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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Do people tend to chop down their non-fruit trees and plant fruit ones in their place?


I chopped down most of my native fruit trees and a few non-fruit trees to plant non-native fruits in my town. But i mainly chopped trees down to re-position them elsewhere and to tidy things up a little. A bit too cluttered my town was, but alas not any more.

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Would I be able to come grab it at some point? Not sure I have you added yet though, I'll add you now! My code is 0705-2844-8568




Nice! Yeah can do tonight, when's best for you? Not sure if there's a time difference between us? I've no idea of the price, but I'll give you 4k and a couple peaches? Is the slide called the kiddie slide, or is it the elephant slide? I might take that too if it's the former.


I'll try to remember to open my gates 5 pm UK time.

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Errrmm... I have a mouse called Bree in my town...


I hope she isn't betraying me! :(


Haha! So it was your town she came from! Yeah, she knew me already as I bumped into her before, but I forgot where.


Just won Majora's Mask!!!! :D


I hate you. :(

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Haha! So it was your town she came from! Yeah, she knew me already as I bumped into her before, but I forgot where.





Are you f*ckin kiddin me?! Cheeky bitch!


Well you're welcome to her! Tell her my town's better off without her! :angry:

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I have a shop building to the right of Able Sisters....what could it be whatever it us it's big! So far taken 2 days to build! Other new job only took a day. Nooks is shut today for expansion and I've paid off latest loan exciting times afoot.

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Anyone else who bought AC via GAME (or digitally) had any issues with it registering under your club Nintendo account?

Neither this or DKC Returns are showing up on my Club Nintendo meaning I can't get a code for the So Many Games promotion.


This happened to my GF with her 3DS and the previous promotion where it wouldn't register and so we missed out on the free game. Nintendo took eons to reply last time and I've not had an email response having emailed them yesterday. Bit worried as the promo ends shortly.

Think I'll buy retail in the future as it has been nothing but a ball ache when it comes to Club Nintendo and the 3DS!

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I think my game is borked. I have got 3 duplicate cookie ticket items in EXACTLY the same order as I did previously. First a Mario moustache, then a Varia suit and now Mindas Mask again. Tomorrow I will probably end up with Peach's Parasol.


Kind of a weird glitch to have but if it keeps up I will be stuck in a constant cycle.

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I think my game is borked. I have got 3 duplicate cookie ticket items in EXACTLY the same order as I did previously. First a Mario moustache, then a Varia suit and now Mindas Mask again. Tomorrow I will probably end up with Peach's Parasol.


Kind of a weird glitch to have but if it keeps up I will be stuck in a constant cycle.


I'm on day 4 (or is it 5?) and I got the same cookie ticket item as day 1.



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Had a so far lovely afternoon! Opened my gates, and @Mr\-Paul! We've suffered a terrible fate, haven't we.




Before I barely had chance to say more than Hello, Manolito(@RedShell) appeared! Before I even had a chance to actually even say hello him...@Ville appeared! We walked, exchanged fruits(mr-paul brought enough cherries for all) and I think folks made some bells on my thriving stalk prices...and the generous RedShell paid off my yellow bench project! So I took a quick pic. He didn't realise.




Whilst becoming best friends, we hung out...leading to a few axi-cuffs;




Later I replaced a few peach trees with Pear saps thanks to Tales' earlier fruity generosity(who made quite a killing on the turnip market).


Whilst we didn't do much...it has been fun! I look forward to so much more potential of this game when actually doing stuff! I will be a definite forerunner of stalk prices in my town, too, so expect to hear the best prices from RoseHall as soon as they happen!



Thanks for swinging by guys...I'm amazed I've been playing for like an hour and a half lol.



And I just had a brief and impromptu visit from @Katie; she made the most of my peaches :p! Sorry Katie, I forgot to take any pictures!

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I think my game is borked. I have got 3 duplicate cookie ticket items in EXACTLY the same order as I did previously. First a Mario moustache, then a Varia suit and now Mindas Mask again. Tomorrow I will probably end up with Peach's Parasol.


Kind of a weird glitch to have but if it keeps up I will be stuck in a constant cycle.


Maybe it's just classic Nintendo random? :p

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Picture time!



Would have looked so good on me!



No coalesomething, but those aren't bad!



The friendly neighbourhood yeah right....




I love how the villagers are visiting the main streets, shops and the museum.



Good friends enjoying a relaxing time. You can't see it here, but the place is u-shaped by the river to the left and right, it makes for perfect secluded spot. I later removed two of trees behind the bench.



Let the battle commence!



He(who was it again :p) deals the first hit.



Myself delivering the final blow




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