tried too hard.

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The other week, we were on the phone for 3 and half hours and it was the easiest conversation I've had in ages. And on Saturday I was speaking to her and she said that if my mate can't come London with me next month cos he's skint, she would join me instead. I wanted to ask her but didn't cos I didn't want her to feel like second best so I was really happy when she said that. And now a couple of days later, she is saying goodbye to me.


Sounds like she just got cold feet. I mean, 3 and a half hours? I really doubt she'd talk to you for that long if she didn't find you somewhat attractive, but then maybe I'm just anti-social.


To be honest, it seems to me there's a huge difference between who girls find attractive and who they actually want as a boyfriend. I've had loads of girls who I know liked me quite a lot, then when they break up with their boyfriends they go frosty as heck and give me the complete cold shoulder, making it obvious that I should avoid them.

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I've said it before, but I'll repeat it anyways,.. from my experience if your 'trying' you tend to not 'get'



when i've been out in times i've been in relationships, I don't really tend to care what I look like or how I act when I'm out. So I can quite happily dance like a complete twat and make a fool of myself as I'm not out to impress anyone..... However this seems to draw attention (I can imagine dancing like a twat would) and then I tend to get approached, end up in conversations with girls, dance with girls, then leave it at that as there is no need for things to go further.


now flip that round completely, On a few of the occasions I'm single, and tried to dance normally next to girls (to initiate the grinding on the womens) they dont bite.



I don't know, I guess the company that your with can help too, seems stupid but if your with a group of friends that are all fairly attractive, chances are the group will get attention, your part of the group, ergo get attention.



hard to say really, i've not had many problems with town / girls and such other than the occasions that I've really tried too hard.

It's just easier said than done :/ I have always been one to be able to see every possible outcome and it always makes me hesitate because I focus on the negative possibiliites.


It's just making the first motion I guess...I just can't do that, and I never know what to talk about which again, isn't cliché. I can't do the whole "come here often?" "do I know you from somewhere?" etc.

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Surely if you can see "every possible outcome" you also see the one in which before you pluck up the courage to approach someone a meteor not only crashes through the roof killing you all but also, in the process, rips off your testicles. And is nuclear so everyone in a 20 mile radius gets radiation poisoning. Which causes an economic downturn. Which leads to mass political unrest, a national riot and the ultimate destruction of the UK.


So if you think of how much you'd be kicking yourself for not approaching someone before that happens then you'll be considering the worst possible outcome. Someone not being interested isn't the worst possible outcome.


Or to quote John Greenleaf Whittier:


“For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been'.”
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Surely if you can see "every possible outcome" you also see the one in which before you pluck up the courage to approach someone a meteor not only crashes through the roof killing you all but also, in the process, rips off your testicles. And is nuclear so everyone in a 20 mile radius gets radiation poisoning. Which causes an economic downturn. Which leads to mass political unrest, a national riot and the ultimate destruction of the UK.


So if you think of how much you'd be kicking yourself for not approaching someone before that happens then you'll be considering the worst possible outcome. Someone not being interested isn't the worst possible outcome.


Or to quote John Greenleaf Whittier:

No, but the worst plausible outcome is they have a boyfriend who just comes in and he comes, stabs my eye out and forces me to digest it

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Sounds like she just got cold feet. I mean, 3 and a half hours? I really doubt she'd talk to you for that long if she didn't find you somewhat attractive, but then maybe I'm just anti-social.


We used to speak all the time on the phone so whilst it might be a bit uncommon these days, that wouldn't have been considered an exceptionally long call back when things were at their best.


And If you mean cold feet about the London thing, ending the friendship entirely is a bit extreme by any ones standards. She has said that I always reminded her of her now ex boyfriend, so if she doesn't want to be with him, surely she wouldn't want to be with me either meaning the new guy has nothing to worry about.


But then I'm putting it on him when it's clearly her choice, but once again, I'm left empty handed.

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You know, if you do go and talk to any random girl, make it out just by your manner that you're interested, you'll feel like a king even if she rejects you, entirely because you had the balls to actually go to her and do it.


Of course, if you can muster the kind of confidence it takes to do that, its just as likely girls will be coming up to you.


Then again, its one of those circular things; you only get the confidence to do it once it's already worked in your favour once before. Shit maybe you just have to stick it out and try to get lucky. Try to put yourself in situations where you're around single women more often. Fuck it, if a bunch of you guys have this problem and are based in the same area, why don't you meet up and go on the prowl?

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