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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Couple of pics from me. Not taken many as have no SD card reader, but been out and bought one (as needed one anyway tbh) so here goes!


A lol moment for me when I was digging for fossils and my character decided to tumble down the hole! :laughing:




Kitted myself out yesterday for the bug catching comp - ended up looking like the bug trainer from Pokemon. :heh:




Drago came and had a look round my house (only built this morning) and I think he's gay, which is amazing lol. Check out what he said when he visited.




You may notice my AMAZING warp pipe! :heh: Got this today from my fortune cookie! Don't mind the state of my place - I'm still decorating!!




Aaaand lastly, I plan to build onto my house when I can. Got my eye on a CASTLE (!) from Nook's. Here's me eyeing it up longingly! :D




One day... one day.


Loving this game!! :D

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Couple of pics from me. Not taken many as have no SD card reader, but been out and bought one (as needed one anyway tbh) so here goes!



I'm so jealous, I really want to play! Them screenshots like so attractive :love:

I have to wait until next week for my sister to come, so we can start together... Watching the Animal Crossing icon just lie on my 3DS screen screaming 'PLAAAY ME' makes me SO IMPATIENT ROAAWR!

Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to stick with hovering over the icon, while it plays its little jingle for another week. :laughing:

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did someone come in my village when i left my 3ds? i had my gates open and went outside doing gardening (in actual real life not in simpletown)and when i came back i'd moved a fair distance


wish you could keep a message above your head



does anyone know how long you can keep bugs?i got a bird wing butterfly and i'd like to store one for the next competition

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I think I remember one of the Giant Bomb guys mentioning that you dont get KK your first week. You have to get unlock a building first.


Yep it's true lots of.time realised events/locations.


did someone come in my village when i left my 3ds? i had my gates open and went outside doing gardening (in actual real life not in simpletown)and when i came back i'd moved a fair distance


wish you could keep a message above your head



does anyone know how long you can keep bugs?i got a bird wing butterfly and i'd like to store one for the next competition


You can keep bugs forever.

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does anyone know how long you can keep bugs?i got a bird wing butterfly and i'd like to store one for the next competition


I'd imagine they keep forever? Stick them in storage or in your house as furniture?

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It's definitely not for everyone.


You get the most out of it playing it everyday, even if it is just for a few minutes.


Bear in mind that it is a 'second-life' kind o' game, so there aren't really any major 'game-like' objectives.


It must be very fun to visit other N-Europers though.


Thanks for the insight, it's quite tempting. Not really tried a second life type game but the concept intrigues me. You guys seem to love it.


I assume a lot of people went for the eshop download for better access?

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This game is just awesome, a real 10/10. From the fortune cookies so far I've got a Fire Flower (OK) and Master Sword (hooray!) They make great sound effects. I most want all the Varia Suit pieces.


Fossil collection is coming along nicely - it's something I want to prioritise - but mostly I'm just catching things and donating them or, if they're duplicates, selling them. Plonked a shark in my house, even though it's not really big enough yet, for that Doctor Evil feel!

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I got the Varia Suit t-shirt yesterday!


Is there a way to gift or trade these? I'd happily let you have it if it's possible!


Appreciated, thanks. To be honest, it's somewhat new to me. I played the GameCube original, but am not exactly sure how you can trade things (do you just visit each other's village, stand face-to-face and select "Trade?") Certainly hope to this with fossils as well - want the full diplodocus!


Jealous of @Kaytee with her catch! Well done!

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I'm totally very late to the party, I was in south France for a week and bought the game there (since Belgian stores didn't have it in stock again sigh haha :p )


Anyways! I'm totally ready for my new life!



First impressions: the graphics are GORGEOUS and the improved AI of the animals is great!

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How the hell do you catch sharks? I push the A button right after the sound, but they always get away.


I'm quite good with sharks, but I had something like that just now. I'm wondering if it was something rarer. Most fish go nudge... nudge... then that sort of "double sound" that means you have to reel in. Sometimes it's the first or fourth sound you hear, but usually it's the second or third. Had one just now though that seemed to require faster reflexes than that.

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