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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I'm finding that visually this game doesn't really do it for me, especially after the sheer beauty of MK8. I suppose it's not easy mixing all the art styles into one but the generic lighting and the obvious disconnect between fighter and background is pretty jarring. The animated backgrounds in particular look terrible IMO. The only scene that looks good is Wiley's Castle.


I guess maybe it'll look better in person.

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Watched the direct last night. I think the 3DS version coming out early is a good move. I wasn't going to get the 3DS version before this. Now I know it's coming out first I'm getting both cause I needs it!


Too much stuff in that direct for me to know were to start. Happy to see Greninja in there. It's become one of my top 5 favorite Pokemon.

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Ok guys, I watched the trailer again and here's what I found. First:




Tits in Smash Bros? Cool!


Ok ok, to the point. Let's look at the icons of the items:




Well well, whaddaya know...the Pilotwings items and stage have their own icon, but games like Steel Diver only have the neutral Smash Bros icon. Same with the beam sword, bumper etc. Could this maybe be a sign that there's gonna be a Pilotwings fighter of some sort in the game?


Same thing with the levels:




Nintendogs: You have the dog as an assist trophy already, so it doesn't seem too likely...I mean what else can they even take from Nintendogs? A cat?


Streetpass: Nah, not feeling it, but who knows...the Streetpass models are very basic, so a character would feel quite out of place. It could be the bunny for example, or the Mii. Well that would actually make sense...


Balloon Fight: Yes, I can totally see the balloon guy as a playable character.


And yes, if you look at the assist trophy icons, some of them have a custom icon (Knuckle Joe from Kirby) whereas some do not (Sin and Punishment).




Seems to go solely on the basis of whether that game series is represented by a playable character or not. Pretty interesting...

Edited by Ville
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Ok guys, I watched the trailer again and here's what I found. First:




Tits in Smash Bros? Cool!


Ok ok, to the point. Let's look at the icons of the items:




Well well, whaddaya know...the Pilotwings items and stage have their own icon, but games like Steel Diver only have the neutral Smash Bros icon. Same with the beam sword, bumper etc. Could this maybe be a sign that there's gonna be a Pilotwings fighter of some sort in the game?


Same thing with the levels:




Nintendogs: You have the dog as an assist trophy already, so it doesn't seem too likely...I mean what else can they even take from Nintendogs? A cat?


Streetpass: Nah, not feeling it, but who knows...the Streetpass models are very basic, so a character would feel quite out of place. It could be the bunny for example, or the Mii. Well that would actually make sense...


Balloon Fight: Yes, I can totally see the balloon guy as a playable character.


And yes, if you look at the assist trophy icons, some of them have a custom icon (Knuckle Joe from Kirby) whereas some do not (Sin and Punishment).




Seems to go solely on the basis of whether that game series is represented by a playable character or not. Pretty interesting...

Not entirely true. In Brawl there were icons used for levels and so forth that weren't necessarily represented by playable characters. Animal Crossing, for example

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Not entirely true. In Brawl there were icons used for levels and so forth that weren't necessarily represented by playable characters. Animal Crossing, for example


Yeah, it seems they had 3 stages in Brawl without a playable character: Animal Crossing, Pictochat and the Elektroplankton stage. A Pilotwings character seems quite unlikely too since the rocket pack is a separate item. The Balloon Fighter though? He might actually fit in there...although with what kind of attacks? All he does in the game is float in the air!

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Yeah, it seems they had 3 stages in Brawl without a playable character: Animal Crossing, Pictochat and the Elektroplankton stage. A Pilotwings character seems quite unlikely too since the rocket pack is a separate item. The Balloon Fighter though? He might actually fit in there...although with what kind of attacks? All he does in the game is float in the air!

I honestly don't see the Balloon Fight character in it.




Villager's recovery special takes the entire concept of it and uses it.

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Steel Diver and Sin & Punishment don't seem to have any obvious emblems, especially ones to fit in that shape.


Neither does Punch-Out or Wii Fit, but they made some. In Brawl, if something uses an emblem, there's a character or stage from that franchise. We can safely assume that Steel Diver and Sin&Punishment will not be having either for this game.

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It'll be a bit strange playing Smash Bros without a GameCube pad. I guess everyone will get used to it on the 3DS long before the Wii U version is out though.


I left the GC controller behind after moving on to Brawl. Could never get used to the Classic Controller as hard as I tried, eventually the Wiimote/Nunchuk combo worked for me. It's rough and a bit dodgy at times but it was manageable.


Wii U Pro Controller is the way to go now.

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So, speaking of series symbols, there's something people noticed that got a few rumours buzzing:




Waluigi got a Wario symbol, despite never appearing in a Wario game. Naturally some rumours started to buzz that a new Wario game is in the works, and that Waluigi features in it in some form.


A bit farfetched, but would be pretty sweet, if true. I would love to see Waluigi actually doing something for a change, instead of being "that guy" on party games.

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So, speaking of series symbols, there's something people noticed that got a few rumours buzzing:




Waluigi got a Wario symbol, despite never appearing in a Wario game. Naturally some rumours started to buzz that a new Wario game is in the works, and that Waluigi features in it in some form.


A bit farfetched, but would be pretty sweet, if true. I would love to see Waluigi actually doing something for a change, instead of being "that guy" on party games.


That's the last thing Nintendo need. Surely that'll just cannibalise Wario's market (which isn't huge to begin with) since this will either be a platformer or a mini-game/Wario-Ware style game. If there's one thing Nintendo don't need on their system, it'll be another platformer.


Orrrrr, maybe Waluigi can fill that hole and be part of some sort of Killer IP FPS that we are all waiting for. (lol)


Edit: Ine has just pointed out to me that I can't read. I thought you meant Waluigi having his OWN game, not being in Wario's. I feel stupid now.


As you were. :D

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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That's the last thing Nintendo need. Surely that'll just cannibalise Wario's market (which isn't huge to begin with) since this will either be a platformer or a mini-game/Wario-Ware style game. If there's one thing Nintendo don't need on their system, it'll be another platformer.


Orrrrr, maybe Waluigi can fill that hole and be part of some sort of Killer IP FPS that we are all waiting for. (lol)


Edit: Ine has just pointed out to me that I can't read. I thought you meant Waluigi having his OWN game, not being in Wario's. I feel stupid now.


As you were. :D




If Waluigi gets his own game, I want it to be about tying damsels to train tracks, tearing down orphanages, and other dastardly endeavours. Maybe it could play like an RPG/Adventure where your quests are the opposite of what people want you to do.


But I would also totes dig a new Wario Land on 3DS. I love that series.

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If Waluigi gets his own game, I want it to be about tying damsels to train tracks, tearing down orphanages, and other dastardly endeavours. Maybe it could play like an RPG/Adventure where your quests are the opposite of what people want you to do.


Yes, yes and yes. MAKE IT HAPPEN NINTENDO. #waluigitehlegend

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