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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Are all Animal Crossing games like the one shown yesterday? If so I have to say I'm amazed they're so popular, especially with blokes, and anyone over the age of 8. What's the fascination?


I think one of the appealing aspects for me originally(gamecube) was the real-time system. The fact I would have to play on certain days at certain times for certain things. The DS version appealed to me because of the better ability to visit each others towns, potentially buying/getting stuff and meeting people you couldn't in your own(in addition to 'foreign' fruit for money making etc) and the fact it could be with me anywhere I went. I never picked up the Wii version though, felt it didn't do enough new and not having its easy handheld pick up and play nature put me off too.

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Are all Animal Crossing games like the one shown yesterday? If so I have to say I'm amazed they're so popular, especially with blokes, and anyone over the age of 8. What's the fascination?


The real-time aspect, like Rummy mentioned, is by far the best thing about the game. WildWorld was fantastic, because you'd boot it up and something was different or new everytime. I loved going to the bar and being able to collect a new KK song on certain days, was genuinely gutted if I missed out.


It's got that Nintendo charm, although the Wii version hasn't expanded on the formula enough for me. It's hard to compare it to another franchise that Nintendo do, because it isn't designed "for girls" or for anyone above or below a certain age. It really is one of those games where everyone can enjoy it, due to the simplicity of it.


What I would like though is more things to do, plus I would love to expand the village/city, so you could add a ton more things to it. The 3DS version seems to be heading that way, but even then I'm not sure it's enough.

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Glad to finally see a release date. I think the handhelds are where this game belongs due to it's dip in nature. I loved WW and remember playing that loads, especially with friends over WiFi. LGttC was OK, it just didn't hold me for as long.


I'll be getting the retail version, just because I want the physical copy. Can't wait for this. Oh and I'm a 33 year old male that's been playing AC games for a little under 10 years, and do still find them some of the most relaxing and fun games I have played.

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Yay, can't wait for this! I have only played Wild World, but that is because I didn't feel the game was suitable for a console, it just works better on a handheld. I actually played WW for a year, checking my town every day. =)


So yes, looking forward to this! Though June is still aaaaages away haha.

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Yay, can't wait for this! I have only played Wild World, but that is because I didn't feel the game was suitable for a console, it just works better on a handheld. I actually played WW for a year, checking my town every day. =)


So yes, looking forward to this! Though June is still aaaaages away haha.


That's how I feel too, and I've played Animal Crossing GC, WW and LGttC. While a big TV screen is always nice, this game just works better when you can just lie on your bed and totally relax while strolling across your town fishing, planting trees and digging up fossils. Somehow it's a much more intimate experience on a handheld, just you and your awesome little town...

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I also enjoyed wild world the most! I played it for 2 years every day, I really considered it as a small second life haha. It was awesome designing my town layout with patterns and getting a perfect town status and getting the golden tools etc etc.

The harder things to get in the games are so rewarding, you need to put in so much time, making memories and stuff, but at the end it's always rewarded :p


The handheld versions are the best for me, because I live in a student residence in the week, so no wii or wiiU there. If it's portable, I really can play it every day (as it's kind of supposed too).


June 14th certainly does sound like ages from now, but at least we have a firm date to look forward too! I'm pleased! :D

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I'm really glad there'll be so many N-E people to play this with once it's out, and it sounds like most of us will be active for at least a year. Just realised one big downside to the June 14th release date: too late for StreetPassing at the London Expo - that would've been brilliant.

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I'm really glad there'll be so many N-E people to play this with once it's out, and it sounds like most of us will be active for at least a year. Just realised one big downside to the June 14th release date: too late for StreetPassing at the London Expo - that would've been brilliant.


Might be some oppurtunity if we have a meet ;)


(if we do a meet again this year I'd be almost tempted just to have a massive geeky AC party!)


The original was my favourite. Then Wild World. Like most games I would almost always prefer them on a big screen.


I'm seconding the WW love. I had the GC version and that, and there's just something quite nice about those interim moments that you can chill out on WW with. Ten minutes to kill? I'll pop into town see what's happening. Woken up before the alarm? Gah, might as well pop into town see if I can rip a couple weeds down etc

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  • 4 weeks later...
Not sure if this has been posted before but Nintendo have done an Animal Crossing direct showcasing many of the new features of the game in a 45 minute video:



After watching it I'm definitely going to get it


There's no way I'm watching that....feel like there will be way too many spoilers....


Has any news come out of Japan as to how many blocks this takes up? Need to decide if I'm going to upgrade my SD Card ready.

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There's no way I'm watching that....feel like there will be way too many spoilers....


Has any news come out of Japan as to how many blocks this takes up? Need to decide if I'm going to upgrade my SD Card ready.


Block Size: 8,192 blocks (1 GB) according to Giant Bomb, right at the bottom of the page http://www.giantbomb.com/animal-crossing-new-leaf/3030-31752/

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think the fetch quests are back. I think the tasking system would be kind of the same as in Wild world and City folk, where you randomly have to deliver a package or letter from time to time without the ability to specifically ask for a task.


This is new though:

You can also find lost items on the floor, like a lost diary and search the owner.


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