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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Whoa! 12 PMs already? That was quick :heh:


Still, 48 hours is the max time (save unexpected developments), but not the minimum, either. Once I get all targets in, the day will start.


Also, be careful not to talk game-related stuff during the night.

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Arthur Strudwick was just finished tidying up his private chambers. "A clean room brings a clean conscience", his dear mother always said.


And should unexpected guests appear, surely, he'd want them to feel comfortable. He'd want them to see how trustworthy he was, how he was such a truly fine and respectable gentleman.


Broadcast Yourself


Heh... A fine and respectable gentleman... What a load of hogwash!


In truth, Arthur Strudwick is still befuddled by how easy it has become to trick most gentlemen, using proper good manners and finesse. You need to be more creative for the smarter ones, but he expected the standards to be higher than this.


Surely enough, this man has never worked honestly for a day in his life. He is a con man, he lives of lies and deceit. He never even had a "dear mother".


Truly, with this sort of social skills, and with Angus MacNeil at his side, there would be nothing to-


*knock* *knock*


"Oh my, look at that, the door" he had already put on his best smile "I'll open it up in a second, please. I wonder who it might be?"


He opened the door an-*SLASH*

"Guh...My throat...My..."

He never did see this coming. Social skills tend to not be as useful in the deadly game of Mafia.


Esequiel is dead. He was the Con Artist, Arthur Strudwick. He could disguise one's true identity. He was Evil.




Broadcast Yourself


"Hmph... So it has come to this..."


"Ah, Duke Phillip Manning or, should I say, Cube...After all these years, you changed little."


"I need not to change much. My heart has been in the righteous path for long, and I do not regret a thing. Unlike yourself, for you truly are nothing but a bane on others."

"Let's see how long you can hold onto this idealistic fantasy of yours... Prepare yerself!"


Angus MacNeil lunged at the Duke and started slashing with his trusty knives. Cube stayed in a defensive stance, avoiding every attack.


"Urgh...My eyes are not what they once were, and my hand to hand combat will help little against these blades..." thought Cube to himself "I need to be more creative..."


Once he saw an opening, the Duke kicked the Scotsman right in the face using a beautiful circular motion "CRESCENT KICK", he felt the urge to shout, but there was no time to waste, he could see the Hunter's figure was dizzy and he needed to take this chance to hit him with a roundhouse kick, sending him into the ground.


"Begone, fiend! To hell, where you belong!" he said, before crushing Angus' throat with a well placed stomp.


"...I insist, please go first" whispered a voice, before Cube felt a sharp pain in the back: a knife wound.


"B-But how...?"


"You stomped on a statue that had fallen with the commotion. You even crushed the thing, I'm impressed. Your weak eyes spelled your demise, however."




"Oh, and I'll be taking the key you've been hiding in your jacket..."


Cube is dead. He was the Duke, Phillip Manning. This talented individual could investigate as well as protect. He was Good.




In the morning:

"Once again, I have a speech: 'Jayseven, why weren't you eeevil?


I apologize for that, I simply hope we don't lose more useful townies...


Regarding Dane Lad Daniel (if that is his real name), I have seen that he is a man of dangerous equipment! Hunting knives, bear traps, impressive biceps... Truly frightening!


I still feel there is more to him, however...'"


And, as usual, chaotic discussion ensued.




Remaining Players

















The Peeps



There are 17 remaining players. Majority is 9


Day 8 starts now

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Regarding yesterday, I am utterly gobsmacked. I would have sworn my life that jayseven was evil. I still can't explain why he said he redirected me to Flink when my PM clearly says ReZ. And you have to admit his defence and accusations of me seemed terribly mafia-like.


I wonder who it is that killed Esequiel, for it was not I. I protected Flink last night, inspired by jayseven's claims. Perhaps Nintendohnut isn't keeping his word? (I see this turning into an argument between me and Dohnut: "You killed him!" "No, you killed him!"

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IF it wasn't either of you then are we thinking redirector?


Hopefully someone will come forward and explain tomorrow and we can find out who they redirected.


That's if Dannyboy or Nintendohnut aren't lying


Scratch that, it obviously isn't a redirector because the mafia killed Cube. It's late :p

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Ok, wow. We seriously got off amazingly lucky there.


I actually targetted Esequiel last night to protect him, but got roleblocked myself. Allegedly, I was knocked out as I left my room, and awoke in my own room this morning with my mission incomplete. Which means it's very possible the Mafia roleblocking me is got Esequiel killed :D


Roll on today!

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Cube could investigate? We knew this, right? Did he ever give us any useful info?


Also, whilst I realise it's not a bad thing losing Esequiel, SOMEBODY killed him, and out of our two identified non-mafia killers I trust one less than the other. Vote:Nintendohnut.

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Chairdriver, please could we have your targets for all game?


And anyone who has been enhanced by Chairdriver speak up.


Dyson, who have your targets been all game?


I investigated Zell last night and discovered he is good.


(Grey is didn't vote for Marcamillian and unconfirmed)















The Peeps




Diageo, protecting investigator.

Zell, theif (unless identity was fudged) (heroic was also a thief?)

mr-paul, note passing investigator

heroicjanitor, item thief

Mundi, investigating roleblocker

Eenuh, standard protector

MadDog, murder investigator

Jayseven, redirector



Nintendohnut, killing dude. :p



Marcamillian, ability unknown

Esequiel, change someones identity



Two mafia's dead. A game of 26 players means there are AT LEAST 6 mafia, maybe even 7 but that might be a bit too much. Which means there are at least 4 mafia left. It is safe to assume that....no more than 3 (probably) voted for Marcamillian. Esequiel DID vote for Marcamillian. Maybe less than that votes for him, maybe more, but we need to look at the grey folks to be fair. I have over theory's but I'll wait to hear back and to hear from my questions above.

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