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Zelda Wii U [Tech demo]


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Am I the only person who likes Zelda when it has a non-realistic look? Give me Wind Waker and Skyward Sword any day :p


I'm afraid to say I always forget how good it looks. I mean, it's my favourite Zelda, but even I forgot just how spectacularly blue the sea and sky were until Retro Link posted that screenshot. Incidentally, it was 800 x 450, so whilst it might have a higher PPI than actually playing on the GameCube, it's not an HD "bullshot" or anything.


I think what it comes down to is confidence and a deep-seated knowledge that they were doing something brilliant. There is no doubt in my mind, that is my favourite style. This Zelda HD demo is technically the best, but graphical styles can span a wide range of technical levels. Take Phantom Hourglass, for instance, it has the Wind Waker style, but it certainly not as good. By the same token, the Wind Waker style could be upgraded to 720p (which is what this demo is), have far more polygons and more layers of shading (like Punch Out Wii).


Whether you like cel-shading or not, don't think you've seen the limit of what it can do. :)

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The thing with WW is (in my opinion) coming up with a stylistically beautiful game is more difficult (in ways) than just coming up with something that looks realistic. Its easy to quickly dismiss WW but the nuances and the atmosphere really make it quite special.


Also a big inspiration for my current animation ^_^

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The thing with WW is (in my opinion) coming up with a stylistically beautiful game is more difficult (in ways) than just coming up with something that looks realistic. Its easy to quickly dismiss WW but the nuances and the atmosphere really make it quite special.


Oh, quite. The whole game is infused with a certain spirit: from the way you find divers searching for treasure, men with telescopes curious about what's over the horizon and fish that emerge from the solid blue who create as many mysteries as they shed light upon. The visual style enhances all this.


Also, does anyone else think there's a discrepancy between how cool Adult Link looks and how much fun he actually is to play? Not in OOT, but in the more recent games, the realistic proportions make me feel more distant from the action. With Toon Link, I feel I'm right there in the game world.


Also a big inspiration for my current animation ^_^


I look forward to seeing it.

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Oh, quite. The whole game is infused with a certain spirit: from the way you find divers searching for treasure, men with telescopes curious about what's over the horizon and fish that emerge from the solid blue who create as many mysteries as they shed light upon. The visual style enhances all this.


Also, does anyone else think there's a discrepancy between how cool Adult Link looks and how much fun he actually is to play? Not in OOT, but in the more recent games, the realistic proportions make me feel more distant from the action. With Toon Link, I feel I'm right there in the game world.


I never got why the word 'caleidoscope' was made orange.....


Was there a secret I missed in his vicinity?

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Am I the only person who likes Zelda when it has a non-realistic look? Give me Wind Waker and Skyward Sword any day :p


Nope; Wind Waker is one of my favourite games, Zelda or otherwise, and I really loved the style*; and though I didn't like the look of Skyward Sword originally, I do now (did they change the style slightly?).


Most fantasy games seem to look the same now: gritty, bland, brown and bloody; they all look the same. I like the look of this "tech demo" though, and hope Nintendo use it for Zelda U.




*Hopefully the Wind Waker style in the games will stay just with the Four Swords and Wind Waker sequels however, it's been overused now.

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As much as I love this tech demo and as much as it has reinforced my passion for Zelda games, I actually dislike the Twilight Princess Link/model...


Makes Link seem and look 'stiff' and immobile - SS Link looks every bit the action hero; his more acrobatic looking and rapid with his sword movements, his green tunic just looks dull because if that realistic style. Actually TP Link is what put me off playing as him in Brawl. Those visuals also made the Zelda world a bit boring and Lord of the Rings-esque as opposed to Zelda-creative... Those fairies in TP looked boring and uninspirational.


I want something a bit more unique... Not WW unique, though thinking of WW visuals in HD makes me lick my lips - I'll be happy with a Smash Bros Melee 'anime' type Zelda.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i really hope they go for the realistic style, and keep the fantasy style gameplay wich i loves from zelda ocarina of time and majoras mask,

maybe combining the two toghether, i loved the idea of the mask transformations in zelda, i hope they bring a return of that one,

and i want more moves for link, like in ocarina of time, when u had dins, fire Nayrus love, and farores wind, i loved Oni link also, i would love to see him return, maybe as a villain, like Dark Link, that Dark link uses the Oni link mask, and be the New villain, lol i feel like a noob now, but when i speak of zelda i feel like a lil kid again drooling for the new game,


it would be cool like what they have done in twilight princess, with the other Heroes mercenaries who helped you in the game in the final part, something like that,

and last, what i always wanted in a zelda game is a fight in zelda like in lord of the rings, where the forces of evil fight against the forces of light in the midst of hyrule, and link appears on his Horse, and fights his way trough countless of enemies, large creatures, when u are in the city you have to go on foot, and fight your way trough hard battles, setting traps etc, what also would be cool as a new thing, that u can control the army of hyrule with the new controller, for a strategy or something like that, defending the castle placing traps attack, arrow attacks that kinda stuff, not trough the whole game but parts in the game, that would blow my head off lol, but i dont think they will put that in the game



something like this :P




Edited by The-chosen-one
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I'm torn between wanting to see jaw-dropping cell-shaded Wind Waker visuals in HD, full of life and magic, and boring but stunning realistic style of the tech demo and TP.


and last, what i always wanted in a zelda game is a fight in zelda like in lord of the rings, where the forces of evil fight against the forces of light in the midst of hyrule, and link appears on his Horse, and fights his way trough countless of enemies, large creatures, when u are in the city you have to go on foot, and fight your way trough hard battles, setting traps etc, what also would be cool as a new thing, that u can control the army of hyrule with the new controller, for a strategy or something like that, defending the castle placing traps attack, arrow attacks that kinda stuff, not trough the whole game but parts in the game, that would blow my head off lol, but i dont think they will put that in the game


That's not Zelda at all though. It goes against the whole concept.

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and last, what i always wanted in a zelda game is a fight in zelda like in lord of the rings, where the forces of evil fight against the forces of light in the midst of hyrule, and link appears on his Horse, and fights his way trough countless of enemies, large creatures, when u are in the city you have to go on foot, and fight your way trough hard battles, setting traps etc, what also would be cool as a new thing, that u can control the army of hyrule with the new controller, for a strategy or something like that, defending the castle placing traps attack, arrow attacks that kinda stuff, not trough the whole game but parts in the game, that would blow my head off lol, but i dont think they will put that in the game


You might think that's cool, but what you describe is just like every other braindead hack'n'slash game. Minus the control-the-army part, but that's what strategy games are for. :p

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I'm torn between wanting to see jaw-dropping cell-shaded Wind Waker visuals in HD, full of life and magic, ...


:love: Some prefer the cutesy-wutesy, fluffy, innocent and childs-play look and some prefer the deep, serious and badass look. :cool:

See me, I prefer both. They both have their charms and are extremely creative in their own special way.

But :laughing: for the first Zelda game for Wiiu I'm not gonna lie, I want me some seriousness full on with superb Japanese voice acting throughout the entire game (optional!). I'd like to see tons of other stuff but I can't be bothered to divulge at the minute. :zzz:


But yeah, I dig whatever suitable style for Zelda but I think that I personally prefer the 'serious' look. Quite manga'ish too, dare I say!!

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One thing's for sure if they go all cutesy and celshaded it'll make the uproar at Wind Waker's look feel like 10 seconds of whinging, after that tech demo!


I'd be very interested to see a return to the more traditional gothic, sombre Hyrule from LOZ and in particular Zelda II. Mind you I'd also be interested to see half a dozen other possibilities..... good luck to them in deciding!

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It's a dilemma indeed. To my mind, Nintendo have created three brilliant styles for the 3D Zeldas:


Ocarina of Time - We could call this the "Manga" style. Link is perfectly proportioned and has "pointy" features. The game characters are deeply odd, giving you the feeling that Nintendo is conveying a distinct artistic vision.


Wind Waker - My personal favourite. Never have the colours or shading been so bold or impressive. Perhaps the only "weakness" is that only Young Link has been used in this style so far (I wouldn't include Skyward Sword in this art style - it's more like Twilight Princess with a filter).


Twilight Princess - AKA The Legend of Zelda 2004/Wii U Zelda HD Demo. Initially, more stunning than the OOT/MM style. I am still disappointed Twilight Princess didn't look as good as the 2004 trailer, but the HD demo looks like this will be put right if Nintendo ever returns to this style. The question is: should they?


At first glance, Link has never looked cooler. However, to play as him, his proportions aren't as good as OOT's Link (he has a small body) and the proportions of the game world are too realistic, meaning I personally did not feel I was part of the action as much. Link aside, this visual style does not lend itself to a magical game world as much as the others. I don't mean to offend by calling the style "generic", but the Dodongos looked like Geckos and the spiders just looked like normal spiders. That's not what I want from a Zelda. I want to see the strange designs they've come up with.


So, what to do?


I tell you what I'd do. If I had my way I'd use Ocarina of Time as a template, use a high-polygon version of Adult Link, apply the brilliant colours of Wind Waker and wrap layers and layers of cel-shading around it.


Regardless, bring on Zelda Wii U. I have a good feeling about this one.

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Miyamoto confirms Zelda in development for Wii U.


Wether it does follow the tech demo style, or not, we don't know. It may take years before we know...

My Nintendo needs to shut up. Miyamoto didn't say that a Zelda game was currently in development for the Wii U - he said that they want to create a real HD Zelda game for it. It's bad enough that VG247 thought it was news that Nintendo are planning on making a Zelda game for the Wii U (I for one am shocked at the prospect of Nintendo bringing one of their most-loved franchises to their new home console!), but I really hate it when gaming websites/blogs regurgitate news and can't even get it right. :indeed:


He also never said that the game would include any of the features seen in the tech demo.


Also, launch title? That's so unlikely it's not even worth mentioning in the article. God.


Okay, I'll stop now.

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Am I the only person who likes Zelda when it has a non-realistic look? Give me Wind Waker and Skyward Sword any day :p


I can honestly say I'm not bothered either way. I loved the WW style and it made for a very atmospheric game but I'm also a bit of a sucker for realism too.


Having said that I would like a Hi-def realistic Zelda this time round I think...

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i really hope they go for the realistic style, and keep the fantasy style gameplay wich i loves from zelda ocarina of time and majoras mask,

maybe combining the two toghether, i loved the idea of the mask transformations in zelda, i hope they bring a return of that one,

and i want more moves for link, like in ocarina of time, when u had dins, fire Nayrus love, and farores wind, i loved Oni link also, i would love to see him return, maybe as a villain, like Dark Link, that Dark link uses the Oni link mask, and be the New villain, lol i feel like a noob now, but when i speak of zelda i feel like a lil kid again drooling for the new game,


it would be cool like what they have done in twilight princess, with the other Heroes mercenaries who helped you in the game in the final part, something like that,

and last, what i always wanted in a zelda game is a fight in zelda like in lord of the rings, where the forces of evil fight against the forces of light in the midst of hyrule, and link appears on his Horse, and fights his way trough countless of enemies, large creatures, when u are in the city you have to go on foot, and fight your way trough hard battles, setting traps etc, what also would be cool as a new thing, that u can control the army of hyrule with the new controller, for a strategy or something like that, defending the castle placing traps attack, arrow attacks that kinda stuff, not trough the whole game but parts in the game, that would blow my head off lol, but i dont think they will put that in the game



something like this :P





That picture actually makes me think of a Zelda RTS! I think it will work perfectly... Hylians, Gorons, Zoras against Gerudo, Bulbins, Deku Scrubs... Maybe focusing on the war of Hyrule.


Hylians have the archers, calvary, Kessen-style magic spells, Gorons have their rolling attacks, Zoras dominate the seas... Schuper!

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