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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Not possible. There would be lag, it's impossible for there not to be. The question is the amount, and that depends on each player's connection, and distance.


Yeah, online games always have lag...



Hundreds of games work without any noticeable lag, and in this day and age it is expected for any game with an online portion to work practically lag-free.


And this is what I expect.

Well, not the right word. It's what I hope. But hey, any effort Nintendo put into online gaming should be praised :p


To be honest I'm gobsmacked the game doesn't let you compare with friends. This game seems to have everything... weird omission!


Agree. It's a missed chance...the stats menu is awesome, but it would be amazing to compare yours with others'.

Such a simple, yet effective idea and it's not included :(


Master Core is a fucking beast



Spent a bit more time with the game. Just trying out a couple of Characters. Little Mac is awesome :D


And I love the Hands' new moves. :)


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Yeah, online games always have lag...



Hundreds of games work without any noticeable lag, and in this day and age it is expected for any game with an online portion to work practically lag-free.


And this is what I expect.

Well, not the right word. It's what I hope. But hey, any effort Nintendo put into online gaming should be praised :p


Hundreds of games do it through extrapolation which predict your path and action. This is not possible in a game such as this, which is why we get lag rather than characters that jump about.


Games have more lag than you realise, you just don't notice it due to the implementation.

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Hundreds of games do it through extrapolation which predict your path and action. This is not possible in a game such as this, which is why we get lag rather than characters that jump about.


Why is it not possible in a game like this but was possible in twich-reflex shooters like Unreal Tournament 2003?

Or in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, which is a game like this.

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Online was great with you guys yesterday :D@RedShell you are a beast as DK.


And after spending a lot of time with this since I last posted, I'm really impressed. Absolutely loving it now, the only problem for me is that I hate how the 3ds feels for intense fights, my hands started to get pins and needles yesteday!


And there are a lot of surprise characters for me in this game. Ness, Pacman and Duck Hunt Duo are all far better than I imagined and my usual regulars, Pikachu and Falco, aren't that good at all. I'm having a lot of fun discovering all the characters and their moves and am much preferring the light, fast paced characters this time, that can send projectiles and stuff, wheras I used to like just jumping right in and smash-attacking everyone :p


I also unlocked a few surprise things:

I'd avoided smash information for the past few months but still thought I knew everything so was pleasently surprised when R.O.B made a return! Dr Mario was also another one totally out of the blue! I was really impressed with the new F-Zero and Kirby gameboy levels too!


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Hundreds of games do it through extrapolation which predict your path and action. This is not possible in a game such as this, which is why we get lag rather than characters that jump about.


Games have more lag than you realise, you just don't notice it due to the implementation.


Can you just accept that people want the lag levels to be comparable to other fighting games?

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Can you just accept that people want the lag levels to be comparable to other fighting games?

In my experience, it does. 2 player is mostly lag free, it's three and four where issues arise for obvious reasons. Most other Fighters don't have 3 or 4 players simultaneously


Do you still have to add people via the friend codes or can you use the Nintendo ID?

It's a 3DS game, it uses the 3DS friend system

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Also be good to limit match sizes, so if you wanted 3 player matches then just do that!


It is amazing, makes me more excited for the Wii u version though. My only slight concern is unlocking everything, whatever they decide to do for the Wii u version will but a bit disappointing. If the unlocks in this carried over there wouldn't be much to do in single player, if it doesn't carry over will we be arsed to do everything again?


If they came out at the same time then it'd have been nice to unlock stuff from both games and it carry over. I'm sure there'll be more challenge panels and new modes and stuff, but still...

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In my experience, it does. 2 player is mostly lag free, it's three and four where issues arise for obvious reasons. Most other Fighters don't have 3 or 4 players simultaneously



It's a 3DS game, it uses the 3DS friend system


I've not experienced a 2 player lag free match (yet). And of course in your experience there isn't a problem..there never is!


Anyway, what characters are people liking the feel of? I REALLY like Ness, Yoshi and Marth. Yoshi especially feels so different..much quicker and his moves seem stronger.


I'm still bummed about Marth's small sword :(

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Yewh, hopefully they'll patch it in, or at least the Wii u version has it.


There's really no excuse why the Wii U shouldn't have it. But I highly doubt we'll see the option of comparing stats.

Any words on leaderboards?


Also be good to limit match sizes, so if you wanted 3 player matches then just do that!


Online customization should also be a given. A couple of filters would be great (e.g. match size, stages, stock, time, etc)


Not holding my breath for any of those, though.



Having a blast with the 3DS version. Won't use the online much for obvious reasons, but the game itself is great. A nice "little" teaser for the Wii U version. :)

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Why is it not possible in a game like this but was possible in twich-reflex shooters like Unreal Tournament 2003?

Or in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, which is a game like this.


It depends on fidelity. In a fps, what matters is the person using the weapon, with the information available, got a direct hit. the person being hit is irrelevant, they have no way of telling that the shot that took them out/injured them was in fact fired into what ought to have been unoccupied space.


I've never played ASBR so I can't really speculate.

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It depends on fidelity. In a fps, what matters is the person using the weapon, with the information available, got a direct hit. the person being hit is irrelevant, they have no way of telling that the shot that took them out/injured them was in fact fired into what ought to have been unoccupied space.


I've never played ASBR so I can't really speculate.


I see.


But hell, ASBR pulled it off so Smash should be able to, as well.


Have played a couple of online matches against a mate who lives a 10 minute walk away from me. It lagged like crazy.


Played a 1vs1 match online with a stranger, barely noticeable lags.

It's just stupid.



Unlocked two more characters right now. : peace:

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It could be down to characters possibly? just a suggestion.. if you are interested you could try recording the severity of lag suffered and the stages/characters being used. you might start to see patterns emerging, with certain characters (or numbers of characters?) and stages suffering more severe issues....


And I don't know about this other game, I presume it is identical to ssb, just different characters? So it is possible that a scenario could play out as


1)(A) hits (B).

(B) is stunned.

(A) is able to hit (B) again while (B) is stunned.

2)(A) hits (B).

(B) dodges.

(A) has to respond to the new position of (B)


Basically both games need to agree that either B HAS been struck, or that B has dodged the attack. If the mechanism for that is simple, lag will be low. If the mechanism is more nuanced and relies on precision timing, say AS (A) throws a punch, if (B) dodges between seeing the punch thrown and the punch landing the dodge will be successful. if the Punch takes 1 second, player (A)'s console can't know if (B) dodged/countered until that 1 second has passed.

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Hello all! This is my first game purchase technically since I got my 3DS back just after Xmas (though I've been playing Bravely Default on an off it's not my copy) and I've been so excited for it.


I LOVE that it has the same familiar Smash feel - my instincts still *work* here. There's so much for me to still learn with new characters and I'm taking my time..basically haven't touched Shulk (looks like a beast), Robin, Mega Man etc. I've unlocked all bonus characters I think except

Bowser Jr

. I was following IGN's guide for what needs to be down to unlock people but it seems off, to be honest. Jigglypuff just appeared to me out of nowhere after a simple Smash match, and they list her as only appearing aftr 120 matches...but I have yet to see

Bowser Jr




- I'm here for the separation of Zelda and Samus' alter-egos. Zero Suit Samus is brilliant, LOVE how she moves and that she has her own bag these days. Haven't touched Sheik yet...Sheik WAS my queen in the Melee days but when Brawl buffed Zelda I began to favour the princess.


- I will miss Hyrule Temple but then my eyes might explode if I had to focus on all that space.


- I miss Pokemon Trainer but Charizard *feels* better than before so I accept it.


- I feel like I haven't worked out the secrets of Palutena/Rosalina...they seem fine but I feel I'm missing something. Also does Pit still have that "glowing wings" move? I couldn't work it out. THEY TOOK AWAY PIT'S ENDLESS GOLDEN SPINNING BLADE ATTACK.


- Pac Man is wonderful and hilarious and I love him. Sorry Game and Watch. You're over.


- Smash Run is crazy but I *think* I get it now? I can't be bothered wrapping my head around all these customisation things but they're potentially interesting ... first time you've been able to *improve* your fighters. Can these builds carry into other modes? I'm confused.


- ONLINE: Has been laggy but varyingly so. I've enjoyed it and it has shown how un-competitively I play this game. I've been playing this series for like 15 years and I'm still mediocre! Oh well. *uses Peach onion move repeatedly to entertain himself*


Basically I'm very pleased and I've sunk 8 hours into it already. NEED that last character. Then I can breathe.

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I'm loving Zero Suit Samus. Don't know the technical term, but Down + A from up in the air is a beast of a move!


Really underwhelmed by Smash Run. The adventure part of it isn't much fun, then you only get a one minute match! Needs to be longer or have more options.

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You're right - I do miss an "Adventure" mode. I wasn't expecting Subspace Emissary again, but something that mixes elements of that, Smash Run and old Melee Adventure would be nice.




What does everyone think of what they've done to Target Smash? I'm very pursed-lips about it. I loved how each stage was tailored to the character and you KNEW there was a way to get each target, you had to deduce how. Now there's no delicacy.

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In the voice of Pigma Dengar... "It pulled it off REEEAL good." :heh:


What the hell is going on there?


I have to say, I played PSBR on both PS3 and Vita ( check dem trophies if you don't believe me ) and never had any issues online.


I ended up buying this today. I traded some One stuff in for Shadow of Mordor and had some credit left over.


So far it's all very meh to me. I think it's a combination of me knowing too much stuff about the game modes/characters ( never been a fan of the whole dojo thing ) and me just thinking the franchise has gotten bloated and stale.


I've unlocked a bunch of characters and finished the first page of challenges. I've yet to try online but given the lack of communication on it I probably won't bother.


I wasn't impressed with the demo and sadly the full game has done little to change my feelings towards it.

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I've not played online much (mostly been playing local - both Smash Run and normal battles) but I'm surprised at how good it has been so far with the few online matches I have had. Surprisingly little lag really, worlds apart from Brawl!


I suspect that it's not going to be like that for a good chunk of the time, but the fact that I can get near flawless games at all is an absolute miracle! Getting a game like Smash Bros to work online must be nothing less than a total nightmare - consider how latency dependent traditional 1 on 1 fighters are, now multiply that by 3 (since it's 4 players), then add all the items and stage hazard tracking on top of that...


This game probably has some of the best netcode any fighting game has ever had (and considering the exceptional online performance of Namco's more recent fighters, I can believe it too!) - Smash is just that difficult to get working online. Hell even local play can be very prone to wireless interference (playing next to a smartphone or two can quickly turn a perfectly performing local wireless match into an unplayable mess).


The fact that online play is actually even viable, let alone surprisingly well performing, is amazing!

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In the voice of Pigma Dengar... "It pulled it off REEEAL good." :heh:


Well, it appears I was wrong. Still doesn't make Smash's attempt at online any better.

It is horrendous. I've spent some more time with it now and quite frankly it's embarrassing.

I mean...I live about 2 km away from my mate...and the matches we had were unplayable.


But it's Nintendo, aye? @Rummy Nintendo is god. :p


The fact that online play is actually even viable, let alone surprisingly well performing, is amazing!


:laughing: You're right...on a Nintendo platform...it really is amazing :p



Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Tear me apart. I speak bad of Nintendo again. ;)


Wii Fit Trainer is weird. I hate her but I kinda like her. :blank:

Mega Man is underwhelming to say the least.

PacMan...a fucking beast :D

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