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No PS4 or new Xbox until 2014


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No PS4 or new Xbox until 2014 – report


I've got to say this is music to my ears.


"Both MS and Sony are telegraphing to each other that they're delaying, to milk the current [generation] and fill in previous craters better," said one anonymous leak.


I love it when companies work together.


I also don't think technology has moved on enough yet to warrant a new console. This is absolutely awesome for the industry, too.

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You mean to say you like Cartels? :X


Whilst I think the lack of hardware revisions is a good development, the above is not.


This might not even be true.


You know, as long as it isn't detrimental to the industry and they aren't price fixing I'm cool with it.

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I'm not quite sure working together is the right word here. I think at most they are signalling to the other company that they won't launch a new console soon. Looking at the recently launched Kinect and Move it's pretty obvious they are not going to sacrifice these sales-points for a new system anytime soon, afterall at least their research expenses need to be covered.


I'm really waiting for the next generation though. In the last few years I've seen more than enough of the slightly metallic glow so typical for the UE3 engine. PC graphicscards are at least two generations ahead, with more advanced shader models and tesselation. But most PC games are only ports and rarely use these features.

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The longer the wait for a new console, the more money's worth from the current one. And by releasing it in 2014 the tech should be better than were it to be released next year.


Either that or, you know, they can release at a price that's below the average gaming PC. They might even be able to make a profit of the machines - shock, horror! :p

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I think the longer a 'console era' lasts the more memorable the games become, in the sense that it's easier to identify a game to a certain time period, and developers get time to actually make more memorable, wholesome efforts.


Milk it dry ladies and gentleman.

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Agreed. Hopefully as devs hit a wall with regards to tech they can concentrate on more on innovation and not having generic crap game stories.


I believe we're already seeing that to some extend. Sure, Epic's and Crytek's tech demos are still quiet far away from what the average person's gaming hardware can handle, but devs haven't exactly rushed to support the most potent gaming hardware available to them.

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