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Got to say, thats probably the best looking animated movie I have ever seen, really gorgeous. Very funny in places too. It also had a nice nostalgic feel to it, with a style more like the old Disney movies. I could probably have done without most of the songs but thats just me.

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(I thought this was supposed to be a thread to discuss movies, not the 'rate the last film you saw' thread in disguise :heh:)


Anyone else think this is a thoroughly shit poster?




Until I saw it up close I assumed they were clinking glasses because the background woman is just so badly placed. Unless they're trying to suggest Aniston and Sandler DP fist her it reads really badly.

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It was in reference to several posts by different people.


And I said 'rate' in disguise.


And its probably been happening since the start but I seldom check.


And I put it in parenthesis because it was a side point of normal personness, not an adminy finger wagging.


It's all good : peace:


Except the Just Go With It poster. That's shit.

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Yeah I know :p


But its a really badly done fist bump. The silhouettes are completely out of whack!


(random aside someone at uni referred to a fist bump as a 'spud' the other day. Told her to GTFO)

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I think the problem is that the guy putting the poster together was directed to hide the fact that the woman in the background has no knees. I think they did a very good job under very difficult circumstances and we should possibly start a collection to buy this woman some bionic knees.

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I always thought they were clinking glasses too, but then I never actively looked at the poster for more than 2 seconds until just now.


I saw Bride Wars tonight.



Though it inspired me/ I had a sliver of an idea for a short film because of it.

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I saw Saving Private Ryan for the first time last night. It's a brilliant film. It also looked amazing on Blu-Ray: Thanks to the setting and effects it doesn't look like it was released 13 years ago - goes to show that proper effects, extras, etc can help make a film timeless.


I don't know why it took me so long to see it, but if anyone else here hasn't seen it then go buy/rent the Blu-Ray right now.


Oh, and:



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I saw Saving Private Ryan for the first time last night. It's a brilliant film. It also looked amazing on Blu-Ray: Thanks to the setting and effects it doesn't look like it was released 13 years ago - goes to show that proper effects, extras, etc can help make a film timeless.


I don't know why it took me so long to see it, but if anyone else here hasn't seen it then go buy/rent the Blu-Ray right now.


Oh, and:




Is that ... Nathan Fillion? In Saving Private Ryan?


(The image title seems to suggest so.)

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Bah it's far too easy to rate a film when your discussing it.


Anyway, each wednesday I've been to the cinema whilst in Cambridge as they have two for one orange wednesday - woo! Watched so far pirates 4, x-men and kung fu panda.


Kung fu panda was pretty good, the visuals were very pretty! I was also pretty amused, although each film I've seen at this cinema has had annoying people laughing ridiculously loudly or kids not knowing when to shut the fuck up. I'm hoping cineworld next week will be better as I think I'm off to see bad teacher..I'm not really fussed about seeing it, but my friend seems to think it'll be good.

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In celebration of my long, long Leaving Cert exams finishing I treated myself to a movie :) I would recommend anyone to watch "The Trouble With Harry" by Alfred Hitchcock if they haven't already! Pleasantly surprised, fantastic black humor and morbid themes.


The 4 main characters made me crave. They're just the kind of people you want to hand around with...maybe in my dreams...

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I saw Life In A Day today.


It was great. People saying how The Social Network was such a modern film in terms of being an illustration of 'where we are' or whatever, should really watch this.


Composed and edited entirely from footage people around the world, all walks of life, filmed on 24th July last year. Sounds like a recipe for disaster but ended being great, and incredibly moving too.


An essential view of the year for me - if you have any vested interest in film as a medium. Nothing like it has been made so far, but perhaps it's a sign of how feature films could end up in the years to come..?

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