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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Just gone online with this for the first time. First game unplayable. But I noticed I was playing with henrié :heh: which I'm guessing didn't help...


After that it was all typical English names, and it was relatively smooth. Got a couple of wins! Twice I ended up in sudden death with another lad playing as Ness. Twice I beat him down. :D

Dat sudden death tension!


In fairness, he was trying to PK Thunder me from across the stage which everyone knows is foolish in sudden death. He learned a lesson tonight. He learned twice. :p


Ahh I love Smash. Didn't enjoy it quite so much when some complete pro came and bitch slapped me with Little Mac twice... but then it's always good to be brought back to reality after winning a few! :laughing:


Good fun! : peace:

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Just gone online with this for the first time. First game unplayable. But I noticed I was playing with henrié :heh: which I'm guessing didn't help...


After that it was all typical English names, and it was relatively smooth. Got a couple of wins! Twice I ended up in sudden death with another lad playing as Ness. Twice I beat him down. :D

Dat sudden death tension!


In fairness, he was trying to PK Thunder me from across the stage which everyone knows is foolish in sudden death. He learned a lesson tonight. He learned twice. :p


Ahh I love Smash. Didn't enjoy it quite so much when some complete pro came and bitch slapped me with Little Mac twice... but then it's always good to be brought back to reality after winning a few! :laughing:


Good fun! : peace:


Little Mac is a beast though, so I wouldn't feel too hard done by!


I just panic when sudden death happens, and end up using a power move that leaves me exposed for a good old rodgering!


I've finally unlocked all characters (deffo left some space on the roster on purpose haven't they?) so will be venturing online a lot more now.


Has anyone noticed that the announcer sounds genuinely surprised and sceptical everytime you select Luigi?

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I would be tempted but I assume officially licenced is slightly different to just official? Because they look a bit fatter than the official GC controllers.


I've read somewhere that the company that made them spent a chunk of its R&D in interviewing professional Smash Bros. players and designing the controller based on their feedback. The face buttons are further apart as a result, and the shoulder buttons have grooves that go around the edges of the controller for easier reach. Which is neat and all, but I can't stand any of the designs, and I prefer the old Gamecube sticks over the Nunchuck/Wii U controller sticks. Nothing beats the precision of the 360 controller though, IMO.

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I'm only now seeing that there's no bundle for the Wii U with the game, adapter and controller. I just presumed there was one like the Japanese are getting. I nearly bought the bundle from Gamestop a while back that had the game and adapter for €70. Again I just assumed that the controller was meant to be included as did many others, though it wasn't clear and they since removed the listing. Anyway bullet dodged but why isn't there a bundle for all 3? I've plenty of Gamecube controllers and Wavebirds but would have preferred to buy a bundle containing all 3.

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I'm only now seeing that there's no bundle for the Wii U with the game, adapter and controller. I just presumed there was one like the Japanese are getting. I nearly bought the bundle from Gamestop a while back that had the game and adapter for €70. Again I just assumed that the controller was meant to be included as did many others, though it wasn't clear and they since removed the listing. Anyway bullet dodged but why isn't there a bundle for all 3? I've plenty of Gamecube controllers and Wavebirds but would have preferred to buy a bundle containing all 3.


I would happily pay €100,- for a bundle with the game, adapter, smash-GC controller and an Amiibo of choice (I know you hate them, but I just want the Cpt. Falcon, Pit and Little Mac statues ;))

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Pic of the day. The Flying Men that appear in the Magicant stage will ally with the first fighter that touches them. Watch out for their flying cross-chop attacks! They also accumulate damage, and a grave gets erected every time a Flying Man falls in battle. And of course, only up to five Flying Men can appear at a time.


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Has anyone noticed that the announcer sounds genuinely surprised and sceptical everytime you select Luigi?


Yep. The announcer in this is hilarious. Especially the way he says Greninja.


Speaking of!

I seriously love everything about Greninja's moveset! Totally clicks with my play style. That Down Air is godly and his specials are fun to use.


Anyway, anyone want to add me for a few matches whenever I get a chance to go online?

Unlike @Sprout, I'm nowhere near as good at Smash as I am at Mario Kart. So you'll probably get a few quick wins.

My FC is to the left there, PM me if you want to add me.

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Originally planned on maining Little Mac, but I quickly decided against that simply because everyone and their Duck Hunt Dog is using him. Especially in 'For Glory'. Although most of them weren't that difficult to beat, it's still annoying to run into these super-armor-wearing knuckle-heads.

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Oh, great. My 3DS XL's circle pad just broke.


I thought the reports about Smash Bros. taking a heavy toll on circle pads was just people being excessively forceful while playing, but still decided to be careful just in case... Looks like that didn't help, though. It's all them tilts, probably.


I guess my Smashing days are over (for a couple of months, anyways). I was enjoying the 3DS version so much, but I can't keep playing like this... Even if it gets fixed, it'd be risky to continue playing just to have it happen again (and I hadn't even gotten to the challenging parts yet)... :(



EDIT: To clarify, it's gotten stuck and won't move properly. I hope I can get it loose so I can keep playing my other games without having to get it repaired or replaced...


Be careful, everyone.

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I hope the circle pad on the New 3DS is a bit more robust, otherwise it's going to be barely worth upgrading as between Super Smash Bros and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate it's barely going to survive a few months. :heh:


Almost starting to wish that the GC controller adapter worked with the 3DS as well, and no I'm not going to make one of those adapters which involves wiring another circuit board onto my 3DS then sticking it with tape. :indeed:


Can we have a mini wireless GC controller just for the 3DS please Nintendo... or better yet a new Wii U game pad with a 3DS game card slot on it or even a 3DS micro console, or or... none of the above and I'll just keep on buying endless hardware revisions until the next machine comes along. :blank:


Still though, it's only a matter of time before my Circle Pad breaks as well, I can feel it going off-centre at times already. :/

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Yep. The announcer in this is hilarious. Especially the way he says Greninja.


Speaking of!

I seriously love everything about Greninja's moveset! Totally clicks with my play style. That Down Air is godly and his specials are fun to use.


Anyway, anyone want to add me for a few matches whenever I get a chance to go online?

Unlike @Sprout, I'm nowhere near as good at Smash as I am at Mario Kart. So you'll probably get a few quick wins.

My FC is to the left there, PM me if you want to add me.


Is Greninja similar to Sheik in playstyle?

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Is Greninja similar to Sheik in playstyle?


In the same way that they're both very quick and have very fluid attacks.

They have completely different attacks though.


Honestly though, I'm not the kind of guy to ask about this. I don't know the super ins and outs about stuff.

Also, was never a major Sheik user.

Also, stop assuming all ninjas are the same. Is that racist?

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Originally planned on maining Little Mac, but I quickly decided against that simply because everyone and their Duck Hunt Dog is using him. Especially in 'For Glory'. Although most of them weren't that difficult to beat, it's still annoying to run into these super-armor-wearing knuckle-heads.


Final Destination gives those 2 characters a huge advantage. If Battlefield was available then they wouldn't be half as good since Little Mac would have to jump to reach the top platform and they would get in the way of Duck Hunt Dog's cans. I just had a long set with a Sheik, Duck Hunt and Little Mac player. At first I used Ganondorf but him vs Duck Hunt is pretty much impossible :shakehead but I managed to beat him with Sonic, Link and the good old Captain Falcon. scored a sweet KO where I hit the knee on the Mexican Bandit and the Dog at the same time :D


btw @Glen\-i just added your friend code.

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Oh, great. My 3DS XL's circle pad just broke.


That's definitely the reason I didn't get this game.replacing a single controller is £30, but fixing the 3ds means losing your entire game library for a few days or shelling out at least £70-80 for a replacement console.

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Is it just me that thinks bowser and DK are really overpowered characters? Saying that though, I can't use them myself despite getting my are handed to me by them.


Also on for glory, I've noticed people are happy to fight you when they ar winning. But when the tides turn they soon log out!

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I used to get destroyed when playing as Bowser before (I wasn't good with him though), but now I've actually won quite a few matches with him. Really like how he's been improved. Deservedly so if you ask me.


By the way, what characters give you the most trouble (I know this mainly depends on who you choose)? For me it's usually Zelda & Ness.

Edited by -Dem0-
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What does the little

Mac down and b do He flashes? I assume some sort of dodge or counter move ?


Would you not recommend Mac for big stages with items then ?

It's a counter




Pic of the day. Here's the Trophy Shop for the Wii U version. It operates identically to the 3DS version, but it sure has a different feel, doesn't it?

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Automerged Doublepost
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It's a counter




Pic of the day. Here's the Trophy Shop for the Wii U version. It operates identically to the 3DS version, but it sure has a different feel, doesn't it?


Aw man, I'm so glad that's just a virtual toystore! Imagine that this was a real life display in a store and all smash trophies would be made into Amiibo's...

I would be broke in about 1 second :awesome:

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It's a counter




Pic of the day. Here's the Trophy Shop for the Wii U version. It operates identically to the 3DS version, but it sure has a different feel, doesn't it?


Man, that looks nice. I'd love to go there!


Nice to see them really differentiating the two different games in all respects :)

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Really worried about the content over the two games... I don't want to get everything int he 3DS version and be bored by the Wii U even though the Wii U version looks a hundred times better... Tempted to ease of playing the 3DS version a little to be honest and wait for the Wii U version... If I had willpower then I think it's far better to have waited for the WIi U and pick this up at the same time!

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