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BTW, that spooky town you posted about before (shown via IGN) is absolutely incredible! icon14.gif

The amount of time and effort that must have gone into making that is just astonishing. :bowdown:

Anyone that hasn't done so should definitely check it out, the dream code is:



Aye not had a chance to check it out yet myself; looked pretty sick though. Might try to find some time on Saturday, every time I plan to do something townwise in the eve I get distracted by visits or planting or clearing up!

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Sweet, what time are your gates open. I'm near some wifi around half 8 UK time tonight. Thats the last fruit i believe i need at the moment.


Yeah ok that should be fine.

I've not invested in the Dream Suite yet, i think i'll make it my next project after the Reset Centre i'm working on.


And @flameboy, i'll see you around half 8.


Ok sure. If I don't show up gimme a shout (PM me on facebook or tweet me so I see it) it'll only have been because I forgot.


I've not invested in the Dream Suite yet, i think i'll make it my next project after the Reset Centre i'm working on.


And @flameboy, i'll see you around half 8.


Gates been open for an hour now mate...

Quite perplexed, got perfect town a couple of days ago. Then next day I didn't have it and I apparently needed more public works. I've built 2 more since (stuff like benches and streetlights which score high) and she's still saying it.
That's odd. :hmm:

Nothing else changed at all? Flowers, trees? :blank:


I chopped a couple of trees but I still had loads. She complained about it being a bit barren but then I replanted and she no longer complained. They've since grown fully back. Plus she is only mentioning that I need more public works, and they've only been added to. And I haven't built any so rumoured 'bad' works.

I chopped a couple of trees but I still had loads. She complained about it being a bit barren but then I replanted and she no longer complained. They've since grown fully back. Plus she is only mentioning that I need more public works, and they've only been added to. And I haven't built any so rumoured 'bad' works.
That's bizarre. :wtf:

Perhaps try demolishing those new PW projects you made before losing perfect status? ::shrug:

I think I'll just build more projects if that's what the complaint is. Will see how it goes anyway...
You really only need 10 for perfect status to activate though, if you don't get it at that point then you've either built some "bad" projects, or the problem is something else.

Anyway, good luck getting it sorted. :)

I chopped a couple of trees but I still had loads. She complained about it being a bit barren but then I replanted and she no longer complained. They've since grown fully back. Plus she is only mentioning that I need more public works, and they've only been added to. And I haven't built any so rumoured 'bad' works.

Out of curiosity, what are the rumoured "bad works"

Out of curiosity, what are the rumoured "bad works"


Abundant Nature means:

1) appropriate number of trees (I don’t know the counts yet)

2) many flowers

3) high Nature Points from Public Works

Good: Flower Clock, Flower Bed, Flower Arch, Wisteria Pergola, Straw Fence, topiaries, Solar Panels, Wind Power Generator, Windmill

Bad: Garbage Can, Jumbo Monitor, Oil Excavator, Tire Play Equipment, Picnic Sheet, Traffic Light, illumination items, Tower


Abundant Living means:

1) high Living Points from Public Works

Best: Campground

Good: bridges, benches, outside lights, Garden Chair, Hot Spring, Fire Hydrant, Stadium Lights, Solar Panels, Lighthouse

OK: almost everything else including Water Well, Fountain, clocks, Signboard, Face Board, signs, art, monuments, etc.

Bad: Garbage Can


sourced from the awesome bidoof crossing blog - http://bidoofcrossing.tumblr.com/post/44114461860/great-blog-glad-you-still-have-it-would-you-happen (there's a bit more on this page that I cut off, so don't click if you don't want more spoiler)


The Dream Suite, pointless!? :eek: It's what loads of AC fans have been crying out for! An easy way to visit other towns whenever they like. Not only does it offer that, but it takes things a step further by allowing you to visit random towns from all over the world!

Can't see how anyone that enjoys the game would find that pointless. :blank:

Don't you enjoy visiting other towns, seeing what people have done with their layouts/public works projects, how they've designed their homes?


As for Club LOL, well I love it, but I do agree that it could have had a bit more going on. Especially when DJ K.K. is there. It never really feels like a night club, even with 4 players online. :hmm:

It should get packed with random villagers/players when online (at least 10) to give it a better ambience.


I think the economy and online aspects got a great boost in this version though, I mean you can now sell items (including stuff that you've customised with your own patterns) to other players via Re-Tail. That's pretty huge.

Also, the best friend messaging system is awesome. Being able to chat to others, even when "offline" or in other towns is a superb addition. :awesome:


The worst online aspect by far is the fact that messages can (and frequently do) go unread while playing with others because of the loading screen when entering/leaving rooms. :shakehead

That is absolutely infuriating and something that they really should try and patch if possible.

Why the hell can't the speech bubbles just appear during the black loading screen? ::shrug:


But yeah, other than that I think this game is easily the definitive version of AC. :)

It's also about to overtake MK7 as my most played 3DS game, after just over a month! :o


Yeah I guess the dream suite is pretty cool, but I guess I just wish there was a little more to it, like events happen there, or you could write the dialogue of the characters and position things a little more to create an atmosphere or story or something. And most towns are pretty bad so finding really interesting ones is difficult. I wish you could order furniture like you can in streetpass.


Club LOl is just a huge missed opportunity. Massive shame.


Econmy is better, though Retail is just a different version of the auction house from LGTTC; I just wish you could sell your designs and random designs turned up up in random villages and you could follow your favourite designers etc, would be amazing i think.


I don't want to sound too negative, I'm really enjoying it and agree it's the best version, just wish it was a little more interactive - the camp fire for example, why can't you build it and sit around it, maybe KK's acoustic session could be around the camp fire instead of at the club; maybe a character could come randomly at the camp fire and tell stories or whatever. but no, it's just a prop.



That is amazing. I'm definitely going to take a look around that over the weekend!


I don't want to sound too negative, I'm really enjoying it and agree it's the best version, just wish it was a little more interactive - the camp fire for example, why can't you build it and sit around it, maybe KK's acoustic session could be around the camp fire instead of at the club; maybe a character could come randomly at the camp fire and tell stories or whatever. but no, it's just a prop.


It is actually a campsite, not a campfire, and from time to time an animal (not from your town) will set up a tent there so you can go talk to them. I had an animal camp there and she said she liked the town so much she would move into it (after I played some games of rock, paper, scissors with her to decide on whether or not she would move in). =)

Cheers. :)

Although the basement/movie room is really the only one that's finished at the moment, the rest of my house is pretty random and messy! Especially the main room, which is essentially just a Feng Shui machine. :heh:


Also, I still don't actually have my dream address yet! :woops:

Will get it sorted soon though, and post it in here.

: peace:


BTW, that spooky town you posted about before (shown via IGN) is absolutely incredible! icon14.gif

The amount of time and effort that must have gone into making that is just astonishing. :bowdown:

Anyone that hasn't done so should definitely check it out, the dream code is:



There is another one:




The amount of effort and commitment this must have taken is mind boggling. Follow it around and make sure you visit each of the 4 user houses and you'll find it has a narrative that runs through, fantastic!


To those doubters about the Dream Suite @dazzybee I seriously encourage you to go and see what can be achieved with way too much time and money (bells)


So here in Holland we can get the following exclusive items through a store...




I myself am only interested in the Japanese Lantern, but if any of you guys are interested in the other ones please let me know.

I'm afraid I missed out on the Tom Nook Wall Clock :(, but I intend to get the others.


Got two StreetPasses today and both had been playing Animal Crossing. I have to say, StreetPass alone must surely make this the definitive version. One of the two people had been playing it to the max and had themed his house out extensively. Thanks to this feature, I was able to order some more of the Sleek series and will be able to order some of the Modern Wood series tomorrow (it's five items per day) - unless I StreetPass the same person tomorrow and he's removed that furniture in the meantime!

Posted (edited)

Screw streetpass. I don't how many times I have walked through through the mall(or well the bus station because of work) but I get next to no hits. I get on average 0-3 hits everytime I walk through the entire mall for an hour(because I take the next bus home)(*the mall is a hotspot for a region of 150 000 people/15k km^2))


I was very happy when I got my first and only hit though. Ordered half his house. I could do a one hour walk through the mall more times, but it means an hour more before arriving at home.


So here in Holland we can get the following exclusive items through a store...




I myself am only interested in the Japanese Lantern, but if any of you guys are interested in the other ones please let me know.

I'm afraid I missed out on the Tom Nook Wall Clock :(, but I intend to get the others.


I think I have thing for "ruling" costumes. I have the viking helmet, the King Tut mask and more. I want the police hat in my collection. Also I am making a hat museum on the museum 2nd floor. Have already finished the first room with a wide variety of hats and opened my second showing room. I'd be more than happy to pay you :)

Edited by Tales
Automerged Doublepost
Screw streetpass. I don't how many times I have walked through through the mall(or well the bus station because of work) but I get next to no hits. I get on average 0-3 hits everytime I walk through the entire mall for an hour(because I take the next bus home)(*the mall is a hotspot for a region of 150 000 people/15k km^2))


I was very happy when I got my first and only hit though. Ordered half his house. I could do a one hour walk through the mall more times, but it means an hour more before arriving at home.



Well at least the streetpass relays should somewhat solve this. I rarely get them in malls here only get a truck ton when I'm downtown. Used to get the ones at best buy off the demo station but they replaced them all with XL's that have connectivity disabled.

So here in Holland we can get the following exclusive items through a store...


I myself am only interested in the Japanese Lantern, but if any of you guys are interested in the other ones please let me know.

I'm afraid I missed out on the Tom Nook Wall Clock :(, but I intend to get the others.


I'm interested in that double neck guitar, want to make a room full of instruments.

I'm interested in that double neck guitar, want to make a room full of instruments.


When the time is there, you will be the first to know!






I got your Police Hat!

..bought turnips for 100 Bells each and am forced to sell them today for 43 Bells :cry:


My first investment in those disgusting things has not gone to plan :nono:


Keep the faith that happened to me the first time.

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