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What attracts you the most about the Revolution?


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Hey guys, i'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I haven't done a thread here for a while, so here goes.


What attracts you the most about the Revolution and its features?


For me, the answer is simple. What this baby can do.


Ok, ok. I can here you all screaming out "but we don't know specs" "we don't know what it can or cant do"


Well, i'm telling you that we do already know.


When i opened the box containing my Nintendo DS, i knew a few various things about the system.


  • Its got a touchscreen
  • It features 2 screens.
  • Its wifi enabled
  • Backward Compatible with the GBA
  • Its different


So, that's what i thought before i opened the box.

Here is what i knew after opening and playing a few titles on this system.


Its got a touchscreen


What does this ultimately mean? Well, the first thing that i noticed is that the interface is different to the GBA's and home consoles. This meant a different method of control. A different way to change menus. A different way to select games. A different way to move the characters. A different way to shoot. The list goes on. The Touchscreen added a new dimension to the gaming. I was astounded. This made it instantly accessible to gamers, of all varieties. Me being a serious gamer who has played many, many consoles over the years, compared to my girlfriend who has rarely ever played a game before. She was quickly engrossed with the touchscreen, because it made the game accessible to her.


Its got 2 screens


We're only just starting to see the true aspects of this feature, but this is with the aim of expanding the viewing scope for gaming. What i mean is, it enables us to see more. During an RPG, we can see various stats (this is also applicable to sports games). However, during Sonic Rush, the character can jump between the screens. I would love to see this implemented more, as it allows for so much innovation and new ideas and concepts.


Its Wifi enabled


As i haven't tested this feature yet, it would be wrong of me to comment on this.


Backward Compatible with the GBA


Now this feature didn't really appeal to me at first, but it has proven to be of use. It instantly allows players to access a great library of games. What more can be said?


Its different


Damn right it is. It looks different. While playing the games, it feels different. Also, it works differently. It's meant to be different. That's the way it was intended to be. As Reggie said, why go faster down the same road? When you can go completey down a new one? :)




So, what the hell does this have to do with the Revolution?


Lets analyse the facts, shall we?


  • Its got a different controller
  • The Controller features
  • The game library
  • Internet/Wi-fi
  • Its different


Its got a different controller


The controller is the most obviously different thing about this system. First of all, it looks different. The controller is meant to resemble the likes of a television remote. Just like the DS's stylus represents the idea of a pen. They are both universal. They respresent common household themes and so, instantly, the gamer is familiar with their controller.

It allows for expansion. We know that there will be other expansions, maybe even purchasable with games. Who knows, yet? But the opportunity is there.

The controller allows for a different feel. You point it at the screen. As if you're phyically controller the game, like you would control the television.


The Controller's features


This is, in my opinion, groundbreaking stuff. The controller acts like a 3d mouse. I often compare this to the DS's stylus and touchscreen. In essence, it is the same. The Revolution is building on the ideas of the DS. You can point and click, you can also tilt. There have been complaints about the shortage of buttons, but the aim here is to try and discover that there are other ways of controlling without the need for buttons. You only have 4 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand, so why have 11 buttons or so? You need great co-ordination to manage these buttons. Many people, often non-gamers, lack good co-ordination. The Revolution is bridging this gap. More people can use a TV remote than a control pad. Just like more can use the pen.


The Game Library


This is just like the backwards compatability with the DS. Except, this is attempting it at a much larger scale. I think this feature will win over many gamers in the future, and will perhaps become a key feature in deciding whether or not to buy this console.




Once again, this is similar to the DS. Nintendo are trying to get online gaming going for them on their systems. I believe that they will use the DS and Xbox live as a building block and will attempt to create a good online package. I would not be surprised at all if 5 or more out of the next 10 announced revolution games are playable over the internet.


Its different


Like the DS. It's going to stand out from the crowd. Sure, they could have just gone with a standard controller, like the gamecube pad. But why go for the obvious. Change comes from being different. That is why certain people shine throughout history, for their individuality. This is what i believe in.


If we look at what we already know about the Revolution, and ignore the rumours for now, we can see an excellent system and opportunities coming. The Revolution is essentially the DS's bigger brother. Nintendo are using the DS as the first building blocks for the house that the Revolution will no doubt become.




PS: Sorry if this is all over the place. My keyboard wouldn't respond throughout most of this, so apologies if words are spelt incorrectly and sentences are jumbled.

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First of all, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The possibilities of the Revolution controller is what excites me most. The fact that you can move your hand within a 3D virtual space, is to say the least, very exciting! The other is how great it will work with 1st person shooters, making them most comfortable to play on the Revolution. And also the fact that its making games simpler to play, and might attract new types of gamers.

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a) The games. I can't live without Metroids, Marios, Zeldas and other cool games.

b) The controller. The games will never be the same again.

c) Virtual console. I want to play Majora's mask, Super Metroid and other cool games!

d) Cheap. I'll buy this beauty when the price goes under 200€

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One of the main reasons sure is, that it's Nintendo. Apart from that the prospect of playing Smash Bros online against some mates (atm we meet almost regularly once a week to play SSBM), the new controller and the - yet to be announced - stereoscopic 3D keeps me very excited.

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Same really, the main atractionis that it is Nintendo, Ive had all their machines and I aint stopping, I knew I was going to get it before I knew anything.


What EXCITES me the most is the controller.


Other factors are :

how NIntendo REALLY do online

its the only next gen machine im likely to get so the next wave of games

The price

How it links up with the ds

And the download service


Roll on January when the details slowly get leaked!!!

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Pretty much what you said, Fierce_LiNk. The Rev is shaping up to be like a home console version of the DS and the DS, out of all the 3 current gen home consoles I own as well as my GBA, is the console I play the most at the mo.


Having said that, I really, really need to see the games to even think about purchasing one. That old software makes the hardware rule still aplies to me.

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What attracts me the most is, the unapologetic design. Say what you want about Nintendo, at least they have the balls to give us something different without caving to criticism. Its small, it may get smaller, and based on the info, it sounds like it was a well-thought out machine instead of just slapping the works into a huge case. I felt the same way about the GC and still do, its a marvel of design and efficiency. Also it supports 1 media format and that is, it plays games. I have no desire to upload pictures or stream music or play movies from a game system. My computer and $30 DVD player do those things just fine.

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the thing that excites me the most has gotta b the controller! to long have my hounds been bound by the (what now seems ridculous) standard style controller! I'm looking forward to getting excited again... and i mean really excited! it'll b just like picking up my first game system (nes) all over again!

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What attracts me to it is that it is supposedly 5 consoles (NES, SNES, N64, GCN, REV) in 1, therefore it can play games for 5 different consoles.


I sold my GCN a few months ago and thought that I wouldn't bother with getting another console but there are lots of classics on the N64 and SNES that I'd like to replay with perfect emulation and the REV is perfect for that.


Plus, the speculation that the Rev won't have a sky high price makes it even more appealing.


Roll on Autumn 2006.

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