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Bare Bones Mafia II - Taking Over Dystopia


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Right, I've missed two days of work due to sickness so I'm trying to catch up on that and still be active in the mafias, scuse me if I've missed anything but...





Err...bullshit. Go back and show me where I've said I have no power, and also explain how your reasoning applies more to me than to McCoy who has come out saying he has absolutely no power at all when I haven't. I also noticed how you and a few others leaped to his defense saying it's cool for him to have no power, but none of you did that for me. Definitely raises doubts in my mind. Can't believe the sort of bullshit votes you guys jump on.


Mcoy dosen't see how he has anything to do with this. Mcoy stated his role and gave all of his Information and you just decided to try and pain a target on Mcoy.


Mcoy vote: Rummy

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Mcoy dosen't see how he has anything to do with this. Mcoy stated his role and gave all of his Information and you just decided to try and pain a target on Mcoy.


Mcoy vote: Rummy


If Mcoy would be so kind as to go back and read carefully, Mcoy would realise I was calling out mr-paul on his theory and also saying that the votes on me are stupid, not pointing a finger at Mcoy. Had I been painting a target upon Mcoy, I would have voted for Mcoy.


Also for the record, it is pub thursday, so I shall shortly be departing and possibly not returning online til I get into work tomorrow or early morning when I awake.

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I don't see why everyone is jumping on Rummy because he has no power, but have no problem with Mcoy having no power. I trust Mcoy way less than Rummy. Although Rummy hasn't really done anything all game.


And what the hell was that with Tales. He seems a little angsty.

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Mass roleclaim time maybe?

I can't remember what everyone does so help me fill this in:




Diageo - therapist - lie detector

Tales - reverse tracker

Cube (Zell) - Detective - alignments


jayseven - something do do with people's items


mr-paul - Detective - tracker

Rummy - nothing

Brian Mcoy - nothing

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I don't see why everyone is jumping on Rummy because he has no power, but have no problem with Mcoy having no power. I trust Mcoy way less than Rummy. Although Rummy hasn't really done anything all game.


And what the hell was that with Tales. He seems a little angsty.


I'm not angsty. I'm annoyed. I hate "I want to know or you're suspicious" reasons. Hard evidence or come back you have. I'm going to stick with that no matter what in future games.


If Mundi hasn't sent a target since 8th of June she's mafia. I got a warning about being replaced after missing two nights. That said, my vote is staying on Mr-paul.

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I'm only defending against unlevelled accusations against me. You'll notice in most of my defences I pose questions to challenge the supposed evidence against me. Is that not the most sane way of making a defense? Yet, people seem to always either assume these are rhetorical, or ignore them, possibly to their own ends. If you see I've asked a question in my defense, then it'd be of your benefit to try and answer it, then maybe I won't get so defensive over it. I'm just working by the evidence here.


I haven't been keen to vote this game, but I'm willing to vote Mundi given his inactivity and the fact he hasn't been modkilled/replaced. Vote:Mundi.

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The day is over.


The townies decided to take Mundi to the stocks. But by the time they got him to the stocks, they discovered he had already died in his chair, and been rotting there for days.


Mundi is dead. He was the Mayor. He had a double vote. He was Good. Dyson was extremely annoyed at his lack of participation with such a crucial role and is barred from any future Mafia games run by Dyson unless there is a damn good reason.


Night 7 begins now.

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Night 7 is over.

Esequiel is dead. He was a Doctor. He would protect people at night. He was Good.


(Sorry Ese, I don't have time to do a decent writeup :( I'll try and come back and write you an awesome death later :D)




Cube (Zell)






Brian Mcoy



The Peeps








Day 8 begins now..

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I got that Tales was telling 90% truths yesterday, and that he was hostile and that I felt uneasy when talking to him. It also said that he probably could do with a little therapy. I think the last bit could be flavour though.

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