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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Zell, what did you do on night 1, and what information did you get from MadDog?


Oh and Tales, what is your snippet of info for today?


Eenuh, who did you target, what did you learn?


Esequiel, you have come out with no information whatsoever. Care to give us your targets, and any other salient info you have?


We also know very little about EddieColeslaw. Same question to you as I posed to Esequiel.


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I was only going with it because we had so little. But I'd rather go for an inactive or someone who has hidden themselves from us. I would say either or both of EddieColeslaw and Esequiel are evil.

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Dannyboy, in the last game did you have any way of finding out who people were?


Did you get any info on the people who were caught in your traps?


I think I'm remembering that you actually said you were trying to help the princess so I have to concede that by coming out with his role, Nintendohnut has made it pretty impossible for him to win.


But then why contribute to a game you cannot win? Even if we don't lynch you, the mafia probably aren't going to want you around.


Nope, no way to find out anything - not from my traps, not from anywhere. I only had to go by discussions in the day phase, which I why I came out as actively searching for the princess. I found it easier than waiting. The ironic part is that I later on actually managed to deduce my three alternative targets, so I could have gone for them instead, but at that point it would have got lynched. Still, I don't even know if killing my three alternative targets would have done me any good before the princess was gone - they were my second priority if the princess died by another's hand.


It would indeed seem like it has become impossible for Dohnut to win, yes.

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I don't think anything else is going to come up and I think Nintendohnut is playing essentially the same role as Dannyboy did in the last game. He needs to kill Angus to win and I don't want him stealing the win (lolololol).


Yeah that'd be annoying to have someone betray us and steal the win. :p


We don't know if ReZ can get alignments or just names and professions though. His first result was inconclusive and he didn't even get a name did he?


I get alignments because I'm awesome. (Or rather my animals are) And you said earlier that it isn't helpful tracking yourself, (I reverse tracked myself) which tells you who targeted you and what happened to you (if you find it out) so its more useful than not. Unless you target the murder victim, but then theres a 1 in 20 chance etc.


Anyway, I agree that Eddie and Esequiel aren't posting enough/are remaining too quiet so I look forward to hearing (their) notes.


I also agree that Nintendohnut will need to be taken care of eventually. Unfortunately.

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Dazz & Rummy - Misinformed cops

ReZ - Animal minion herder of many talents - tracker, reverse tracker, investigator and protector apparently? has to be cycled.

Danny - Angus's brother whose name I've forgot. Seeks to eliminate threats to the town, can kill, has traps

Dohnut - seeks to kill angus, can kill, has traps(neutral)

Diageo - Jailkeeper that also finds out something about his target

jayseven - barman/re-director

cube - investigative protector - but you can't do both at the same time, right? so either/or.

Chairdriver - Magician/stage magics. iirc cleaned someone's eye? cube?

Ellmeister - (Bull fighter?). Spanish, has a cape.

Zell - Oliver Carter, 'the doorman'. Thief of some description. Gets and keeps powers related to every item he steals from someone/who he steals it from.

Sméagol - Key wanter/thief

Flink/Deceased-Eenuh - Were supposedly partners. If they were mafia then either Eenuh got brought back and replaced another mafia or they're both town. i.e. whichever alignment they are, they're the same alignment. Flink had a key, presumably still has it? Flink also targets people and they get a special mention at the end of the writeup.

Dyson - an aggressive protector? - This is correct, correct?

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FOR FUCKS SAKE I just wrote a really long post then it deleted itself. Fucking fuck.


Okay so this is bullshit. There are a few reasons for this being bullshit:


1) Tales, I know you're still pissed at me and Dannyboy for lying in the pokemafia but you have really got to let that go and move on. It was a game and you would have done the same. Right now it's clouding your judgement and making you what rid of us for revenge. Move on and forget about it.


Unlike The Peeps, I stopped right there. That's a terribly terribly personal and manipulative way to argue, and something I think wholly unneccessary. It seems...graspy. Admittedly, I didn't stop there, I saw you try and accuse/blame it all on Tales again later. Something about that really bugs me.



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Just to re-iterate, that isn't the only reason, it's combined with you being a neutral killer and me having no other viable leads to go with. Spending each day not lynching someone also brings the mafia closer to majority, and you CAN kill, you may be just biding your time. You may even actually be mafia, nobody has confirmed you as neutral, just ReZ got an inconclusive result - that isn't confirmation.


(to dohnut)


Surely if ReZ had to go through cycles he would be on cat by now/ he said he used his bear a little while ago, which was out of cycle wasn't it?


A good point, I don't know the order/list of his targets or actions. I'd ask ReZ provide us with them.

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Okay, I was waiting for Jayseven to post. I think I've been either redirected or blocked. Like I said before, I got caught in a trap last night so couldn't do anything.


So if a (townie) blocker or redirector targeted me, I would like to know about this.

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I cannot use Douno for a second time, until I have used the remaining three animals at least once. I am currently going through my second cycle of uses. Pipe down will ya Ellmeister. I've always been one of the first to reveal my information.

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Also Rummy, your info on me is a bit wrong. I didn't get revived or anything, I simply replaced Sprout, who came out as a (reverse) tracker at the start.


If you need the alignment of my previous role, check the write-up for that night as it was mentioned in there. Night 3 I think it was.

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Just to re-iterate, that isn't the only reason, it's combined with you being a neutral killer and me having no other viable leads to go with. Spending each day not lynching someone also brings the mafia closer to majority, and you CAN kill, you may be just biding your time. You may even actually be mafia, nobody has confirmed you as neutral, just ReZ got an inconclusive result - that isn't confirmation.


(to dohnut)


Okay, so what's your ligitimate reason for voting for me? So far you haven't said anything that I didn't already explain in my post.


And you can't accuse me of being overly personal! Thats so double-standards. Tales has already outright said that he suspects me and Dannyboy purely because of the last game and I'm pretty sure he said at some point that he wanted us to be killed just for that reason.


I don't really understand this dithering about lynching Nintendohnut. He's copped neutral, and has a kill ability, for frak's sake.


Did you read my post? Or did you just come in here and vote/comment briefly like normal? I'm not even copped - I CAME OUT AS NEUTRAL. Don't make it sound like I was keeping it secret and it was revealed - I came out with my entire role. Have you, or just made vague suggestions? At least make a valid point as explained in my post. Nobody actually has yet and the mafia are going to jump on this


Tbh I'm now hoping that I will get half a win if I survive, or if I'm involved in every lynch of Angus, maybe I'll win with the town or something. As I've said, I don't know what my win condition is - I don't have one in my original PM, as I have already explained.

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Zell, what did you do on night 1, and what information did you get from MadDog?


Oh and Tales, what is your snippet of info for today?


Eenuh, who did you target, what did you learn?


Esequiel, you have come out with no information whatsoever. Care to give us your targets, and any other salient info you have?


We also know very little about EddieColeslaw. Same question to you as I posed to Esequiel.


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I was only going with it because we had so little. But I'd rather go for an inactive or someone who has hidden themselves from us. I would say either or both of EddieColeslaw and Esequiel are evil.

One was reflecting upon himself and another was reflecting upon someone else.


Yeah, I don't get it either.


Okay, so what's your ligitimate reason for voting for me? So far you haven't said anything that I didn't already explain in my post.


And you can't accuse me of being overly personal! Thats so double-standards. Tales has already outright said that he suspects me and Dannyboy purely because of the last game and I'm pretty sure he said at some point that he wanted us to be killed just for that reason.





I'm not particularly fan of you, but if I were to vote for you, it's not because of Pokemafia, but from what I learned from Pokemafia. You're a good liar.

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Did you read my post? Or did you just come in here and vote/comment briefly like normal? I'm not even copped - I CAME OUT AS NEUTRAL. Don't make it sound like I was keeping it secret and it was revealed - I came out with my entire role. Have you, or just made vague suggestions? At least make a valid point as explained in my post. Nobody actually has yet and the mafia are going to jump on this


All the more reason to lynch you -- you don't have a cop's verification.

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Okay, so what's your ligitimate reason for voting for me? So far you haven't said anything that I didn't already explain in my post.


And you can't accuse me of being overly personal! Thats so double-standards. Tales has already outright said that he suspects me and Dannyboy purely because of the last game and I'm pretty sure he said at some point that he wanted us to be killed just for that reason.


Did you read my post? Or did you just come in here and vote/comment briefly like normal? I'm not even copped - I CAME OUT AS NEUTRAL. Don't make it sound like I was keeping it secret and it was revealed - I came out with my entire role. Have you, or just made vague suggestions? At least make a valid point as explained in my post. Nobody actually has yet and the mafia are going to jump on this


Tbh I'm now hoping that I will get half a win if I survive, or if I'm involved in every lynch of Angus, maybe I'll win with the town or something. As I've said, I don't know what my win condition is - I don't have one in my original PM, as I have already explained.


Seems I'm not the only one struggling to read posts. You claim neutral, you're a killer, sure you haven't killed yet but that could just be biding your time for something(as Danny was last game, as someone else noted). We've no verification on your alignment because both our identified investigators suck, and ReZ's came back inconclusive. Inconclusive implies nothing, except that it was exactly that, inconclusive. We can conclude nothing from it.


If again you struggled to understand this, I re-refer you to my previous post which states all of this already.


Don't dare try to cast aspersions on my activity either, comment/vote briefly as normal? I'm sure I've probably had more activity in this thread than you have. Have I come out with my role? Yes, I came out with it all, targets results and all. In fact, everything in this post you made was pretty much absolute horseshit.


Also Rummy, your info on me is a bit wrong. I didn't get revived or anything, I simply replaced Sprout, who came out as a (reverse) tracker at the start.


If you need the alignment of my previous role, check the write-up for that night as it was mentioned in there. Night 3 I think it was.


That was info on your old role, not your current one, I copied ReZ's, but it does note you as deceased. I haven't put anything on your current role, but I shall add you.


Dazz & Rummy - Misinformed cops

ReZ - Animal minion herder of many talents - tracker, reverse tracker, investigator and protector apparently? has to be cycled.

Danny - Angus's brother whose name I've forgot. Seeks to eliminate threats to the town, can kill, has traps

Dohnut - seeks to kill angus, can kill, has traps(neutral)

Diageo - Jailkeeper that also finds out something about his target

jayseven - barman/re-director

cube - investigative protector - but you can't do both at the same time, right? so either/or.

Chairdriver - Magician/stage magics. iirc cleaned someone's eye? cube?

Ellmeister - (Bull fighter?). Spanish, has a cape.

Zell - Oliver Carter, 'the doorman'. Thief of some description. Gets and keeps powers related to every item he steals from someone/who he steals it from.

Sméagol - Key wanter/thief

Flink/(Deceased-Eenuh) - Were supposedly partners. If they were mafia then either Eenuh got brought back and replaced another mafia or they're both town. i.e. whichever alignment they are, they're the same alignment. Flink had a key, presumably still has it? Flink also targets people and they get a special mention at the end of the writeup.

Dyson - an aggressive protector? - This is correct, correct?

Eenuh/Formerly Sprout - reverse tracker.

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Does anyone else not have a win condition besides Nintendohnut?


I really don't believe Jonnas would make a neutral role and not mention a win condition at all.


Maybe you could PM Jonnas and ask him, Nintendohnut? That's what I'd do.

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I'm not particularly fan of you, but if I were to vote for you, it's not because of Pokemafia, but from what I learned from Pokemafia. You're a good liar.


Now that's freaking personal. This is a game. Why are you making such personal comments? You don't like me because I lied to win a mafia game? By that logic you won't like a lot of people in this forum, so why me?


All the more reason to lynch you -- you don't have a cop's verification.


Wait, are you saying you think I'm evil? Because that makes no sense. I haven't killed yet and I've been verified as not being Angus. How does what your suggesting make logical sense?


Seems I'm not the only one struggling to read posts. You claim neutral, you're a killer, sure you haven't killed yet but that could just be biding your time for something(as Danny was last game, as someone else noted). We've no verification on your alignment because both our identified investigators suck, and ReZ's came back inconclusive. Inconclusive implies nothing, except that it was exactly that, inconclusive. We can conclude nothing from it.


If again you struggled to understand this, I re-refer you to my previous post which states all of this already.


Its not that I don't understand your post. I do. It's just that your reasons for voting for me (being neutral, ability to kill) I have already explained are no threat to the town. Yes I have a kill ability, but if I use it, I die. So why would I ever use it? You're saying things like 'you could be biding your time', but as I've said, if someone finds Angus he'll be lynched, so I can never get him anyway. What alignment do YOU think I am, then? Evil? As I said, I haven't killed yet and I'm clearly not Angus, so how could I be evil?


Don't dare try to cast aspersions on my activity either, comment/vote briefly as normal? I'm sure I've probably had more activity in this thread than you have. Have I come out with my role? Yes, I came out with it all, targets results and all. In fact, everything in this post you made was pretty much absolute horseshit.


Chill out! I was talking to chair when I spoke about activity and voting, as denoted by the fact that I quoted him before that paragraph. You have been perfectly active, I have no complaints against that.


A fun as these games are, when people start getting personal it becomes less fun. Please can people stop making this about me as a person as it's really uncalled for.


Does anyone else not have a win condition besides Nintendohnut?


I really don't believe Jonnas would make a neutral role and not mention a win condition at all.


Maybe you could PM Jonnas and ask him, Nintendohnut? That's what I'd do.


I did, at the start of the game. I also asked what would happen if Angus was lynched before I killed him. Jonnas' reply was "there's more to it than that", which I personally thought meant that killing him wouldn't end the game. However, I have no idea.

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As I said, I haven't killed yet and I'm clearly not Angus, so how could I be evil?


There is a mafia in play here, it isn't just Angus. We know Angus sacrificed a team mate to use their mask so he is part of a team. You could easily be part of that team and you just haven't been chosen to be Angus yet. I'm convinced you're neutral though.



I did, at the start of the game. I also asked what would happen if Angus was lynched before I killed him. Jonnas' reply was "there's more to it than that", which I personally thought meant that killing him wouldn't end the game. However, I have no idea.


That's incredibly vague. So if Angus gets lynched, who's to say you don't just get a new target?

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Dannyboy, if you want to prove your towniness, kill Nintendohnut tonight (assuming he's not lynched by then). Otherwise you get lynched tomorrow. Since the vigilante's job is to take out neutrals that we shouldn't waste our time lynching.


I have no idea why you haven't killed Smeagol yet, to be honest.

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There is a mafia in play here, it isn't just Angus. We know Angus sacrificed a team mate to use their mask so he is part of a team. You could easily be part of that team and you just haven't been chosen to be Angus yet. I'm convinced you're neutral though.


That's incredibly vague. So if Angus gets lynched, who's to say you don't just get a new target?


I might, I did say that in one of my earlier posts. I may join the town, I may leave the game, I may win... I really don't know. But again, that point is never going to be reached because I will not use my power unless the town says so, which they won't. Theoretically I may steal the win or get a new target, but in actual fact I won't, because there is just no way for me to find Angus.

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