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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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For what it's worth, I hear someone (maybe at Neogaf? I don't know) said, before the presentation, that Megaman, Villager and Wii Fit Trainer would be in the game. They also had Pac-Man, Mii and Little Mac listed among the newcomers.


You know, Internet rumours are what they are, but I'd be surprised if Little Mac wasn't in this, by now.

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It would make a lot of sense since Little Mac is in one of Nintendos only dedicated fighting games, for him to be in their biggest fighting game franchises.


Did that sentence make sense, i feel that it did...i'm happy with it.

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Super Smash Bros: "We Don't Have Time To Bring All Characters Back"


Smash Bros designer Masahiro Sakurai says there just isn't time to recreate every character who has appeared in the series.


Not every character who has appeared in previous Smash Bros titles will be appearing in Super Smash Bros - because there isn't enough time to recreate them all.


Designer Masahiro Sakurai explained the reason when NowGamer asked if all the previous characters will return.


"I can answer that: no. We don’t have the time to fully recreate every single character who’s been in Smash Bros at this point," Sakurai explained.


"Adding new characters is not a simple addition – it’s really multiplication. The amount of work, adding a character is multiplied and becomes bigger and bigger as you go. We can’t because of the amount of work it takes. However, I do believe I understand that each character has its own set of fans out there who really like that character.


"So we’re not going to cut characters out of the way, we’re going to put in as many characters as we can, we really want to do that, because it's good for the fans and good for all of us. But in the event that we do have to cut some characters, I’d like to apologise in advance to those fans."



Sakurai details how Pokemon are selected for the Smash Bros. series


"Well first of all, we talk with the Pokemon company. What’s the hot Pokemon? What Pokemon are in the movies right now? And really do a lot of research on that front.


For example, X and Y are coming out – of course, we haven’t done any market research because they’re not out yet, but we look at the animated series or movies and anything like that and again, find out which ones are going to be central to any of conversations in Pokemon going forward.


But it’s not just that – going back to just what we talked about, what’s unique about them? Where do they fit in with the rest of everything else? What do they have? It’s a combination of those things."





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I don't mind them not bringing characters back.


But I don't like this whole 'We don't have time' talk that they seem to be saying for a lot of things, like this, and any chance of different characters between versions etc...


FFS Nintendo, it's not as if you stick to a release date with your games!

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I don't mind them not bringing characters back.


But I don't like this whole 'We don't have time' talk that they seem to be saying for a lot of things, like this, and any chance of different characters between versions etc...


FFS Nintendo, it's not as if you stick to a release date with your games!

There's also budgets. If they take too long, then they'll struggle to make the cash back. Just look at Tomb Raider for that.


I have little doubt we'll have at least 30 characters again, and what they don't have at launch can just be added by DLC later

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But I don't like this whole 'We don't have time' talk that they seem to be saying for a lot of things, like this, and any chance of different characters between versions etc...


If they had all the time they ask for, the game's development would be infinite. They need to have a set deadline to work with, after all.


Also, I find it funny that most people criticise Nintendo for delaying games, but right now you're saying they should do it :heh:

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Yeah, they can add DLC. I won’t mind some characters being cut, but I hope they keep the more unique ones, like Mr. Game & Watch.


But this is a quote from the article on the frontpage: “the oh-so-boring Jigglypuff”.


Jigglypuff better be in there!!

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Yeah, they can add DLC. I won’t mind some characters being cut, but I hope they keep the more unique ones, like Mr. Game & Watch.


But this is a quote from the article on the frontpage: “the oh-so-boring Jigglypuff”.


Jigglypuff better be in there!!

Especially now it's a Fairy-type Pokémon!

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I do hope Jigglypuff is back to her Melee awesomeness. She sucked so much in Brawl, and her Final Smash did her no favours (but now that she's a Fairy type, she will hopefully have a more fitting move)


Speaking of Pokémon, is Mewtwo a shoe-in? Please, Serebii, please tell me that Mewtwo's new forme can trump whoever's "hot" right now with Pokémon X&Y.

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I do hope Jigglypuff is back to her Melee awesomeness. She sucked so much in Brawl, and her Final Smash did her no favours (but now that she's a Fairy type, she will hopefully have a more fitting move)


Speaking of Pokémon, is Mewtwo a shoe-in? Please, Serebii, please tell me that Mewtwo's new forme can trump whoever's "hot" right now with Pokémon X&Y.

Mewtwo is very much the hot-topic Pokémon this year, yes. It has a new form and is the star of the newest movie

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I don't mind them not bringing characters back.


But I don't like this whole 'We don't have time' talk that they seem to be saying for a lot of things, like this, and any chance of different characters between versions etc...


FFS Nintendo, it's not as if you stick to a release date with your games!


Plus bloody one.


Although Jigglypuff may appear boring to some, for old times' sake just leave her in. Pokemon Trainer I'd kinda understand, although even that was a cool idea. Perhaps we dont want to many Pokemon's up in the joint. Pikachu is a must have. I grown attached to Lucario. Buy hizz yeah bring Mewtwo back and Mew would be a welcomed addition. I'm not digging these new Mewtwo's though... Original one please.


I kinda feel like Captain Falcon will be made redundant. Any how!.. I swear...

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The oh-so-boring Pigglyjuff should be up slapped right out of the universe. He/she/it has as much personality as a rotting fish corpse. :grin:


Jigglypuff will be back and slap everyone in the face with her cute Jigglies!

I´ve been playing Brawl again and I really hope she stays, her moves are sick and very powerful!






I kinda feel like Captain Falcon will be made redundant. Any how!.. I swear...



If Captain Falcon is not in this I WILL BE UP IN ARMS!


I need to see his awesome getup in HD!

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