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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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Just to clarify, Brawl is actually broken. The physics engine is a complete mess. That said, hating it because 'it's not melee' is ridiculous.


Moving on...


What do people think about Snake? Will he be in Smash Wii U?


Why do you class it as broken though?

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Why do you class it as broken though?


There are a lot of glitches in Brawl which effect certain characters more so than others. Characters having ridiculous chain grabs because the game hadn't been tested fully and there were some bits of code which were clearly broken (Falco can use his laser to infinitely trap anyone, for example). Then there's also the fact that EVERY move in Brawl features a random 1-3 frame delay, which can't be controlled by the player. There's also the character balance which broken like hell; Metaknight was a Melee-esque character and basically invincible, whilst Snake's hitboxes were not finished at the time of the games release so his hitboxes were hugeeeeee (think Marth in Melee but bigger).


And the online.....Oh man.


The game was just rushed, although this may be in part due to the team who made the game. Sakurai hired a new team and no one on it had ever made a Smash game before; as a result there were just some big issues with the game.


Funnily enough, I actually prefer Brawl's less 'technical' approach to Melee's..I can't move my fingers that quickly lol. I'm happy with Smash 4's pace :)

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Pic of the day. Pac-Maze is a stage exclusive to the 3DS version, created in the Pac-Man motif. If you eat 100 Pac-Dots, Power Pellets will appear in your color.




If you eat a Power Pellet, the monsters will become vulnerable and you can defeat them just by touching them. An important point is that the monsters will become vulnerable only on your screen, which means that they can still damage your opponents!! This is one of the unique game features only possible in the 3DS version.

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An important point is that the monsters will become vulnerable only on your screen, which means that they can still damage your opponents!! This is one of the unique game features only possible in the 3DS version.

...Nice! :grin:

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There needs to be a camera option that focuses on just you. I think it would be great to try playing Smash in a way where you don't know where characters are until they're close.


It's called Smash Run.


I know what you mean, I just couldn't resist.

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Pic of the day. The Mii Gunner's side smash attack may have the farthest reach of all the side smashes…as should be expected from a firearms expert!! Looks like the attack missed this time, though.

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Pic of the day. I talked about an attack with a far reach in yesterday's post, but it didn't compare to Palutena's up smash attack! No joke, it reaches really far. It reached so far in this shot that even the rocketbarrels got blown up.




That said, if we're talking just about range, even that can't beat Palutena's power, Heavenly Light. It has quite a damage field. However, this is a no-flinch attack, which means the opponents won't react to the damage!

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Pic of the day. Just like in the original game, the Dark Emperor can cause status changes based on a fighter's color. Red types generally get powered up. On a different subject, the Mii Fighter is wearing a Mii Force Helmet.

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"Super Smash Bros + Gamecube Controller" £52.85 at Shopto


Seems like a good deal, it's £13 for the GC controller. No idea if this includes the adapter mind.

I reckon that will include the adapter. Doesn't make sense to sell the game and a GCN controller without it really.
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Pic of the day. The character farther in the back isn't from the Imperial forces, and the character in the front is not the infamous drum-playing puppet in Osaka. No, Mario is actually wearing an outfit from Family Computer Golf: U.S. Course! NES Open Tournament Golf might be a more familiar title.

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A shame that the Light Suit is just a recolour (understandable, but still a shame), but at least it looks decently close to the real deal.


Mario though, oh my God...


I know it's from this...




But I just can't help but think...


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If it's true then I'm going to book a ticket for there asap


I haven't checked as a mate of mine just gave me a heads up but he's usually reliable for that sort of thing, tbh I imagine it's easily verifiable with a google but I've got a wedding dealie running pretty much thursday thru sunday so no chance of me finding time to get out for it.

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Pic Of The Day






Pic of the day. Pac-Man's up taunt is known as Namco Roulette! Namco characters from the 1980s will randomly appear.






See? There's a variety of characters. Huh? One of them looks pretty recent.

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Right, I didn't know where to post this but here seems good as Smash is really where this character's home is:


Zero Suit Samus

I'm a massive Metroid fan and I genuinely think that Samus' is one of gamings greatest female characters. She's the interective Ellen Ripley for gods' sake!


I very much like the way that Samus handles without her power suit and I totally fangasmed when you got to play as her in Zero Mission (probably why it's my favourite 2D Metroid, after SM obviously). But I've become increasing uncomfortable and a little frustrated by the way that she is portrayed outside of the suit. For a couple of reasons.


1) For me Samus should not be a skinny blonde white chick. Ever since she turned up in Brawl and the internet went mental for shopping her naked, it's become clear that Nintendo is trying to use her as a bit of a hot piece of ass. She's very slight with massive knockers (which in this generation seem to be getting rid of the under-boob a little). I'd prefer someone that reflects her personality in the suit a bit more. Frankly a bit more Ripley-ish and with auburn hair!


2) Her expression. To portray her properly you have to see her react to her situation in an emotional and relative way. She has spent far too long being essentially an emotionless mask who barely smiles, grimaces, expresses relief, pain, genuine sadness etc. For me this massively needs to change to make her a proper character.


3) I'm not going to dwell on this too much but Other M ruined her as a character in a lot of ways for me. They wrote her as a boring, snivelling, self-centred, nonotonous child. I didn't care or feel attached to the bungled story or experience that the game was meant to communicate.



Any one feel the same? Can I ask that we not make this entirely about Other M?

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