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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I like Mega Man the most in the demo, I think the reason why he seems rubbish in the demo is because Mario can reflect all of his attacks, Villager can pocket them and Link can just stand still.


Also his leaf shield is even worse than Jigglypuff's sing attack

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I found the demo to be pretty fun. However, my skill level fluctuates from really bad to almost mediocre. At one point I was able to beat Mario using Villager without Down+B, but now I have to use it to win, maybe .I understood it when I woke up and I was worse, but I just randomly got bad. Pretty frustrating honestly.

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Yeah, funny how this site suddenly has a lot more active members.

It's kinda embarrassing.


On the upside, this place might get a bit more active with a lot of fresh members!


....buuut thats probably not true, since they're gonna disappear again when the public demo launches :P.


Edit: Also, it would be fun if we could see how much the view rating of the thread rose after the codes were announced :D.

Edited by ArtMediocre
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My impressions:


Having a blast with the demo, even though the controls are pretty weird compared to previous Smash games (yes, who the hell thought the swap of the shield and grab was a good thing??). As soon as I can set my own controls, the game's gonna be a breeze. Currently challenging 3 CPU's on lvl. 9 and winning with each character. But it's harder on 2 minutes time limit than with 5 stock lives.


The only thing I'm struggeling a bit with is the joystick some times not being too responsive, but that's just me being too loose on the commands. The 3D... oh god, the 3D! I love it, and I don't feel it being harder to play with. And as @Glen\-i said, I have absolutely no idea of how they managed to pull that off.


My preorder of the game stays, and I can't wait to get my hands on the full version in 18 days.


Edit: Oh, and that jazzy score/after-battle theme!! Soooo good!

Edited by ArtMediocre
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I'm finding this hilarious, all these new members coming online for a code. Soon to vanish, never to be heard from again.


And why is it only the brothers whom needs a code, why no sisters?


Because it's Super Smash Brothers! Not Super Bash Sisters.


Why are you all being do mean to the new guy?


I would really appreciate it if someone could PM me a code! Thanks in advanced :D!!!!


That's why. His join date says Sept 2014.

He and many other brand new members couldn't be more transparent if they typed it up on a crystal keyboard! They didn't even bother to get themselves a profile pic or anything!


Also, who puts 4 exclamation marks after an emoticon?

Edited by Glen-i
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Because it's Super Smash Brothers! Not Super Bash Sisters.


That would explain that.


Anywho, i've had a good play of the demo. Only played as Link, but boy it's a lot of fun to play. It's similar in a way to Melee, as in it plays very well. Here's hoping the WiiU version plays just as good, i'm hoping it's available at Eurogamer in 2 weeks for a quick go.

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Pic of the day. Now that the game is out in Japan, the Conquest mode will be available in online multiplayer in the Japanese version. This is what the title screen will look like for the overseas version. In this mode, the game aggregates global wins among specific teams during a limited time and determines the victor. If you choose a participating fighter from the With Anyone option, you'll automatically participate in Conquest. We'll be running Conquest in beta for a while.


Also, Conquest data where players seem to be losing on purpose will be removed from the calculations. And lastly, there's no point in working on this mode too much on your own, so don't overdo it…

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Pic of the day. Now that the game is out in Japan, the Conquest mode will be available in online multiplayer in the Japanese version. This is what the title screen will look like for the overseas version. In this mode, the game aggregates global wins among specific teams during a limited time and determines the victor. If you choose a participating fighter from the With Anyone option, you'll automatically participate in Conquest. We'll be running Conquest in beta for a while.


Also, Conquest data where players seem to be losing on purpose will be removed from the calculations. And lastly, there's no point in working on this mode too much on your own, so don't overdo it…

Did they mention anything about the rewards from conquest?

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This wasn't really on my radar but after seeing a few clips of it from

I went and pre-ordered it along with the wii-u version. I havn't really been as interested in smash brothers as I was in high school for some reason. Probably because I hardly have anybody to play with any more.
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Okay, since I've no idea which of you guys are genuine and aren't just out for quick ebay cash; first come/first served...






Sorry, if that's hazarded someone, but I don't really trust people. Enjoy.

I want to sincerly thank you. I was lucky enough to get one of the 3 codes. You're awesome for giving those to strangers.
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Playing this game on the 3DS has it's ups and downs. I have the demo for a few days now and I can say that I am absolutely impressed by it!! The one that's easiest for me to play so far is Mario or Pikachu, but since this is the demo, it doesn't say much and my best fighters will change immediately when playing all characters. I have the same feeling with a lot of people about Megaman, I have a hard time playing with him well. I might get used to him once I play more.


I am not 100% sure though myself, if I want to buy this game for 3DS (Wii U is a must have definitely), because even though I am slowly getting used to the buttons, it's still kind of a button masher and I am scared of ruining my 3DS with it, as lame as it sounds.


From what I have read, Nintendo revealed an official GameCube controller adapter specially made for the Wii U, so from someone who has played Smash with the GameCube controller the most, this is what I am used to playing with and I am definitely getting it!

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I am not 100% sure though myself, if I want to buy this game for 3DS (Wii U is a must have definitely), because even though I am slowly getting used to the buttons, it's still kind of a button masher and I am scared of ruining my 3DS with it, as lame as it sounds.


I agree. If a controller gets broken, that's annoying, but it's under £50 to replace it. Not so with the entire handheld - plus the hassle of transferring data across.

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I've played tho shame for a few hours more to day thanks to an epic train journey, and I must say I absolutely love it. Now I'm not a hardcore player so maybe there's something missing there, but all I know is that it's incredible fun, and unbelievable that it's running on the 3DS. I'm more excited for smash now than I ever have been!

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I've played tho shame for a few hours more to day thanks to an epic train journey, and I must say I absolutely love it. Now I'm not a hardcore player so maybe there's something missing there, but all I know is that it's incredible fun, and unbelievable that it's running on the 3DS. I'm more excited for smash now than I ever have been!


Will you buy the 3DS version?

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