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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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With yesterday's announcement there goes any chance Rayman had of appearing in this game. I really thought he had a great shot at making the cut. Just goes to show you can't trust nobody but yourself. Especially if you're a Nintendo fan. There is one way he could feature, substitute him for the sandbag in the home run contest and batter the living $h!t€ out of him. You then have to wait 7 months to get your result even though it's already complete.


I'd say Rayman can still make the cut, for NINTENDO has had and STILL has an excellent relationship with Ubisoft. The fact that Ubi went out of their way and tried to create something truly unique for the WiiU with ZombiU at launch is a testiment of that.

I don't think it's bad that Ubi actually listened to Rayman fans and chose to port it over to other systems. Rayman honestly deserves more recognition.

The delay is quite long though, but there's always plenty of other games to play most of the time.


Rayman is just such a perfect 3rd party fit for the series, but I guess it all comes down to Sakurai's mindset.

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If Nintendo want people to have the best possible experience with the 3DS/Wii U compatibility of the new Smash Bros they'll release an official bundle where you pay like £60-65 for both games. Same with Monster Hunter 3. I'd buy the hell out of that bundle.


Hopefully retailers will have the brains to make that happen. My wallet will thank them.




My sad dreams aside, this game has the potential to be absolutely amazing.


It would be super cool if the alt. costumes for some characters were like... previous game versions of the character. Mario for example could have his original Mario Bros. sprite, the Mario 64 character model and of course some newer/updated Mario models from more recent games. It would also be great to have a Lou Albano Mario playable. Do you think that would be difficult for them to implement?


I dropped Brawl into the Wii for a brief play the other afternoon and holy shit the net code is terrible. Gameplay/roster gripes aside, the shoddy online was the one thing that completely relegates Brawl to shitty status for me. All the new Smash Bros. really needs is a playable online system. I'll be overjoyed with that simple accomplishment even if every fucking character is replaced with a horrible gen 36 Pokémon.


In addition to the first option, I think if they can work out the issues against it being abused; a cheap DD for the 3DS version with the Wii U version. Like £10-£20 maybe. I think it's the way forward, though they'll never do it because it'll fracture their market and lose them too much compared to the current pisstake they'll carry out instead.


The sprite/costume swap idea is cool. For me Brawl was still awesome as I had a regular roster of smash brothers for regular local play, so didn't need to touch the online too much - I did on occasion though, desperately lacking sometimes; felt like it was useless for random battles a while after the game was out too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Translation from Polygon.





I think the one word I've said the most this year, by far, is 'Ow!' Not only am I getting calcific tendonitis, but they've also found what are apparently several ruptures in the muscles. My upper arm hurts, and there's this chronic dull pain in my elbow joint as well. On the lower arm, there's this feeling of fatigue around the flexor muscles that turns into pain when I use a keyboard or game controller with my fingers.


There's no instant cure for it, so all I can do is either block the pain with injections or put my arm in a cast to keep the ruptures from spreading. I was told that the important thing was to keep my arm as rested as possible. In order to get it fully healed, the only thing is to not use my right arm or hand. So not only am I using a trackball with my left hand; now I'm using it to eat, brush my teeth, wash my hair, and even drive as much as I'm able to.


As a director, I don't have much time in the weekdays to proceed along with my own work. The entire day is spent overseeing other people, holding meetings, working on other proposals, making visits elsewhere and so on. If I can get everything squared away, then I can work on my own stuff, but most of the time there's just an overwhelming lack of time. Often I go in on my off-days to catch up on my own work, but with my body going on me like this, I have to cut these extra days out of my schedule and even with that I can't use my right arm very much to control things. If this disorder lingers, or if it never gets fixed, there's no telling what impact that would have on the project.


I've had to control two characters at once in a lot of game projects up to now, so as long as I keep it to simple moves, this works well enough. It doesn't go that easy with the Nintendo 3DS version, though, and the debug camera is pretty hard to control. Still, now I realize how important it is to have your health. I'm glad I'm still in good enough shape to work.




Sounds like a severe case of RSI. I don't even care if the game gets delayed, hes already given the world the likes of Kirby, SSB. & Uprising. His health comes first!


I hope he gets better soon.

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Damn, poor ol' Sakurai.


I'd say he should get someone trustworthy (a sort of Personal Assistant) to go with him and test games, write emails, etc...

Still, it's hard, as a Director, to not be able to play the game you're making properly.


I'm just hoping that Miyamoto doesn't step in and cuts the story mode :laughing:

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Damn, poor ol' Sakurai.


I'd say he should get someone trustworthy (a sort of Personal Assistant) to go with him and test games, write emails, etc...

Still, it's hard, as a Director, to not be able to play the game you're making properly.


I'm just hoping that Miyamoto doesn't step in and cuts the story mode :laughing:


lol yeah that is what i loved about brawl the subspace (story mode) the cutscenes i just loved it, almost gave a feeling of watching a nintendo universe move lol, i started playing brawl again on my wiiU still love it.

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As long as they can get it out before EVO next year, every thing will be fine. I just hope Nintendo doesn't push the guy too hard to get it out this year considering the Wii U's struggle right now.


Just in case people haven't found out about this yet, EVO had a vote for the 8th game they should have a tournament on this year. Quite a few games were available to vote for, including Playstation All Stars, and which ever game raised the most for a breast cancer charity would win. The winner was Super Smash Bros Melee which raised the most by far, almost breaching $100,000.


Now, if Melee goes down extremely well this year, I can imagine the Wii U version being welcomed next year if it's out and imagine the hype for that. I think it would push quite a few people who skipped the Wii version to consider the Wii U game which could give quite a few extra sales as Evo's turnout is massive.

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Three things I absolutely don't want to see in this game:


1) DLC


2) Miis


3) StreetPass (if used to unlock things that can't be gotten otherwise)


I'd be fine with DLC, if it'd be done properly. We only get one Smash Bros per generation, so I'd like to receive some new content, like new levels and new fighters. Even if they'd cost money. Just as long as they're not over-powered. Or characters that were in the first three games.

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Just like you could always not play them in Mario Kart Wii. Oh, except they were all over the place anyway.


You just know that if there's a playable Mii, at the very least there'd be a level in arcade mode where you have to fight twenty of them in a row.

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Yeah me too, stage builder with the wiiU gamepad would be great.

with the 25gig disc space, they can do alot with the game.

and i am really curious what namco bandai will do with this game.


DLC would be awesome, for as u already said we only get smashbros every generation, so it would be great to download more characters/costumes/assist/stages or maybe new storymisions. but they dont have to do it separate, like with every character u download u get the stage and story with him. and for the people who dont want DLC just dont download the characters or stages or costumes.


as for the MII character i dont want them to appear in the game, that would suck.

what they can do with the MII character they can put him in practice mode to kick you MIIS But, or when you are playing online in theater mode or something or when u play tournament and you have to wait for your turn, then u see your mii character waiting, where u can rate the match like they did in the last mortal kombat.

or in a fight ''in some levels'' that u see your MII characters appear in the background, but nothing more than that.


but they have to replace jiglypuff and mr game&watch with some other nice character, maybe with the new firstparty game from Nintendo and Monolith soft on WIIU, XenoGears.

and littleMac from punchout He is an iconic character who made nintendo really famous together with mario.

Lucario has to be replaced with a new legendary pokemon, and the pokemon trainer they should make an option where u can choose from upto 10 pokemon (when u choose the pokemon trainer) that u can select out of the 10, 3 pokemon for your team, with that it will be a surprise everytime u play online with him.


and little bit more characters would be nice, like more heroes and villains

as they can always put the costumes as villains as they did with link and pit, dark link and dark pit. and with captain falcon, as bloodhawk.

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Sakurai Tells People Not To Worry About His Injury And Smash Bros Development




Masahiro Sakurai, the creator behind both the Kirby and the Smash Bros series, has told his followers on Twitter not to worry about his injury and the next Smash Bros game which is due to be released on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. Sakurai says that he appreciates all the encouraging messages he has received via the social network. Here’s what he had to say.


“Thanks a lot of encouragement messages. Please don’t worry about my injury & SMASH BROS development.”



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I wouldn't mind DLC if it meant additional content in response to user feedback, or option extras etc. As long as it's sensibly done, not overpriced and doesn't alienate those without then yeah, I'd like it. Personally I foresee most of my smashing done local so I'd see it as not a great cost; though maybe I'll be online a lot more if they have a decent infrastructure and setup.

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As long as DLC is honest post-game content, I'm not opposed.


I'm also not opposed to Miis, because those would need to have their own original moveset. The Mario Kart example is terrible because they're just a skin, there.


Anyway, I hope Sakurai doesn't overexert himself.

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Smash Bros vs Marvel!


Samus vs. Iron Man, Fox vs. Rocket Racoon, Captain Falcon vs. Captain America, DK vs. Hulk! :D


Smash Bros vs Disney :P

Nowadays they own both Marvel and Star Wars. Imagine Iron Man vs Samus vs Darth Vader vs Mickey Mouse XD

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