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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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This week (I think) mark's the tenth anniversary of me joining the N-Europe (or Cube-Europe, as it was then) boards!
You're right, it is!:
Name: Mike_D

Date Registered: February 7th, 2003, 12:47pm


I also joined in 2003, a couple of months after you:

Name: RedShell

Date Registered: April 10th, 2003, 8:52pm

Man, we've been here a looooooong time. :hug:

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Wayback Machine: ;)




You should be able to find out using that. :smile:


staying on this topic,do you know if there is anyway to get back into the cube-europe website and search for stories? When Miyamoto came and did that signing in London in 2003 there was a picture of me on the site effectively photo bombing a nice picture of two other lads which I have been desperately searching for! Proper long time visitor but ages to sign up type of guy, lurker in the shadows me...


anyway... :D

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staying on this topic,do you know if there is anyway to get back into the cube-europe website and search for stories? When Miyamoto came and did that signing in London in 2003 there was a picture of me on the site effectively photo bombing a nice picture of two other lads which I have been desperately searching for! Proper long time visitor but ages to sign up type of guy, lurker in the shadows me...


anyway... :D

Just search for the main site using the @Mokong X\-C:
Name: X-treme Cube

Date Registered: January 8th, 2002, 8:34am



Name: Fierce_LiNk

Date Registered: 15/08/02 at 22:45:05



Name: dazzybee

Date Registered: December 29th, 2002, 7:23pm


There are actually quite a lot of peeps from the C-E days still posting here.

: peace:

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Just search for the main site using the @Mokong X\-C:









There are actually quite a lot of peeps from the C-E days still posting here.

: peace:


What about me?!!!!! I've been posting since I was 13...although I think I may have been under a different name...cube-uk or summit maybe...as I had a blog called that....which was horrendous.

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Really? So... *checks age*... 1997!? :o

Don't think I even knew what the internet was in '97. :hehe:


hmmm maybe it wasn't here...when did here even exist...because there was an n64-europe at some point I remember run by Blackbird? (or that's a name that sticks in the mind at least) I was definitely posting on some forums or other by that age and being in chat rooms before. I vaguely remember my dad used to access work stuff and we got a company computer I remember being the envy of classmates that I had the internet so early on lol.

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You're right, it is!:



I also joined in 2003, a couple of months after you:


Man, we've been here a looooooong time. :hug:


:hug: Wow, so I was right, almost to the day! I know I don't post here loads, but I'm so glad I found this place. Happy Anniversary to me (and soon to you)! :yay:

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I bet it was Animal Crossing that brought me over too, freeloader, animal crossing with my spice orange japanese gamecube. MAt uni and my who house played it, I remember is all waking up at 5am to hunt down the rare mushrooms in the autumn...


Though I'm positive I was there before that too under it's earlier names!

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I'd love to go DD so it's always with my 3DS, but I know it'll be cheaper to go retail as things seem to stand now.


In an ideal world where DD was the same price as physical, I'd go DD for this game.


I'm hoping by that time we'll be able to purchase Download Codes from retailers at a better price than the RRP on the eShop, but if that doesn't happen, I'm still buying this from the eShop. Animal Crossing was made for DD.

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Are all Animal Crossing games like the one shown yesterday? If so I have to say I'm amazed they're so popular, especially with blokes, and anyone over the age of 8. What's the fascination?


It's just the huge immersive experience! It really does feel like a quirky but real breathing and living world in your console. It's so much fun to build a live and memories in the game. Especially if you have friends to do multiplayer with.


I'll go retail IF it is available in my region on release date (shops here are kinda sloppy with that...), if it's not yet in stores I'll go digital.

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I'm hoping by that time we'll be able to purchase Download Codes from retailers at a better price than the RRP on the eShop, but if that doesn't happen, I'm still buying this from the eShop. Animal Crossing was made for DD.


That's my hope too. Nintendo frustrate me because they have so much potential, they take all the steps in the right direction, but then seem to decide they don't want to go all the way and just stop where they are. DD is a large part of the future imo, but it needs encouragement. Steam works a treat, consoles should go for the same. Only issue is storage, really.

-DD doesn't involved physical costs except servers and bandwidths - higher profit margins, pass this on to the customer by making DD cheaper.

-DD goes some way to copy protection and resell protection(ie preowned market) in itself. It does it in a way that doesn't piss the customer off either, as it's part and parcel of its nature. These potential ps4/720 preowned protections get people's backs up.

-DD's lower margins allow smaller devs to get involved without big costs, though apparently Ninty are embracing the indie/eshop market somewhat. This might lead to fantastic games we otherwise wouldn't have seen.

Anyhow, I'll leave the DD arguments there for now(actually I might start a thread in General for it).

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Well there's a £5 off voucher at GAME, use it on some point cards. Cheaper again with reward points and/or get reward point back. Plus remember you can get vouchers from Wii U Deluxe program. Not the best/easiest way to get cheaper DD but it can be done.


Going digital on this as well.

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I agree that DD has huge potentials, and it has alot of advantages, but it also has downsides!

You have to have a mastercard or visa card to put money on your account (at least over here in Belgium), and not everybody owns such credit cards. It's also not very simple for kids to convince their parents to put their credit card information into a gaming console. Alot of people still don't trust buying things digitally. Going to a store and paying real money just seems more simple and trustworthy to them I guess.


But I do agree the DD version should be cheaper than the retail version.

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