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[Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword


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The story in Skyward Sword is infinitely superior to Twilight Princess which was nearly non-existent. Remove Twilight from land in first half, bad guys then do nothing until you meet them in their respective throne rooms, where they're just sitting there, doing nothing.


In Skyward Sword the bad guy might flounce about the place rather than sit in his throne room... but he still has absolutely zero impact on things.


Fair does, at the very end he pulls an Aganhim stunt with Zelda but thats it, and thats at the very end when you effectively confront him in his throne room.





Is it possible to break the chandelier again? I tried it, it wobbles a bit but doesn't come down


Lol, mischievous of you to try but your efforts are in vain.

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In Skyward Sword the bad guy might flounce about the place rather than sit in his throne room... but he still has absolutely zero impact on things.


Fair does, at the very end he pulls an Aganhim stunt with Zelda but thats it, and thats at the very end when you effectively confront him in his throne room.





But Ghrirahim at least had a plan, and he was doing something throughout the game, looking for Zelda and later on the second Gate of Time. The story was building up until the final confrontation.


Twilight Princess was the laziest story there's been in a 3D Zelda. Literally nothing happened once you got rid of the Twilit parts of Hyrule. What did Zant or Ganon want? Why were they just waiting for you sitting there at the end. It was stupid.


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I thought Ghirahim was very pro-active, he was doing a lot of thing behind the scenes, chasing after Zelda, researching the time gates. Unlike lazy old Gannondorf who you hardly see, sending out people to do his dirty work (Agahnim, Phanton Ganon, Zant etc...)

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The Skyward Sword story was good (Not as good as TP imo) but it wasted a lot of potential, seriously. The moment I heard your companion was part of the sword, I instantly thought 'Shit this could be like Baten Kaitos Origins in they way that I would never be able to look at the master sword the same way again even in the old games' yet her personality was dull and boring.

the end where she finally opens up to you, would have made a greater impact if she opened up more during the game but she didn't, and this is why midna was such a good companion, you grew to like her which made the ending of TP sad when you had to part ways. Wind Waker was also better at doing it.



The whole idea of how the Master Sword came to be is the main reason I wanted the game in the first place, and to me it felt like Nintendo were going to originally do something more but mid way through development stopped and went with something else.

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I've played this for a few hours now...


I absolutely hate that motion controls are enforced. It adds nothing, in fact it subtracts. Riding the bird during that race was the single most retarded thing I have ever done on a games console, it felt so ridiculously imprecise and awkward that it drained the fun.


It feels so patronising sometimes, the way they want you to correlate the direction your wave the wii remote with the weak point of the enemy. Oh look, the Deku Baba has opened its mouth horizontally, slash it the same! It's almost like where a baby has to put a triangular shape into a triangle shaped hole!


This is really negative I know, the game will probably turn out all right. But Christ.

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The Skyward Sword story was good (Not as good as TP imo) but it wasted a lot of potential, seriously.


How? The Skyward Sword storyline was complex, interesting and things were going on throughout. What was Twilight Princess' story exactly? Zant/Ganon infected Hyrule with twilight, for god knows what reason, so you dissolve it and restore Hyrule as it was. Then you collect mirror pieces, meet up with Zant who's just sitting there, then you meet up with Ganon, who's just sitting there, waiting for fuck knows what.


Skyward Sword involved you throughout and kept you interested, with mystery and plot twists. Twilight Princess was a mess in terms of storyline. Midna was handled well, but apart from that, it was totally wtf.


the end where she finally opens up to you, would have made a greater impact if she opened up more during the game but she didn't, and this is why midna was such a good companion, you grew to like her which made the ending of TP sad when you had to part ways. Wind Waker was also better at doing it.


No that's the whole point, the fact that she DIDN'T open up to you throughout the game made the ending more emotional, because it was so surprising to finally hear her emote. Once her mission had been complete and her professional relationship with Link was over, she was able to tell him how she felt. If we'd heard her all that beforehand, then the goodbye would have lost its impact. Not saying the way they had Midna wasn't good either, but they're two very different characters, and it was handled the right way in both cases. From a personal pov, Fi's goodbye speech literally had me choked up, and I've never had a game do that to me before.


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obviously you and I look at Zelda in a different ways, I look at the Zelda series not for the core story but more of the characters around you, becoming part of the world and loving what is around you, and the minor details you could only see in a Nintendo game, that's what I love the most, it's one of the main reasons I rate MM as part of my top 3 zelda games, the amount of stories that are told in game is incredible. TP to me was one story focused all on Midna, following her story, not the story about saving Hyrule but more so saving her.

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LMAO @darksnowman...! :heh:


For what it's worth (not much), I think Skyward Sword has a slightly better story than Twilight Princess. The villain is more intimidating and the scenes he is in feel natural. Zelda herself is superb and I really cared about what would happen with one of the other characters. In Twilight Princess, I did like how affectionate Midna became towards you.


Ah well, I guess it just goes to show that story doesn't really count for much!

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It's kind of funny that, as I'm playing through Skyward Sword over the days, my girl is playing Windwaker when she's at my place, and the differences are so very striking.

What's more, I'd say Windwaker is even more stunning in terms of visuals and colours than Skyward Sword, ...after at least 10 years!


Using this as a bridge, I had a small question regarding the Windwaker:


Earth Temple has everything to do with the Zora's and the Rito's (Water and Air)


Wind Temple has everything to do with the Kokiri's and the Korok's (Earth and Plant life)


See what I'm getting at, ....is it possible that the translation team mixed up the names?

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Using this as a bridge, I had a small question regarding the Windwaker:


Earth Temple has everything to do with the Zora's and the Rito's (Water and Air)


Wind Temple has everything to do with the Kokiri's and the Korok's (Earth and Plant life)


See what I'm getting at, ....is it possible that the translation team mixed up the names?


That's a good point. I think it's just because a lot of the Korok gameplay involved the Deku Leaf, and therefore wind. Then again, as I type this I remember much of the game involved wind, including sailing (of course), but also launching the Ruto girl up to the ledge and the Rutos' flying game.


Short answer: I don't know. :heh:

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To anyone saying that Skyward Sword had a great story, here are some games you may want to check out:


Planescape: Torment

Grim Fandango

Ghost Trick

999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors


I mean, I love Zelda as much as the next guy, but let's not kid ourselves here. :heh:

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How? The Skyward Sword storyline was complex, interesting and things were going on throughout. What was Twilight Princess' story exactly? Zant/Ganon infected Hyrule with twilight, for god knows what reason, so you dissolve it and restore Hyrule as it was. Then you collect mirror pieces, meet up with Zant who's just sitting there, then you meet up with Ganon, who's just sitting there, waiting for fuck knows what.


Skyward Sword involved you throughout and kept you interested, with mystery and plot twists. Twilight Princess was a mess in terms of storyline. Midna was handled well, but apart from that, it was totally wtf.




No that's the whole point, the fact that she DIDN'T open up to you throughout the game made the ending more emotional, because it was so surprising to finally hear her emote. Once her mission had been complete and her professional relationship with Link was over, she was able to tell him how she felt. If we'd heard her all that beforehand, then the goodbye would have lost its impact. Not saying the way they had Midna wasn't good either, but they're two very different characters, and it was handled the right way in both cases. From a personal pov, Fi's goodbye speech literally had me choked up, and I've never had a game do that to me before.


Are. You. Kidding. Me. Even for Zelda standards, Skyward Sword's story is really bad. You must have been playing a different game to me, because those things you've mentioned in bold are certainly things I would not associate with Skyward Sword.


Fi herself had nothing to do with the story and the only reason she was put in was because they needed a "Navi". They tried to give her some kind of personality, but this failed spectacularly. I can without hesitation say that Fi is the worst character ever. She served no purpose and just got in the way of the gameplay. When Fi says goodbye at the end, I wanted to puke up my intestines. It was so cringe-worthy. I couldn't believe the game actually wanted to make me feel emotional about Fi. I was so embarrassed. For myself, the makers of this game and for humanity in general.


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Yay for Fi love! I thought she was brilliant to be honest. I didn't use her that much, and that's what was so great. Yeh, she held your hand sometimes and stated the obvious, i dont know why, but it wasn't that often, and so for the most-part you had a choice to use her information on enemies and such. I only really used this on bosses as i liked her percentages and info on them.


Loved the ending about her too. Definitely pulled my heart-strings. Only bad thing about her to me was the singing cut-scenes.

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Ok, so still not finished it yet as such, but what appears to be the last boss is the most badass looking thing I've ever seen! I was dreading yet another fight with Demise walking up to the Sealed Temple after I beat Ghirahim. Am gonna leave this boss fight for another night - really don't want to finish this game yet!!

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Using this as a bridge, I had a small question regarding the Windwaker:


Earth Temple has everything to do with the Zora's and the Rito's (Water and Air)


Wind Temple has everything to do with the Kokiri's and the Korok's (Earth and Plant life)


See what I'm getting at, ....is it possible that the translation team mixed up the names?


The Rito evolved from the Zora to live on the land and whilst they do resemble birds, the Rito cannot fly naturally. They get around Dragon Roost using Grappling Hooks and it's only once they've been blessed by Valoo after scaling the mountain that they get the ability to fly. The Zora's prayed to survive and they did it by learning to live on the land - the flying part came later.


The Kokiri wouldn't have faired too much better in the water and they would have been stuck in their place. They evolved into the Koroks and rely on the Wind to survive since it's how they get around. It allows them to travel far and wide and create new life across the sea.


At least, that's one of the more common theories explaining the naming used though it could very well just be a mix up.

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At the 4th dungeon now, but I have a question regarding the end of dungeon 3:


After one's finished dungeon 3, does Link fall into what is essentially the base of the Spirit Tower from Spirit Tracks?

If so, is NINTENDO then saying that this particular structure survived the flood and that the 'new land' on which Spirit Tracks takes place is actually still Hyrule?

I found it quite strange that the Spirit Tower is based next to the Temple of Time in Skyward Sword...


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A question about between the last dungeon and the end


I did the lightning round with the Thunder Dragon to get the shield, I was under the assumption that I would get all the stuff that I had won. So I won the shield, but had to do it again so I could get the heart piece. So I had to win 8 fights, then start again to do the 4 fights necessary to get the heart. What gives?


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Picked this back up from where I left off over Christmas...


Returning to each area...


Done the volcano which was pretty good and then I went to the forest which was a drag. Tadtones? Swimming around? Boring & awkward due to the controls. The only dangers are from drowning or from those fish that conveniently don't swim as low as the tadtones so you barely see them.


Let's hope the desert is more promising!


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