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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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About Ice Climbers. I am sad for those people, whose main were Ice Climbers, but I am not as sad for those that think Ice Climbers have to be there just because. Ice Climbers were included in Melee first, nobody pretty much knew about them until this game. If they would have been part of the original from N64, then they would have been included in the roster for sure. From what I heard, Sakurai said that the original 12 are always going to be part of the roster, that's why even though most people from the Western culture didn't like Jigglypuff being added, he is a huge part of it and is still pretty much popular in Japan.


This is what I also like about Sakurai, he does care about his fans, and Little Mac for example is a great example. Westerners were super excited about him, while almost all of Japan really disliked him being there. Funny how our cultures differ sometimes.


I would also love to hear your opinions on the Super Smash attacks!



Which one do you like best? Which ones are better improved?


I personally I am super happy about Luigi's new Final Smash, because just about anybody was expecting for him to use his Poltergust 5000. I liked his Smash in Brawl too, I personally think it was a strong Smash (even though a lot of people would disagree with me).

I am also happy about DK's improved Smash, because I knew before that you were able to make the soundwaves stronger when you hit buttons at a certain time, but I wasn't sure how to do that.

Peach is also quite interesting. While her Smash is the same, there are now only 3 big peaches, which gives you more time to attack while the others are asleep.

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Anyone know when the demo will be released for the public tomorrow? Is it gonna be tonight around twelve, or sometime during the day tomorrow?


Got a friend of mine who's gonna download it, and we're gonna take a smash game during break tomorrow at work ;D. Going to totally pulverize him (with hype!)

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Doesn't the eShop update around 2pm or so? Weird how the demo is coming tomorrow, they usually put on new eShop stuff on Thursdays. btw whoever is download Smash Bros demo tomorrow, if you keep your 3DS in sleep mode and never exit the game then you'll only use up 1 of your demo uses.

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I would also love to hear your opinions on the Super Smash attacks!



Which one do you like best? Which ones are better improved?


Zero Suit Samus. Her old Final Smash made her weaker, wasn't really worth it. Now, it's like she inherited Snake's attack.

Pac-Man's is pretty awesome, too. Quite a seamless transition, turning opponents into eyes.


Also, Megaman :yay:

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I'm trying to avoid seeing the Final Smashes for the newer characters since I have to leave some things to surprise :D My favourite in Brawl and I presume in this game will be Super Sonic, he's so powerful and my friends hate Sonic which makes it even more pleasurable unleashing his final smash and knocking everyone out by flying through them :D


Mario's Final Smash seems to lock people into his flames a lot better now, perhaps we'll see some KOs with it this time? It was pretty much useless in Brawl lol.


Mega Man's is really cool, I imagine it'd be even better for a real Mega Man fan. I only like his RPG games :p


Pit's new Final Smash is WAY better than his old one with the flying babies, they barely did anything in Brawl and now he basically shoots loads of missiles and finishes off with a PK Starstorm which is almost inescapable :D

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Pic of the day. Well, I'd better post some pictures from the Wii U version once in a while, right? We've brought back the Castle Siege stage from Fire Emblem!




Most of the games in the Fire Emblem series have a different unique setting and have fields without much height, so it was hard to narrow down what venues to focus on. Castle Siege and Colosseum are two stages that aren't exclusive to specific games in the franchise.

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Looks like they've upgraded the textures and the lighting in this version :)


Here's the Wii version emulated in HD...




... and the Wii U version by comparison...




Not a massive upgrade, but it's nice to see that they put a bit of effort in considering that they usually just directly rip old environments wholesale when they re-use them in a subsequent Smash game :)

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Doesn't the eShop update around 2pm or so? Weird how the demo is coming tomorrow, they usually put on new eShop stuff on Thursdays. btw whoever is download Smash Bros demo tomorrow, if you keep your 3DS in sleep mode and never exit the game then you'll only use up 1 of your demo uses.


So only the download code demos are unlimited uses? The eShop one is limited? Not sure how to feel about that...

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So only the download code demos are unlimited uses? The eShop one is limited? Not sure how to feel about that...


They did the same thing with the Tomodachi life demo. The one on the eShop is limited, but the "Welcome Version" one that you get along with the actual game itself that you give away to other people is unlimited.


It's a way of making some people feel special when they get the unlimited version :)

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I got the demo and I seriously can't put it down--it's been ages since I've played a game this intensely, especially considering that it's only a demo. Speaking of intense, I was extremely worried about what would happen to my circle pad (what with all the news of people breaking them and all). But the game plays wonderfully and doesn't require you to be rough with it at all.


I love the changes they made to the veteran fighters, and Villager and Megaman play pretty good. The only thing I feel some sort of skepticism towards however is the new level 9 AI for the CPU opponents. I'm not sure if it's me, but the level 9 CPU feels incredibly tame and nowhere near as difficult as it was in Melee or Brawl. I've been playing a lot of Brawl in anticipation for this game, and matches against 3 level 9 CPU players feel like level 5 or 6 in that game.

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I got the demo and I seriously can't put it down--it's been ages since I've played a game this intensely, especially considering that it's only a demo. Speaking of intense, I was extremely worried about what would happen to my circle pad (what with all the news of people breaking them and all). But the game plays wonderfully and doesn't require you to be rough with it at all.


I love the changes they made to the veteran fighters, and Villager and Megaman play pretty good. The only thing I feel some sort of skepticism towards however is the new level 9 AI for the CPU opponents. I'm not sure if it's me, but the level 9 CPU feels incredibly tame and nowhere near as difficult as it was in Melee or Brawl. I've been playing a lot of Brawl in anticipation for this game, and matches against 3 level 9 CPU players feel like level 5 or 6 in that game.


Remember that this is only a demo, and therefore level 9 CPUs can be an absolute different case in the original game.

I find it hardly believable that this is what lvl 9 CPUs will be like. We don't know yet, sure, but we will find out once the game comes out in our region.

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yeah the level 9 CPU are very defensive, constantly spamming rolls and only attacking on reaction to you pressing a button. if you play defensive yourself then the CPU will make stupid mistakes. Level 8 is a lot more fun to fight against


Yeah, exactly.


The most annoying CPU opponent IMO is Pikachu. All the AI does is spam neutral B when at a distance, then it does a combination of spam rolls and grabs. I also noticed the AI extremely favors aerial attacks when playing the regular Battlefield stage.

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I find battling three level 9 CPUs really tricky, you guys are all way too good at this game.


Main issue I have with 2 minute timed matches is that someone else can cheap your kill away from you in a flash. At least with items you can just sit back and let the unpredicable chaos unfold.

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100% that's the most boring Picture Of The Day.


Nintendo 3DS - Super Smash Bros. Food Fight Commercial



Nintendo 3DS - Super Smash Bros. Training Day Commercial



Nintendo 3DS - Super Smash Bros. Last Seat Commercial



What the f#ck are these? Awful, truly awful! Sack whoever greenlighted these. :nono::shakehead:nono:


These are the North American TV ads.

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Pic of the day. Master Hand's glove rips open, and a mysterious substance we're calling the swarm, er, swarms out. The amount of this substance determines the shape of your final opponent, and you will have to launch it away in small clusters at a time. The higher your intensity, the denser the substance will be.

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Ice Climbers Glitch in Super Smash Bros. 3DS


Even though Ice Climbers aren't playable in Super Smash Bros. 3DS, that doesn't mean all traces have them were cut! There's a glitch (or easter egg) that has the audience cheer for "Nana and Popo"--the names of the Ice Climbers! And we show you how to do it in this video!

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