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I sit alone in loving all the motion controls... I love the swimming. I love spin jumping out of the water even more though. Kind of makes me want an echo the dolphin game!


It may have been ok with nothing to comapre it to, but they did it in Majora's Mask and it was far more accurate with normal controls. Each to their own I guess.

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Another thing that's starting to annoy me is the whole item pop up. Why does the game keep telling me about items that I have already discovered? Fair enough, tell me about the pick up when it's the first time i've picked it up, not everytime I boot the game up! Same thing goes for when you open a chest.

I feel this. Maybe not the chest thing because I've gotten used to it over the years, but the whole stopping to show you've got another bug each playthrough is just stupid.


When I read in a review that the game "pausing" to drink potions was going to be scrapped I thought "Makes sense, things will get more tactical in battles." Sadly this didn't go with items for during a fight with 3 Bokoblins it had to stop the action and say "CHECK OUT THIS SKULL! YOU'VE ALREADY GOT 11 OF THEM BUT WANTED TO TELL YOU AGAIN!"

The most satisfying though are the 3 headed monsters and you have to wait til they line up and then slice. It's just incredible fun!

Best way to deal with them is fail with one attack, then when the heads regrow they do so in a straight line for easy shizzle.



Just finished the 5th dungeon...


Jesus Hero you're power through the game... you'll prolly finish before I do :heh:


Anyway I just had some mad Facepalm moments.


First the Deku Hornets... I had caught every kind of bug except the bloody hornet and was wondering was it some kind of super rare bug or something... it wasn't still after the 6th dungeon that I realised where/what they were... this dispite seeking out and getting the treasure item associated with them numerous times for upgrades :heh:


Also FINALLY figured out how to get into Zelda's room in the Academy

That bloody rogue grattitude crystal was annoying the fuck out of me. I thought I'd have to find a key or something.... who'd have thought the fraking chimey leads to a girls room



Also was a bit weird you could spy on her dad in the bath.... really wish Karane was able to take her bath now :heh::blush:



Needless to say I felt a bit pervy then when I slept in Zelda's bed.....MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Anyway last night I managed to get the final song and completed all the side quests and got all the gratitude crystals.... though I still wish here were more side quests in the game.


I enjoyed looking for the dragons, I take it this was the big "fetch quest" some people complained about, but I enjoyed it. Only annoying part was finding all the tadstones for the Water Dragon, but at least it wasn't a simple task of just finding her where you first met her again. And enjoyed how they altered the Woods.


I then went for the Thunder Dragon as that Goron had annoyed me earlier. Loved the little puzzle in trying to get to him with the timeshift stone. Another facepalm moment, the rock you had to blow up to get to the locked door I didn't see the bomb flower on the cactus and blew it up timing a throw with a lit fuse bomb :heh:


It then took me awhile to figure out how to get the key... I kept trying to jump to it :heh:


Loved the puzzle with the seed too... even though I knew exactly where to bring it already.... though disappointed it didn't become the Great Deku Tree which is what I expected... though maybe it does later?


Getting to the Fire Dragon was the best though, being stripped of all your gear and having to sneak around was great. Totally loved that whole section... best part of it though... NO FI to auto explain stuff :D


I then completed the song with the Windfish (Levias... seriously nobody else think he;s the Windfish from Links Awakening?) and did the last Trial. Didn't need dowsing either, there was only one island the gate could be on so it was just a simple run around that to find it... though it wasn't where I expected to be. I thought it would be by the statue. Enjoyed that trial too.... I almost messed it up getting the one on top the tower was spotted by the ghost and of course there was a gaurdian on top the tower... he missed me with his sword by an inch and I just got the tear...phew.


Then figuring out where to put that stone thing you get was a no brainer... even though I hadn't ever noticed the symbol in the one already in the statue I knew it was there it had to go cause I've been looking at and been ANNOYED TO FRAK by that statue since the FRAKKING START OF THE BLOODY GAME. For a moment I was starting to think it wasn't part of any puzzle and was just there to annoy me as I was nearing the end and still no sign of what it was for, haha.


Entered the final dungeon and saw the moving room puzzle. It was late so saved and quit there. Will save it for todays session so that I can take my time and not be rushing it



Finished the 6th dungeon last night, thought it was pretty average. As for the boss...


I thought it was a total copout to make you fight that guy again. Here I was looking forward to doing another interesting boss fight and then get slammed with this guy again!


I also wasn't happy having to fight the Imprisioned another 2 times either. I mean come on! Ooooooh he can fly now! Who cares? It's a shoddy fight that you have to keep repeating just so it pads the game out.


I did enjoy the battle on the Windfish. :D It was great to see the tennis mechanic come back into play, but it felt so much better when you had to direct you attacks, Wii Sports Tennis style. This has been the highlight for me in terms of the motion controls.



Ok this has annoyed me to no end. Not only do you have to learn a another song, but it's freaking split into 4 parts. Ok I can deal with that, but then I go to the forest and the song again has been split up. For the love of....


What gets me is that at this point you have the Master Sword fully powered up, you have done all the trails, yet this stupid water bitch still wants proof that you are the hero and won't give you her part of the song til you do! RAGE!!! :mad:


I remember reading a review for Starfox Adventures all those years ago and the reviewer was kicking off how Fox was trying to save the world, yet the people who he is trying to save kept giving him stupid quests or they wouldn't help him. He is trying to save the world you morons, give him all the help he needs without making him fetch something. Exactly the same thing in this game.



Was it Ronnie or Grazza you said no one dare criticize Wind Waker for the Triforce hunt now? Either way whoever said they were right. In fact, i'm changing the thread title.

Was it Ronnie or Grazza you said no one dare criticize Wind Waker for the Triforce hunt now? Either way whoever said they were right. In fact, i'm changing the thread title.


Hehe just to annoy you I changed it back.


I do agree though with you on....


the searching for the tadstones was stupid, as you said Link has the f'ing True Master Sword... how can you need more proof?


a better scenario would have been if something else caused the forest to flood and she asked you help to defeat whatever it was that caused it.


Though I do think the spliting of the song in 4 parts makes some sense from a "security" point of view to ensure it didn't fall into the wrong hands too easily... as does what you have to do after you get the song. IMO.


I did like the search for the other two dragons though, didn't feel like fetch quests (though I have a feeling H-o-T and others might consider the Fire Dragin search a bit of a fetch I enjoyed that whole scenario anyway.



Oh and I forgot to mention in my previous post that I am now rocking an "absalute sturdy sheild" :D


I got it by doing the boss battle gaunlet, loved trying to get fast times... Tentalus took me the longest at 5mins 5 sec, the rest were under 3 mins, with the "Whip" boss (can't remember name) takeing about 4 I think... and few under 2 :D


Do you get anything else for redoing the trails? I passed on the Heart Piece to get the shield so will have to return for that later anyway.


I feel this. Maybe not the chest thing because I've gotten used to it over the years, but the whole stopping to show you've got another bug each playthrough is just stupid.


Complained about this earlier. Whoever at Nintendo thought this was a good idea needs a good whack over the head. It was already insulting when TP did this for rubies, but that game had extremely high text speed and didn't open the inventory every single time. :mad:



I've seen codes to switch this and a couple of other annoying things off on neogaf though. They would require me to homebrew my Wii... :hmm:


I've been contemplating doing this for some time now. The convenience of copying my whole Wii-backlog onto an USB-harddrive and conveniently choosing the games from that fancy homebrew game-browser is enticing. But I've got a fair bit of WiiWare and VC stuff and there's no knowing how Nintendo will handle transferring these games to the WiiU. They might not at all or they might by means of a firmware update, which would probably screw with homebrew...


I'm honestly contemplating getting a cheap, used second Wii and a dedicated USB hard-drive for this, but at the moment finances won't allow it.



I enjoyed looking for the dragons, I take it this was the big "fetch quest" some people complained about, but I enjoyed it. Only annoying part was finding all the tadstones for the Water Dragon, but at least it wasn't a simple task of just finding her where you first met her again. And enjoyed how they altered the Woods.


I then went for the Thunder Dragon as that Goron had annoyed me earlier. Loved the little puzzle in trying to get to him with the timeshift stone. Another facepalm moment, the rock you had to blow up to get to the locked door I didn't see the bomb flower on the cactus and blew it up timing a throw with a lit fuse bomb :heh:


It then took me awhile to figure out how to get the key... I kept trying to jump to it :heh:


Loved the puzzle with the seed too... even though I knew exactly where to bring it already.... though disappointed it didn't become the Great Deku Tree which is what I expected... though maybe it does later?


Getting to the Fire Dragon was the best though, being stripped of all your gear and having to sneak around was great. Totally loved that whole section... best part of it though... NO FI to auto explain stuff :D


I then completed the song with the Windfish (Levias... seriously nobody else think he;s the Windfish from Links Awakening?) and did the last Trial. Didn't need dowsing either, there was only one island the gate could be on so it was just a simple run around that to find it... though it wasn't where I expected to be. I thought it would be by the statue. Enjoyed that trial too.... I almost messed it up getting the one on top the tower was spotted by the ghost and of course there was a gaurdian on top the tower... he missed me with his sword by an inch and I just got the tear...phew.


Then figuring out where to put that stone thing you get was a no brainer... even though I hadn't ever noticed the symbol in the one already in the statue I knew it was there it had to go cause I've been looking at and been ANNOYED TO FRAK by that statue since the FRAKKING START OF THE BLOODY GAME. For a moment I was starting to think it wasn't part of any puzzle and was just there to annoy me as I was nearing the end and still no sign of what it was for, haha.


Entered the final dungeon and saw the moving room puzzle. It was late so saved and quit there. Will save it for todays session so that I can take my time and not be rushing it


I'm pretty much just after this point in the game.

When I first completed the Water Dragons song, I thought that I'd have to be doing the same thing for the other two, finding a bunch of notes scattered around the worlds. So glad that wasn't the case, I enjoyed the other two much more than that one. Getting to the Thunder Dragon was great fun, and I knew exactly where to plant that seedling. Getting to the Fire Dragon was even better, loved the creeping and using what little you had to get to him. Also got me the fortune tellers new ball whist I was there.

I also thought Windfish when I first saw Levias, great fight by the way when you first met him. For some strange reason I found the last trial right away, and was really even looking for it, thought it would be on a random little island somewhere. did the trial after a few tries, silly mistakes by me. and opened up the final dungeon. I noticed that statue to early on and was wondering about it. I loved the moment before the whole dungeon appeared, just after the single ball was fired off. There was the shot of Link and the statue and if felt like nothing was going to happen, it jsut stayed on them for so long with nothing happening, then all of a sudden it appears. Great timing.

I've managed to do a few rooms in that dungeon, got the key and am on my way to I believe getting the first piece of the Triforce.




I got it by doing the boss battle gaunlet, loved trying to get fast times... Tentalus took me the longest at 5mins 5 sec, the rest were under 3 mins, with the "Whip" boss (can't remember name) takeing about 4 I think... and few under 2 :D



@Mokong X\-C


There's a boss battle gauntlet? like in OOT 3D? how do you unlock it as I've beaten the game already but don't remember seeing an option for it.


@Mokong X\-C


There's a boss battle gauntlet? like in OOT 3D? how do you unlock it as I've beaten the game already but don't remember seeing an option for it.


Did you not get the 4th Shield type?


Go talk to the Thunder Dragon, he'll offer you a set of trials/challenges, he'll offer you to either relive some boss battles or relive the "Trials".


I picked to relive some boss battles. At first he lets you pick which boss to start with, if you win you can then choose to quit for a minior prize or continue to try and get bigger prizes.


If you continue he'll randomly select the boss you fight for you, your hearts carry over from one boss to next also, so if you finish a fight with 3 hearts and continue to the next you start with 3 hearts.... you also can't use your pouch items and only get to use the shield you have equiped when you start... it's damage level also carries over if any.


After each fight you are given the option to quit for a prize or continue to the next to try for a better prize



Wow I totally wasn't expecting that :smile: I had wondered if such a feature existed in Skyward Sword but I didn't think that it'd be hidden away in such a manner, pretty awesome though.


Then figuring out where to put that stone thing you get was a no brainer... even though I hadn't ever noticed the symbol in the one already in the statue I knew it was there it had to go cause I've been looking at and been ANNOYED TO FRAK by that statue since the FRAKKING START OF THE BLOODY GAME. For a moment I was starting to think it wasn't part of any puzzle and was just


I thought it was really tough. I spent ages looking for a spot where a massive gem could fit as when Link was holding it is was much larger than his own head. I had no idea I was looking for a tiny spot.


Also, the Hero's Song itself was hugely disappointing. In the actual playing it for the trail I started getting excited - it was the start of the main Zelda theme and was about to burst out into a glorious rendition of the theme...


...then it just fizzled out as if everyone forgot the next part.


Wow I totally wasn't expecting that :smile: I had wondered if such a feature existed in Skyward Sword but I didn't think that it'd be hidden away in such a manner, pretty awesome though.


So you didn't get the 4th Sheild then I take it? How did you miss that Sam? There were a few clues that mentioned it.

Or did you not wake up the Gossip Stone near the Goron that was mining near by?


And I'm pretty sure the Dragon tells you to come talk to him again later after you give him the fruit. I just left the area and returned right away to talk to him again



I thought it was really tough. I spent ages looking for a spot where a massive gem could fit as when Link was holding it is was much larger than his own head. I had no idea I was looking for a tiny spot.


Also, the Hero's Song itself was hugely disappointing. In the actual playing it for the trail I started getting excited - it was the start of the main Zelda theme and was about to burst out into a glorious rendition of the theme...


...then it just fizzled out as if everyone forgot the next part.


Yeah I thought the same about the song :hmm:


Anyone help with one of the side quests please?

Where do I find the Rattle, and when? Night of Day. I just pent a while walking around at night but couldn't find anything. Is it high up somewhere?



I didn't get the 4th shield simply because I couldn't be bothered with the task to get it. I just wanted to progress the story... much like when I played Xenoblade. I'm one for the story, not side-quests.

So you didn't get the 4th Shield then I take it? How did you miss that Sam? There were a few clues that mentioned it.

Or did you not wake up the Gossip Stone near the Goron that was mining near by?


And I'm pretty sure the Dragon tells you to come talk to him again later after you give him the fruit. I just left the area and returned right away to talk to him again



Oh yeaaaah I remember now...


I kind of assumed that when he said 'come back later' he natually meant after the game was over but obviously that's not possible so yes... I understand now, I'm so going back there when I play this again later. :)


Anyone help with one of the side quests please?

Where do I find the Rattle, and when? Night of Day. I just pent a while walking around at night but couldn't find anything. Is it high up somewhere?

If you jump from the top of of the waterfall, you can land in a bird's nest.



I still have no idea what counts as a fetch quest and what doesn't - the only three I would say are fetch quests are the windmill thing, the tree thing and the underwater note thing.

I still have no idea what counts as a fetch quest and what doesn't - the only three I would say are fetch quests are the windmill thing, the tree thing and the underwater note thing.

Fetch quest: anything that isn't a temple.


At least that's the impression I get from this thread.

Posted (edited)

Actually, the bucket of water was the worst one.


Edit: Well, apart from that awesome gameplay bit of it.

Edited by Cube
Fetch quest: anything that isn't a temple.


At least that's the impression I get from this thread.


Oh, come on! Temples are fetch quests, too, you know? You go through them just so you can fetch some kind of relic at the end, that has some kind of meaning for the story. See OoT. First you fetch these three crystal things to get the master sword. Then you have to fetch the five medallions in the adult-temples. To enter them, you have to do more fetch quests. Getting the hookshot, the Lens of truth, you name it.


The trick is: Everything is a fetch quest. ;)

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