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Ubisoft Pledges Support For Wii U


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Assassin's Creed, Ghost Recon Online and Rabbids games are all in development for Wii U, Ubisoft has announced.


In addition, the French publisher will develop two completely new IPs for Nintendo's new console.


One will be a "revolutionary" first-person shooter for a hardcore audience. This will be exclusive to Wii U.


The other will be a multi-sports game "for the whole family".


"This new console is an amazing new source of inspiration for our developers," commented Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot.



It will be great for those who haven't played the Ghost Recon and Assassins Creed games on the HD twins. Bring on the 3rd party support.

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I'm sure we'll get all the good stuff. The beginning will be great, it's when the new sony and MS consoles come out it could all start to go pairshaped...


Tecmo are bringing Ninja Gaiden 3 and a brand new exclusive ninja gaide, which is great.


I think ports of old HD games would taste a little better in compilations - even Batman, give us both games in one package! And use that second screen!!

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FFS Jamba, this console is as powerful, if not more so than the 360/PS3... the Ubisoft guy even gives that impression in that video. And where does anyone say they're gonna implement anything 'gimmicky'.


The fact the PC version of Battlefield can run on Wii U says it all.

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thought i just posted this but doesnt seem to be there..


anyway this ubisoft guy says the assasins creed wii U game will be shown tomooro.


Tomorrow, eh? Be careful not to take that video at Face Value. Make sure you prepare yourself before you Dance into the light of tomorrow, when this trailer is shown.

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FFS Jamba, this console is as powerful, if not more so than the 360/PS3... the Ubisoft guy even gives that impression in that video. And where does anyone say they're gonna implement anything 'gimmicky'.


The fact the PC version of Battlefield can run on Wii U says it all.


I've seen this kind of thing promised before. I flatly refuse to get excited about it's potential power when companies, especially Ubisoft bend the truth. When asked directly by Geoff Keighley on Game Trailers Reggie purposefully dodged the question of whether it was more or even as powerful as the other 2 systems.


And how do you know that Battlefield isn't a cut down version? Scaled down environments, or removed filters? DO remember the early screenshots of Red Steel? That's how much Ubisoft can lie.

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I've seen this kind of thing promised before. I flatly refuse to get excited about it's potential power when companies, especially Ubisoft bend the truth. When asked directly by Geoff Keighley on Game Trailers Reggie purposefully dodged the question of whether it was more or even as powerful as the other 2 systems.


And how do you know that Battlefield isn't a cut down version? Scaled down environments, or removed filters? DO remember the early screenshots of Red Steel? That's how much Ubisoft can lie.

So you think Nintendo have re-released the Wii again do you... because that's effectively what you're saying.


Also Battlefield is EA... the guys who got up on stage at Nintendo's conference and helped sell the console.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I can't help think they're deliberately playing down the graphics, it's all getting pushed on the controller, which Nintendo said earlier was what they were trying to focus on.


Pretty sure you won't need to worry about graphics.

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Assassin's Creed is possibly my favourite new IP of this generation. The settings, the aesthetics, the ridiculous conspiracies and pseudo-science. Love it!


As such I could be pretty easily convinced to buy an upgraded port of the first game; the most interesting entry in the series from an academic perspective, even if Brotherhood is the 'best' one. Unfortunately this is Ubisoft, so I'm rather wary of them putting a no-frills, minimum effort conversion. Or simply releasing Revelations and leaving the Wii audience with absolutely zero clue as to what's going on.

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So you think Nintendo have re-released the Wii again do you... because that's effectively what you're saying.


Also Battlefield is EA... the guys who got up on stage at Nintendo's conference and helped sell the console.


Thanks for the correction about Battlefield.

I am very skeptical about this, self-admittedly and I will be happy to be proved wrong. I'm not saying that it won't be comparable in power to the 360/PS3 but definitely more powerful? Not sure...

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Well it doesn't have to be more powerful to play Assassins Creed/Batman/Tomb Raider etc... so you shouldn't have to worry.


Nintendo have brought out a console that enables third parties to release all their games for Nintendo, Reggie said in his interview... 'now they have no excuse'... that's all the confirmation you need on that.


Any extra power is then a bonus.

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Vigil games (Darksiders people) have said the Wii U is more powerful than 360 and PS3 and that Darksiders 2 on that console will probably be the best version. So yup more powerful.


Case closed then. Thanks bryanee.

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Vigil games (Darksiders people) have said the Wii U is more powerful than 360 and PS3 and that Darksiders 2 on that console will probably be the best version. So yup more powerful.


Got a wee source? Confirmation would be awesome.


Ah, just read it all there. It is indeed true and stated to be more powerful and DS 2 for Wii U is set to have some extras thanks to the control.

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Apologies for not putting a source but I read it on Neogaf a couple hours ago and that place right now is full of more idiots than usual and I didnt fancy going back but rest assured I wouldnt of posted it if it didnt have a legit source.

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