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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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And then we could have Zelda Golf, and Zelda Tennis, and Zelda Party, and...


That would be milking it now. But, there's enough content and there's room for a fighter, for sure. Probably a racer, too. Golf and Tennis are a bit too niche. Not sure the demand would be there for eet.

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and I would totes play a Zelda Golf game


Ha yeah looking over the thread I seem to be in the minority. Just find it an odd PR move. Or maybe I just want motion :heh:


I'll continue about my business.

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Ha yeah looking over the thread I seem to be in the minority. Just find it an odd PR move. Or maybe I just want motion :heh:


I'll continue about my business.


To be fair I'd like to have more info like in the old Smash Bros Dojo but having these daily photos are fine

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Love it!


Well, new pictures are always nice, and they sure are better than spoiling everything in the game day by day.


Smash reveals don't really feel like spoilers to me. Characters? stages? moveset? modes?

I would rather find out everything before launch because it won't take away from the experience whatsoever.


Of course I do understand that some people don't want to be spoiled and I respect that. I'm fine so long as we continue to get updates.

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Smash reveals don't really feel like spoilers to me. Characters? stages? moveset? modes?

I would rather find out everything before launch because it won't take away from the experience whatsoever.


Of course I do understand that some people don't want to be spoiled and I respect that. I'm fine so long as we continue to get updates.


Yeah, well with fighting games the rosters are usually known in advance anyway, so that doesn't really bother me that much. Still, I didn't really like the way the Smash Dojo unveiled everything about the game day by day. I mean where's the mystery and joy of discovery if everything's showcased beforehand? I'd much rather see the reviews be good, buy the game and I find out on my own.

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And then we could have Zelda Golf, and Zelda Tennis, and Zelda Party, and...

Link & Zelda's Party Hour Featuring Hylians - Drink A Healing Potion Or Two And Have Fun

...and Zelda Soccer, and Zelda Baseball, and Dr. Zelda, and Zelda Paint, and...


Now it just suddenly became too much. So, one spin-off every decade is fine, but do not go down the Mario route.

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I'm enjoying the pictures, though every 3DS one makes me think how much better the WiiU version looks.


Me too! I can see myself only getting the Wii U version. I cant imagine the 3DS version would be a must have.

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