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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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A Doshin the Giant level would be cool in Smash U.


You could be fighting on quite a simple landscape to start out with maybe a bit of water and a house. You would be quite high up overlooking a view of the island, and Doshin could be seen plodding about in the background.


But then every now and then the top half of him would pop up behind the stage, and he would go about reshaping the landform of the stage and planting new tree platforms, adding statues etc... during this time you would also be able to use his hands as moving platforms and maybe when his hands are on the ground even run up his arms and fight on his head... but get back down before he disappears back down with you still on him.







Man, I loved Doshin the Giant. It was such a relaxing game, if a little clunky at times.

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Yeah, I enjoyed Melee a lot more that Brawl. It was a mixture of reasons really but Melee was the king of local multiplayer for me and my mates and it has yet to be topped.


Roy FTW!




Roy's our boy!!!


Man I loved that chant :awesome: that said, I was a Marth player myself...gotta love that hair!

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They're actually very old gravestones.


Nono, not gravestones, as far as I know they were put in graves for various reasons (to guard, to accompany master in after life, show wealth)


They are called Haniwa and come in many shapes and sizes, some more realistic than others:



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Ah, we get another 3DS stage. Looks nice. Kinda reminds me of Castle Siege from Brawl.


I hardly noticed the black outline around the characters. If you look carefully enough you can see Pit's outline, Fox is a bit harder.

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Yeah man I'm gonna like the villager. That one catching move is just totally me.


Same here. I was all about Kirby in the original but he was too floaty in melee so I changed to Falco. I flicked between a few characters on Brawl but now I'm really looking forward to trying out the Villager!

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Same here. I was all about Kirby in the original but he was too floaty in melee so I changed to Falco. I flicked between a few characters on Brawl but now I'm really looking forward to trying out the Villager!


Well I've random'd for a long time, but I've always enjoyed the characters with reflectors and counter-moves for their unexpected trollability. One of my favourite items was the franklin badge too, so much fun.

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but I've always enjoyed the characters with reflectors and counter-moves for their unexpected trollability.


I love facing those characters. Especially when I'm using Captain Falcon.




Oh great... Wii Fit Trainer is evil too.







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Sakurai reiterated in a new bi-weekly column this week his disappointment in seeing players upload the Subspace Emissary’s cutscenes online, which ruined the surprise in one sense. This time around, the team has concentrated on making videos for the new characters. For these clips, they’re making them so that it may be beneficial to share them with others.


“Unfortunately, the movie scenes we worked hard to create were uploaded onto the internet. You can only truly wow a player the first time he sees [a cutscene]. I felt if players saw the cutscenes outside of the game, they would no longer serve as rewards for playing the game, so I’ve decided against having them.”






Sakurai, .... .... ....?


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I thought that was already known? I recall discussing it in this very forum.


Indeed it was, but other websites seem to have already forgotten and are reporting on this. It wasn't that long ago either.


Last time he also said that they're planning something different to reward players too.

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