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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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She looks great! Love her re-design! (It's based off her Brawl design, but brightened up considerably and made much more colourful)


Hope she got buffed a bit from Brawl though, she was waaaayyyy too weak in that game... (I noticed that she now uses her crown as a weapon, so it looks like they're making some significant changes to her moveset :) )

Edited by Dcubed
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So, the royal punching bag has finally been confirmed. Really liking her re-design.


"Pic of the day. Peach joins the battle! We've added 10 pictures of her on the website, but keep in mind that the game is still in development. Her moves may be refreshed by the time the games are released."
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That Peach-Toad-Mario picture is just all kinds of wrong :laughing:

So Toad is still not playable, I guess...


I wonder what we will discover under her dress this time.


I bet we'll get some Donkey Kong character announcement when Tropical Freeze is nearby.


and of course Pokémon reveals when X & Y arrive.

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I think she looks regally beautiful! Agree a bit with Dcubed though, whilst I liked her and could use and win with her on occasion in brawl, she felt rather flappy all round. She's generally been like that always, but I think she needs to get a tiny bit more oomph added to her.

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