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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I meant all the character ideas, you've got at least 4 special/'B' moves, and possibly smashes!




mmm yes,

as for ganondorf i want to to be able to actually draw his sword out and fight with it, and then u have different move sets as for a smash attack, and to put your sword back in its place, where he does some powerfull attacks (not the captain falcon like attacks) but something more powerfull like the attack he uses in ocarina of time where he shoots stuff lol, and doing a strong ground attack etc, as for link i want him to have the dins fire attack as in ocarina of time, and shoots different arrows as the light arrow, ice, or fire arrow, i always dreamd of a smash attack (for link to put on his oni link mask and beat the crap out of everyone lol) but that wont happen.. i want oni link as an extra costume then at least..

im still doubting for the cutscenes if it should have voice acting..


as for the pokemon trainer they can keep it like that, but that u can choose ur pokemon which u want use, and u can choose out of maybe 8/10 pokemon to make ur own combination, and a smash attack would be that a legendary pokemon appears and does a awesome attack..

i also want to have more villains in the game, even if it are alternate costumes i dont care, like dark link again, dark pit, i want waluigi in the game as for wario, and apart from ganondorf i want another evil villain which one i dont care.. i also loved the fire emblem characters they have to stay. as for new characters the characters from Golden sun has to appear.. those are my wishes for the game lol, sorry for my bad english

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Following yesterday’s announcement during Nintendo Direct that Smash Bros. will make an appearance at the show, Sakurai has now clarified the news on Twitter.


According to a rough translation, Sakurai says "Wii U and 3DS versions -- I would like to show you both." He then explains that “Other games have had visuals shown, but you still have to wait for Smash Bros. But we'll be able to release something better.” Sakurai apologizes that the production of the game was announced so far in advance but says that there will be more things coming, so fans should be ready.


During Nintendo Direct, Iwata said that “screens” from Smash Bros. will be shown, but Sakurai makes it sound like we may indeed be seeing footage instead. We'll have to wait to find out for sure, but at least we know that more info will be coming soon.


They really did reveal this way to far in advance! Do you think anything like the 2006 Brawl reveal is even remotely achievable, or literally should we just expect a couple of screens?


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That was a great reveal. If you have great reveals like that then it becomes tougher to trump its predecessor. So if the reveal is better than that then expectations will be insatiable for the one after that. You're on a hiding to nothing. The best reveal ever for me was Twilight Princess. People can debate the finished article but nothing tops its debut. Magic!

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the characters in Brawl make so much more sense now than they did back then :p It really was an insight into the next few years of Nintendo.


Zero Suit Samus wasnt properly featured in a game until Other M (which was 2010 or thereabouts), Pit didn't get his modern debut until last year and the vast amount of Kirby games in the last few years almost validates the inclusion of Meta-knight :P

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Then look at the 3rd party newcomers. Sonic was the gift that kept on giving and I think he'll be back. The other is A.W.O.L, I think he's still stuck in that box. Kojima gave the middle finger to Nintendo. Free publicity for his breadwinner and nothing in return. Nice, real nice! I'd say it's a safe bet to say that Snake won't be returning. I hope Nintendo remember that even if that leak with that list of games including Yoshi, Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid is true.


I bet who will be there is Shulk. 3rd party character wise, Rayman. Remember where you heard it first.


Anybody want to hazard guesses what surprise newcomers there'll be?

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I bet who will be there is Shulk. 3rd party character wise, Rayman. Remember where you heard it first.


Anybody want to hazard guesses what surprise newcomers there'll be?


Surely Pacman and/or Klonoa, they fit in with their cartoony style (especially mind the Namco involvement!)


On the Nintendo front I hope to see Waluigi and Little Mac, maybe Toad?

But considering movesets, Toad and Waluigi never had unique skills, nor their own game (shame really).

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Wich N franchise got an overhaul since Brawl and wich new N franchises did we get since then or are we aware of coming our way? The characters from these franchises maybe getting an overhaul in appearance/movesets like with Brawl.


DKCR (DK and Diddy)

Mario Galaxy 2, Paper Mario Sticker Star and the NSMB series (Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Toad, Bowser, Peach, etc)

Zelda SS, Spirit Tracks, WW remake, upcoming title (Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, or...)

Metroid Other M (Samus, Ridley, Kraid)

Animal Crossing (Who would fit in Brawl?)

Pikmin (Olimar and Louie)

Pokemon (I really see no additions better than the trainer)

Punch-Out (Little Mac, King Hippo, I wish!!!!)

Nintendoland (Mii, Monita, Takamaru, Octopus, Balloon Fighter and ones allready mentioned above)


And also Kirby Epic Yarn, Luigi's Mansion 3DS, Fire Emblem, Yoshi, Excitebots, bike, truck, Wii Music, Wii Fit, Wii Party, Wii Play, Wii Sports Resort, Nintendogs and cats, Brain Training, Pilotwings, Steeldiver, Mariokart, tooooo much!!!!!! hahaha, I'm going crazy how many games Nintendo released since SSBB..... :D


If we do see more 3rd Party characters, Megaman should be one of them. Rayman is also a good choice, I suppose.


They both deserve it! Also Layton or Phoenix Wright ;)


Although Megaman has been a bad boy these last years, he still is a Nintendo Fanboy on the inside ;)

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Speaking of Sonic, some people suspected that he was the reason for Brawl's delay.


The book "History of Sonic the Hedgehog" confirms that this was indeed the case. SEGA initially said "no". Then when the game was nearly completed, they changed their mind.

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Safe bets, I think, would be the inclusion of the Mii, Professor Layton and perhaps Megaman.


I really hope that Rayman will be in there and they should also finally get Paper Mario in there.


To me, Smash just wouldn't be smash without at least a good handful of new characters in there with their own movesets. I think there are still plenty of characters Sakurai can use from various sources, even though he seems to think otherwise...

Perhaps we'll even see Bayonetta in there?


I also wonder if Zero Suit Samus will ever play a large role in a Metroid game.

Perhaps a game where you start out as her and you need to collect parts to recover your exoskeleton.

Man, those tits in HD :laughing: that slender and smooth body, coupled with the blue kind of latex she wears....DAMN!

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They really did reveal this way to far in advance! Do you think anything like the 2006 Brawl reveal is even remotely achievable, or literally should we just expect a couple of screens?


God damn that trailer was awesome!


I don't know what Sakurai means with 'But we'll be able to release something better'....I think we're in for something interestingly cool:smile:

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I actually think Layton would be a genius character inclusion!


What about Dr. Kawashima?! :laughing:


I think they may need to tone down the character roster slightly this time. But if they do continue to add or have similar characters, at least lets make them play differently.


As long as Ness remains there then I'll be happy!

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If the game does include more third party characters they can say goodbye to my purchase; Nintendo can do a collaboration on the fighting front all they want, just don't turn Smash Bros into it.


Snake [especially] and Sonic were rubbish in Brawl in my opinion... Sonic saving the day in Single Player... please!


Would love Zero Suit Samus to return to just Samus tbh. I used to enjoy playing as her in Melee, but whilst clever, I didn't like the two character mechanic in Brawl. Or make them different characters. It seemed strange to me that they'd be the same character dispite their vastly different moveset, whilst the game was full of clones.

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I think they need to tone down some of the more obscure characters. I know it's great to celebrate everything about Nintendo, but I think the likes of Ice Climbers, Lucas, King DeDeDe, Wolf and Meta Knight could be swapped for much bigger names (and I just picked on them because they're generally all clone characters)


To get rid of Mewtwo for Lucario was a sin in my eyes, but I'm a sucker for classic Pokémon, so I'm sure big fans of the Pokémon series didn't mind it at all. I'd just like, say, King K Rool (I really can't believe they swapped him for DeDeDe), Little Mac, Rosalina (I don't think there are enough women in this title, for one), BIRDO, Chibi Robo and and perhaps another Wario character (as that series has really exploded since its debut)




As far as third parties are concerned, I'd say keep it very limited. Especially keep the likes of Snake away. I mean really, apart from the NES titles and that one on GameCube, why was he in a game that celebrates everything Nintendo? Sonic seems like a perfect fit though, especially after this last generation.


On the Namco side, Klonoa is a must have. Other third parties: Professor Layton, Sissel (Ghost Trick) and Pheonix Wright.

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I'd like to say Megaman but he's in the same boat as Snake. When was the last time he appeared? Gamecube, that's when. So no free publicity. Capcom support overall has been poor in the last generation on consoles.


Pac-man was another possibility but then they haven't been great either. Only thing is they're helping to develop this game which may be their saving grace.


As I said Rayman must be a shoe-in for all of Ubisoft's support and he's a very recognisable character. There's only room for 2 or 3 characters max from 3rd parties I'd say.

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Also Rayman has no moves! :p


All I can think of is throwing out his hands like spring-boxing-gloves and hover being his recovery.


I find your lack of knowledge of the Rayman franchise disturbing.



Rayman is a perfect inclusion for the Smash Universe and we all know it.

He's got that quirky, yet colourful vibe going on.

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