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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I would. He looks just like a more tanned version of me! :heh:


I echo you :laughing: not on him resembling me in any way, of course. Well, ... perhaps there are similarities when relating the subjects of the height and heroic physique, as well as features in the genitalia regions.


This nigger is my new main. :DAlongside my others

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"Pic of the day. Kid Icarus: Uprising is now available to download via eShop in Japan. By the way, we gave a makeover to Pit's pose when he's shooting his bow and arrow so it looks sharper. Do note that all images are still in development. This and past pics may be different from the finished product. Thanks for understanding."

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Not really. It's all in one Down-Smash attack (I'm assuming). For example, like Snake's Land Mine from Brawl. Takes a long time to start-up (compared to all other smash attacks) but it remains on the stage for quite some time too.


I think the Villagers' Down-Smash attack is similar in that you can plant it and leave it as a tree and use it when you want to. Perhaps other characters and items can knock it down too?


It does look like it can do some serious damage/knockback if you recall the debut trailer, it was practically a 1HKO.


Go to the 45s mark.


Go to the 3m42s mark.

Edited by -Dem0-
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So who's actually getting this on only the 3DS?

*raises hand*


I'll be getting both without a doubt - though how much info do we have all round on the online/multiplayer? Depending on the situation there I could certainly end up playing one more than the other.


Not really. It's all in one Down-Smash attack (I'm assuming). For example, like Snake's Land Mine from Brawl. Takes a long time to start-up (compared to all other smash attacks) but it remains on the stage for quite some time too.


I think the Villagers' Down-Smash attack is similar in that you can plant it and leave it as a tree and use it when you want to. Perhaps other characters and items can knock it down too?


It does look like it can do some serious damage/knockback if you recall the debut trailer, it was practically a 1HKO.


Hmmm...I have nothing to offer to counter your appraisal, and you certainly have the videos to support it, but I feel with a mention of tactics it could work somewhat differently.


My supposition would be - can plant as villager, and chop it - but it takes more than one swing with a potential random element(of direction it falls, or number of swings). Or it can be planted and damaged a different amount by other characters, with a similar mechanic. I feel it might be a more unpredictable move, because otherwise I don't exactly see how it's going to be all that 'tactical' unless it means just gauging distance/who's coming for you(which is no one, when they see you planting a tree on their way over).

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I'll be getting both unless one is somehow terrible. Definitely keen on taking this on the go and playing with workmates, kinda worried about the screen size though. Smash is hectic enough on a massive screen!


It would be awesome if the 3DS version had taller levels that take advantage of both screens. Actually, it would be rad on Wii U as well. Only on some stages, mind you. Don't want to upset people too much.


Just hope the net code is decent this time around. Brawl had terrible online play.

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