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Heroes of Ruin 3DS ( S-E+N-Space )


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I've bought it, but probably won't receive it until Monday now. Oh well, as it happens I'd be too busy to play it today or tomorrow anyway, so I'm not too bothered. I "wore out" the demo! It seemed like a really good game to me. Not just OK in the absence of better games, but really compelling in its own right!


Also, did anyone notice how much better the graphics now are than the early videos and screenshots (detailed with a smooth framerate)? We've seen this go from very raw to very good. :)

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I've done a mild dodgy and picked this up from my local GAME, to return the other one when it arrives. So far only played single(and made a thread in the online board), as a Savage, but so far I am enjoying it. Not explored too much in terms of customisation or buying/selling(think I accidentally sold some stuff without realising I was though), but it looks fairly interesting. I imagine it'll really open up as levelling up occurs(level limits on items/skills atm means I can't do too much) and once I get to understand it some more. It'll be interesting to see if you can give loot away to folks, and if there's a carrying limit, if not I'm gonna hoard and will be happy to help out folks from other classes!


One nice touch I will add, is the opening cinematic which has a hand-drawn/paper cutout sort of effect, mainly because it genuinely worked my character into the style. I've completed just a single dungeon and spent about 5 minutes in the nexus/hub, but I definitely like the fact it has 4 save slots so I can try my hand at all the different classes.

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One nice touch I will add, is the opening cinematic which has a hand-drawn/paper cutout sort of effect, mainly because it genuinely worked my character into the style.


I thought that part was really impressive.


Also, did anyone notice how much better the graphics now are than the early videos and screenshots (detailed with a smooth framerate)? We've seen this go from very raw to very good. :)


I'm noticing some slow down in the final game very occasionally but it's understandable really with how much is going on sometimes.


The biggest problem I have with the game at the moment is that the inventory is so limited. I'm a hoarder! Make sure your inventory isn't full when you try to complete a quest else there's a chance you could lose the item reward.

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I thought that part was really impressive.




I'm noticing some slow down in the final game very occasionally but it's understandable really with how much is going on sometimes.


The biggest problem I have with the game at the moment is that the inventory is so limited. I'm a hoarder! Make sure your inventory isn't full when you try to complete a quest else there's a chance you could lose the item reward.


Oh? What's the limit on it? I'm a hoarder too :(


Also notice some slowdown on cutsceneish places, but on the whole not too bad. Not actually played since my last post though.

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Just a quick question for those who have the full version. Have they updated stuff concerning the filters on online play?


They are meant to be:

- Play with anyone

- Play with friends

- Play with people similar level


In the demo, I can't see which one I have selected and also I didn't recognise anyone on any of the lists so I'm assuming that the friends list isn't working in the demo properly yet?


EDIT: And has anyone tried chat yet?

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Oh? What's the limit on it? I'm a hoarder too :(


I'm an Alchitect and I can only carry 31 items. It doesn't seem to be getting any bigger as I level either. There's also nowhere to store items. So you can only have those which fit in your inventory.


Just a quick question for those who have the full version. Have they updated stuff concerning the filters on online play?


They are meant to be:

- Play with anyone

- Play with friends

- Play with people similar level


In the demo, I can't see which one I have selected and also I didn't recognise anyone on any of the lists so I'm assuming that the friends list isn't working in the demo properly yet?


EDIT: And has anyone tried chat yet?


Online options are anybody near the same quest, friends or anybody on any quest. The options seem to be working for me.

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Online options are anybody near the same quest, friends or anybody on any quest. The options seem to be working for me.


Ah ok. Am I being dense though... it doesn't seem to show you which filter you have applied. Do you just have to remember what order they are in?

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Ah ok. Am I being dense though... it doesn't seem to show you which filter you have applied. Do you just have to remember what order they are in?


I think the only indication of which filter you're using is that the button you use to select it changes colour ever so slightly.

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Impressed with the voice chat quality. Saw Demo on earlier, though I didn't join as was testing things out with my mate, but with the challenges and literally everything else multi-wise, I see a lot of potential for this game. Definitely glad I got it!

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I've tried some co-op today, joined two other guys, but I think they had their voice chat off so I couldnt try it. I'm really liking the game though, playing co-op was smooth, I hadn't encountered any lag at all, I know it's early days, but the 3 of us were fighting quite a lot of enemies. The only problem I had so far was my inventory limit. I've already reached the limit 7 times! wanted to save some stuff for trades, but I had to ditch them for some really good drops. It would be nice if this could be expanded, or you can interact with an NPC that will allow you to store your stuff.

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I've tried some co-op today, joined two other guys, but I think they had their voice chat off so I couldnt try it. I'm really liking the game though, playing co-op was smooth, I hadn't encountered any lag at all, I know it's early days, but the 3 of us were fighting quite a lot of enemies. The only problem I had so far was my inventory limit. I've already reached the limit 7 times! wanted to save some stuff for trades, but I had to ditch them for some really good drops. It would be nice if this could be expanded, or you can interact with an NPC that will allow you to store your stuff.


I think I joined a game with you earlier I was an Alchitect. I didn't want to take your kill so I tried to distract the boss rather than kill him. Do we know if XP from kills is shared?


Limited inventory space is really really bugging me now.

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Really enjoying this even though it's not the type of thing I typically play. Quite easy to get into, bit repetitive but something about it that is keeping me going. I actually don't like it when randoms join me online and start talking to people to get the quests so I don't know the story, so I end up booting them :P But if you guys see me online, feel free to join!

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aaahh, you looked like you was of a very high level. Was you wearing red? I need your FC. On the point of XP, I don't know for sure, but I do think that XP is shared.


I believe I was wearing red but I'm only level 7 or 8. I know the XP is shared for quests but not so sure for individual kills. Would like to find out.


Really enjoying this even though it's not the type of thing I typically play. Quite easy to get into, bit repetitive but something about it that is keeping me going. I actually don't like it when randoms join me online and start talking to people to get the quests so I don't know the story, so I end up booting them :P But if you guys see me online, feel free to join!


The way I see it is that if I'm joining someone's game it's up to them to accept/complete quests. It's their game, I'm just a guest. You could just set the game to be Online - Friends Only though if you wanted to avoid randoms altogether.


My FC: 0259 - 0274 - 7266

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You could just set the game to be Online - Friends Only though if you wanted to avoid randoms altogether.


My FC: 0259 - 0274 - 7266


I wasn't sure that option was in the game but cheers for the heads up.

Going to be playing this Sunday night, here's my friend code:

3DS Code: 2921-9074-7598


Just added yours there so might chat then.

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I think I made a good call not buying this just yet, the things I presumed were in it actually aren't and it sounds far too short.


Might pick it up when it gets near the £15 mark if the game remains as it is. Hopefully they patch some new content into it.

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I'm loving this and I haven't even gone online yet.

Thought I'd build up a character first and besides the gradual turning of your attacks from "a bit pathetic" to "THAT'S more like it!", the Zelda-town-esque hub town of Nexus, the infuriating-at-times inventory being "just too small", the "HOLY SH*T THAT'S A BIG GOLUM!...and there's four more...gulp" moments, I've just been playing with a big smile on my face.


Best game on 3DS full stop!

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I find something strangely satisfying about this game, I don't know why!


One thing though, as I mentioned in the online thread, is anyone having issues with the challenges updating? Moreso, registering/logging in to the main site? I wanna link accounts, but can't login(though I am registered).

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This is the nerdiest game I have ever played. I feel like I've stepped inside a Games Workshop every time I play it. :heh:


I find something strangely satisfying about this game, I don't know why!
Same here.

The game is seriously lacking polish and kind of glitchy too, but remains really compelling for some reason. So yeah, although it's far from perfect, it must be doing something right. :hehe:


One thing though, as I mentioned in the online thread, is anyone having issues with the challenges updating? Moreso, registering/logging in to the main site? I wanna link accounts, but can't login(though I am registered).
It looks like there are still a lot of bugs that need to be worked out for the account linking/additional challenges. I did manage to link my game eventually, but still have the problem of daily challenges not updating in-game or showing as complete on the site. They seem to repeat sometimes too, which is strange. ::shrug:


Haven't played online much yet, although I did join @Hamishmash the other day for a quick game. I like how it keeps track of how much time you played with friends, and how you gradually earn stat boosts for doing so. icon14.gif

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