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E3 2011: Darksiders II Is Running On Wii U


The Wii U version of launch title Darksiders II is running on the Wii U, but Nintendo decided not to show full games on the show floor.


Speaking to Eurogamer, Danny Bilson of THQ core games stated "We have Darksiders II completely running on the Wii U right now,". Although confirmed earlier this week that footage of Wii U games was taken from the Xbox 360 and PS3 iterations, Danny reiterated that should you step into Vigil you'd see the game running on the new hardware and have it running with the controller. He also went on to say:


"It took about five weeks. Coming into the show we were ready to go. We could have demonstrated it on the hardware but they [Nintendo] decided not to have full games shown in the booth."


The Darksiders team was also one of the first teams to receive a development kit from Nintendo and had dedicated engineers working on it to the run up of the show.


Check back to N-Europe for more developments.

I like the look of this game, looks like a solid action adventure with great visuals... and I think the first game was well recieved with some comparisons to Zelda in terms of gameplay/design [from what I've read of Dafts impressions at least].


Good to hear the team have been getting a lot of good work in on the system already... and that the game took a pretty ammount short time to be coded for the hardware.


Would be nice to see the first game packaged in aswell, or as a pre-order bonus/special edition or something.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I just played the 1st game this year and I loved it to bits. It play like a mix of Zelda and God of War. I assume you will get a recap at the start of this game as to what happened in the original as this is supposed to pick up where the first game ended.


Well it's NINTENDO europe so if there is only going to be one thread then it should be here. I think that's best, I mean the PS3/360 versions can some times be different but everyone talks about them in the same thread!

  dazzybee said:
Well it's NINTENDO europe so if there is only going to be one thread then it should be here. I think that's best, I mean the PS3/360 versions can some times be different but everyone talks about them in the same thread!


There will be two threads. One for the other console versions and one for the Wii U for these reasons.


1. Yes, it's called N-E but we have a community of gamers who play other consoles or none at all and just visit the general board.


2. Alot of the 3rd party games shown will be out well in advance on the HD twins, while they will have to wait for the Wii U to release to get them on that console. Myself and others will no doubt be picking up the 360/PS3 versions of this, Batman, Aliens etc. as we have played the original on another console or just don't want to wait.


3. When the Wii U versions do arrive they will no doubt have extra content and features as DLC will no doubt be released on the other consoles. I imagine the games will be like GOTY editions.


Really happy they've announced this as a potential launch title alongside other 'hardcore' games that will eventually come out like Batman and Assassin's Creed.


I was going to pick this up on the 360 but I don't see any reason not to get the Wii u version at the moment. Depends what other titles are around.


Yeah this looks good - though I haven't played the first one. ::shrug::cry:

Might look into it at some point.


Just on the note of whether its worth getting this on the WiiU at launch, or going for it on my 360 is another matter altogether.


I have to say, I really hope Nintendo add some sort of achievement / trophy support. If they do, its bought for the WiiU.


But unless we see some intuitive ways to play with the new controller then I can see me sticking to my 360 for the core games just for achievements. I totally understand some may think that's stupid but I just love me some achievements. If Nintendo are addressing the hardcore, Nintendo's own version of achievements / trophies MUST be there I think.

  Retro_Link said:
The forum gets a little tricky regarding multiplatforms games now, in that there could be a thread on each board for them, or just the one in Other Consoles.


Ideal solution would be to have a single thread appearing three different forums - is this possible? If it is not, consider the idea patented by me.

  • 1 month later...

I'm listening to the GoNintendo podcast (number 307) as I play Dragon Quest VI to catch up with the main news items for the week before last. They are talking about Darksiders and heres some info:


  • they had a playable demo ready for E3 but Nintendo pulled playable Wii U demos at the last minute
  • took them roughly five weeks to port it to Wii U, having it look as it does on PS3/ 360. It took them just three programmers!
  • some hiccups but the Wii U seems easy to program for
  • they could put the whole game on the controller if they want
  • ridiculously easy to program content onto the controller
  • they've been asking Nintendo questions that even they don't have the answers for
  • Nintendo have been working closely with them, which bodes well for other third parties on the Wii U

  darksnowman said:

[*] took them roughly five weeks to port it to Wii U, having it look as it does on PS3/ 360. It took them just three programmers!

[*] some hiccups but the Wii U seems easy to program for.


I don't see how after the first statement they could say anything but the second when talking about ease/difficulty of programming.


That video looked sweet, but sadly too dark to make anything out.

  Aneres11 said:
If Nintendo are addressing the hardcore, Nintendo's own version of achievements / trophies MUST be there I think.

Only if the achievements aren't as fucking stupid as some you find on 360 etc.

That video looked sweet, but sadly too dark to make anything out.


Only if the achievements aren't as fucking stupid as some you find on 360 etc.




The achievements are created by the game makers, not Microsoft's fault if some are stupid. And if game makers make the achievements, then chances are there will be stupid ones on WiiU too.

My point is there doesn't really need to be any at all.


It's a sentiment I can wholeheartedly agree with.


Thing is, achievements are a psychological hook for some people. I have one friend in particular, who might not to even finish singleplayer games if they don't have achievements (PSN trophies, that is). Not that he actually brags about them in any way, but the way I understand him, it's what keeps him playing. We were talking about Uncharted 2.


I find it ridiculous that publishers and devs spend millions over two or even more years, trying to create ever more engaging games and that some people almost care more about the "you finished the game on hard" meta-medal, than enjoying the way that got them there. :hmm:


From what I understand, Nintendo might not copy achievements in the future - not that there aren't more important things they should concentrate their online efforts on. But the flamewars will be glorious when multiplatform games won't have "chievos" on the WiiU. :heh:

My point is there doesn't really need to be any at all.

You could say that about almost anything, though. I never play online multiplayer, so there really doesn't need to be any multiplayer modes in games as far as I'm concerned. And then there are people who only play multiplayer, so if it were up to them, there'd be no singleplayer games/modes. :p


I never understood the hate for achievements/trophies, since caring about them is entirely optional. I have a comparatively meager ~10,000 GS (and something like 300 trophies on the PS3). I have a friend who eclipsed my trophy count within two months, but he plays a lot of mediocre games and grinds a lot just to get trophies. I play through games once and rarely go out of my way to get achievements/trophies, not to mention spreading my gaming out over three current-generation consoles, two handhelds, the PC, as well as playing quite a few older games. It's just a number. It doesn't really mean anything.


There are so many other things to complain about (region locking, tacked-on multiplayer modes to the detriment of singleplayer, publishers rarely wanting to take a chance on something that isn't an FPS, the second-hand market and how publishers are dealing with it, day-one DLC, gaming "journalists"...) that complaining about something as unimportant as achievements/trophies seems pretty pointless. :hmm:

  • 2 months later...


News: Darksiders II Wii U to Control Uniquely


The folks at Vigil say they're working to make Darksiders II on Wii U more than just a port...




The Wii U version of Darksiders II will boast unique controls as its main draw, according to developer Vigil Games.


Speaking to ONM, the studio's Jay Fitzloff said that the Wii U build of Darksiders II has "so far" achieved "visual parity" with other formats, but the team was specifically looking to take advantage of the controller, rather than the extra horsepower under the hood.


"Making Darksiders 2 for Wii U is about using the system. In the end it'll have such as unique control set - we think it's the best we can make for Wii U, but will it be definitive? You tell us when it comes out!"


Earlier, Vigil had stated that getting the entire game streaming solely on the Wii U controller's screen "took all of five minutes and two lines of code."


Both Darksiders II and Wii U are due out in 2012.

Should be great!

Two lines of code? Sounds awesome!


I hope any DLC that comes frm PS360 ports come to any WiiU games as standard as there may not be reason to buy the WiiU versions. Just with so any titles announced as coming to all consoles we may see many buy the games for the other systems first if they already own them. Time will tell but it's going to be very interesting what happens after WiiU is launched.

  • 4 months later...

Right so Nasdaq are threatening to delist THQ from the stockmarket because their company value is terrifyingly bad. There is a good chance that THQ will go under this year which leaves this title a bit in the shit.


Fantastic shame :-(



Invest in their games instead (the good ones, obviously). You can't play shares when THQ isn't around anymore. ;)

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Launch title and controls...




In an interview with Digital Spy, Darksiders II developer Vigil Games confirmed the game will be available for the Wii U on launch day. The Wii U is scheduled for a Holiday 2012 release.


A small team at Vigil is dedicated to making sure the title uses the Wii U's tablet-like controller, "in a unique way".


Lead designer Hayden Dalton:


One of the things that we did, when we were originally going to show it off, was that you could equip stuff directly. So, for instance, I could be running along and I could click on another piece and I could put it on as I'm running through the game.


That's huge, it's not breaking up the game in a way, I'm not going into a menu and assigning it, I'm literally just tapping as I'm playing. We're not basically heavily changing the core game to support the control system, but the control system will be an enhancement of the core game.




Looking really nice!


Edited by Retro_Link

I'd really like to know, if they're implementing the "handheld style" usage of the padlet.


Switching equipment on the fly sounds like a nice gimmick, but seeing as it's a multiplatform title and this functionality is "tacked on", I would be disappointed if they didn't offer the option to play the game using only the padlet.

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