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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Well you get over awkwardness. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If it goes badly, best you'll have a funny story to tell, worst, you'll forget about it and go on with your life.


Yeah that's what I keep thinking. I normally just do things and worry about the awkwardness when I get there, but I think this would be unbearable, especially if she's hoping I just won't go.



Edited by Goafer
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Well I don't think she would have invited you if she didn't want you to come, surely. I think the question is whether she likes you or not. So go to the pub, tell her about your awesome photography / cars / breaking into old buildings, and make her like you. :)

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Well I don't think she would have invited you if she didn't want you to come, surely. I think the question is whether she likes you or not. So go to the pub, tell her about your awesome photography / cars / breaking into old buildings, and make her like you. :)


If there's a combination of hobbies that's guaranteed to make a woman fall in love with me, I'm fairly certain it involves 2 cars that don't work, one of which can only be described as "an affront to God", and intentionally spending time in places that look like war crimes have occurred there.


I can hear her moistening with anticipation as we speak/type.



I'll probably do it. Maybe she has a fat friend with low self esteem. If she doesn't already, I can always become that friend. Better than nothing.

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Dude, there are plenty of women that are into interesting stuff; drumming is, for example, not something you'd consider a typically feminine interest. I mean I'm sure you can package your hobbies in such a way that they make funny stories. Just Goafer it ;)

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Dude, there are plenty of women that are into interesting stuff; drumming is, for example, not something you'd consider a typically feminine interest. I mean I'm sure you can package your hobbies in such a way that they make funny stories. Just Goafer it ;)


Oh God...




I probably will though. Iunno.


Oh God! What do I wear? WHAT DO I WEAR?!?!

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You have to be shirtless. Assert your manhood.


Seriously though, you may not think it (or you're joking) but if you mention that you fix up cars and trespass in derelict buildings (in your own witty way) then she'll at the very least be interested in what you're saying. Unique = good.

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Goafer, I take it you don't know this girl too well other than half conversations at gigs and little chats on facebook?


She might be a total bitch. Then again she might not be. My point is you don't really know her at all yet.


I would say turn up but don't get fixated on talking to her. There's this bunch of new people to meet who might also be awesome (whether or not they are sans mammary glands). Spend at least as much time talking to other people as you do her. Pining isn't attractive but being social is.

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Well you get over awkwardness. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If it goes badly, best you'll have a funny story to tell, worst, you'll forget about it and go on with your life.





Definitely, 100% go. If it goes tits up and its awkward as when The Bard meets his best friend in a few weeks time then just drink your way out of it. If it isn't awkward drink anyway and see what happens.

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Yes, definitely go for it man! :)


Going: 0-100% success rate

Not going: 100% fail rate


If there's a combination of hobbies that's guaranteed to make a woman fall in love with me, I'm fairly certain it involves 2 cars that don't work, one of which can only be described as "an affront to God", and intentionally spending time in places that look like war crimes have occurred there.


Come on now, those are pretty interesting hobbies you have! I mean fixing up cars, can you even get more manly than that? :o Photography, shows a bit of the feminine side, but also that you've got artistic skills and creativity. Trespassing = spirit of exploration, i.e. going where most people do not dare to go. And you're also playing bass / guitar, right? Even better...

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Re: A page ago - short hair/long hair/new looks


Since I lost weight, cut my hair, and stopped shaving fully I get a lot more compliments/people say 'Has anyone ever told you you look like Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson?' a lot more. I'm currently dredging through a lot of my old photos while clearing space on my hard drive/s and I'm actually crying with cringe/fear at my hair and face in previous years. Like, an old, mangy red wig on my head. But at the time you can tell I loved the feeling. Or thought I did. But then I obviously didn't/I remember not since I'm so much happier now and loving life in general/having fun/sex/yes. I feel so much more in control since I managed my hair growth.


I'll die living just as free as my hair.


This post was barely relevant or useful to anyone else. It's possibly entirely self-centered.

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Re: A page ago - short hair/long hair/new looks


Since I lost weight, cut my hair, and stopped shaving fully I get a lot more compliments/people say 'Has anyone ever told you you look like Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson?' a lot more. I'm currently dredging through a lot of my old photos while clearing space on my hard drive/s and I'm actually crying with cringe/fear at my hair and face in previous years. Like, an old, mangy red wig on my head. But at the time you can tell I loved the feeling. Or thought I did. But then I obviously didn't/I remember not since I'm so much happier now and loving life in general/having fun/sex/yes. I feel so much more in control since I managed my hair growth.


I'll die living just as free as my hair.


This post was barely relevant or useful to anyone else. It's possibly entirely self-centered.

I know exactly what you mean.


I had this going on;



to the point it sometimes got like this;




Now, I've changed it...I feel awesome, I get looks, I look even more awesome (it's meant to be spiky but hard to see in the dark shots)




It really does help, a change is always good for the soul

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Re: hobbies.


I don't think it matters what your hobbies are, just that you're confident about them. They say there's a difference between a geek and a nerd: the former can like as many geeky things as he wants, but still win over people if he has the charm. The latter, on the other hand, will not have the social skills to overcome that. It's a shame.


So, even if you like something really weird, if you're confident and can makes girls laugh about it, they'll be impressed with your overall personality.

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You can't lose meeting in a pub, you either get over the awkwardness by getting on with her and her friends quickly or you drink enough until the awkwardness goes away..


If it goes tits up and its awkward as when The Bard meets his best friend in a few weeks time then just drink your way out of it. If it isn't awkward drink anyway and see what happens.


I'd like to point out at this point that I don't drink. Even if I did, I'll be driving. On top of that, I'm not an attractive drunk. At all.


Bleh, I'll go (there wasn't really a chance that I wouldn't, I'm far too curious a person not to). They're all nerds anyway (she works at a games company), so at the very least, I'll get to feel like the cool kid for a while.

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You can't change uglyness :heh:

I think I look pretty decent in my glasses, and I don't do contacts.

I just wear T-shirts and combats.... is there something wrong with that? :blank:


I don't see how either of those things I could really improve.

I've never really liked my hair, but I've settled on and been happy with the scruffly, non-short thing for quite a long time...


Glasses + haircut = on the way to superstud.


No =








= Sex magnet.


P.S. Goafer, go and have sex with her with your massive cock. (But do go. Like you said recently, you always go to see strangers. If it goes badly ~it won't, you're too good~ but if it went badly just think of it as a dentist - over quickly. Momentary pain)

Edited by ReZourceman
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Short hair / long hair debate:


I find that unless a guy does something really good with long hair then it tends to look scruffy and unattractive. It takes something special for a guy to look good with long hair. Short hair is the way forward. Easy to manage, can style it however you want and the girls like it.

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Long hair on guys is fine, I've only met a handful who actually pull it off, otherwise it just looks a bit scruffy.


Seb - you looked nice with longer hair, you just seem like a different person with shorter, it's a good thing, should keep it.


Ah relationships, my poor friend was going on about hers today, not on on, but mentioning it, it seems so stressful, going on about arguments and people getting in the way, usually I would have gotten a bit mopey and have a forever alone moment, but with everything that's been going on, I'm thankful I've not got anyone.


Sure I've been with a few people since I was last in a relationship about a year ago, but with moving 3 times and having two jobs and finishing uni, where the hell do you find the time for another person?

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I'm so ridiculously bad at styling my hair. I prefer having it short, and sometimes when its wet / randomly / whatever it will style itself into something awesome, but most of the time when I do it deliberately it looks crap. And so I don't bother styling it, and so I let it get longer to avoid having to. (though it never gets THAT long...soon as the fringe touches my eyes, I cut it short again). It's always completely straight, so unless I do something with it when its short it looks a bit rubbish.

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I'm so ridiculously bad at styling my hair. I prefer having it short, and sometimes when its wet / randomly / whatever it will style itself into something awesome, but most of the time when I do it deliberately it looks crap. And so I don't bother styling it, and so I let it get longer to avoid having to. (though it never gets THAT long...soon as the fringe touches my eyes, I cut it short again). It's always completely straight, so unless I do something with it when its short it looks a bit rubbish.




Hi, how are ya.

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I ain't that happy right now actually.


Here's the deal -


Long distance relationship. Me - UK. Him - Aus. So happy when we're together, makes me laugh. Great guy.

He's a bit older than me, kinda buys my love a bit but I know it's genuine that he just likes spoiling people.


But I think I'm falling in love with someone new. UK, lives close. My age. But he's in a relationship too. Both our relationships have these big problems though... and this guy in the UK is just so perfect. And I can tell he likes me too.


I just have this sinking feeling that we'll just be friends forever and always feel like we missed something amazing.


I'm honestly happy with my current boyfriend but I dunno if I can take and afford the long distance as much as him. And this new guys is just the cutest thing in the world.

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