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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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It doesn't say in my PM whether I win or not, all it says is that I'm neutral and that I'm trying to kill Angus. It also says if I kill anyone who isn't Angus I will be revealed in the write-up through embarassment/dishonour/guilt/whatever/youknowwhatImean. So yeah, I don't know whether I win and the game ends, whether I get another person I have to kill, whether I win but the game continues, whether I become a townie, whether I become a mafia, whether I go mental and have to kill everyone... I have no idea. That said, I doubt it will be the first or last one. I mean, what if I'd found him after 2 nights? I would've killed him and the game would have just ended, which would have been the shortest game ever. And if it were the last one everyone would already know who I was (as I would appear in the write-up) so I would just be voted off the next day.


Having said all that, I guess as soon as people find out who Angus is, he will be lynched, in which case I won't have killed him. No idea what happens in that situation either, I guess I just lose? Or I may get a new objective (or any of the other options above).


TL; DR I have no idea what will happen when I kill Angus, but I probably won't get the chance as he'll be lynched as soon as he's found.


Yeah im sort of with Diageo on this, in my experience neutrals are never a good thing. I just cant see why we are openly discussing 2 people who have the power to kill when they should be at the top of the lynch list (watch me end up dead now >.>).


Its really hard to keep up when we have 20 odd pages from 1 day with everyone just rambling on. Its very easy to get confused and im actually thinking this might just be part of your plan.


You'll forgive me if I don't really take your opinion that seriously. Aren't you the guy who managed to get a townie lynched and then decided that the people who followed your information must have been evil?


Neutrals aren't always bad for the town, they can on occasion have win conditions that share the town's. But in this case, I agree.


I'll be honest and say that I think Dannyboy and Nintendohnut aren't entirely telling the truth. It is entirely possible they're actually working together and bluffing us all completely. But maybe I'm just paranoid..


Lol I wish that was the case. I have literally revealed everything about my role, and you will all see if I kill someone as I will be revealed in the write-up. I am literally unable to do anything without the town's consent - if I do kill, I'll be lynched the next day.


That said, if people want me to fully prove who I am and can decide on someone to kill (as a group/majority) then I will kill them to prove who I am. If this is not what people want to do, I am fine with that, but it's an option if there is someone the town want's rid of (an inactive player or someone who would otherwise be lynched)

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Neutrals aren't always bad for the town, they can on occasion have win conditions that share the town's. But in this case, I agree.


I'll be honest and say that I think Dannyboy and Nintendohnut aren't entirely telling the truth. It is entirely possible they're actually working together and bluffing us all completely. But maybe I'm just paranoid..


Just highlighting again that I am good, not neutral. I'm a townie. I win when all threats to the town are gone.


I know I'm still suspicious, but I just wanted to point that out once again. :)

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I think Esequiel has a real problem with the fact we are able to kill, Danny. He seems really intent on getting rid of us (me especially - he's had it in for me for a while now if you look back through the thread). If I didn't know better I'd say he's evil. I mean, he got a townie lynched saying 'if I'm wrong lynch me tomorrow!'... then proceeded to claim that his information must've been messed with and that only mafia would follow him so the first four people who voted must be evil (except him of course).


I just find that hilarious - if a player comes forward with information, it's not only going to be mafia members who follow it. Yes, they will follow it if it's about a townie, but when you're so sure about your information that you say you'll happily be lynched if it's wrong, you have to assume that the person's info is solid.


Anyway, enough of this ridiculousness. I've revealed everything about my role, and I can't for the life of me think what we know about Esequiel. We know he got information (that was wrong), but do we know his character, his power, or anything else about him?

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You'll forgive me if I don't really take your opinion that seriously. Aren't you the guy who managed to get a townie lynched and then decided that the people who followed your information must have been evil?



Are you thinking of a different game?
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You'll forgive me if I don't really take your opinion that seriously. Aren't you the guy who managed to get a townie lynched and then decided that the people who followed your information must have been evil?


Different game dude, your living in the past! Stop living in the past!


And yeah we wont know until after SSBB Mafia if Zell was evil or not, it just seemed odd how he got lynh bombed so fast towards the end. Of course Mafia people would wait until the last minute then vote when they knew they could get lynch majority and what better person to do it too than someone they knew was good?


To be honest your tone against anyone who questions you makes me suspicious, and you vehemently deny knowing what will happen if you kill Angus, i just dont buy it.




Seriously, keep up.

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I think Esequiel has a real problem with the fact we are able to kill, Danny. He seems really intent on getting rid of us (me especially - he's had it in for me for a while now if you look back through the thread).


What the fuck do you expect really? You can kill.... thats not a good sign, you could well be the mafia killer seen as no one has had a good read on you..... yet.


The lady doth protest too much for my liking.

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ALSO: I think my point still stands. I can't kill anyone as you would instantly know and I'd appear in the write-up, so I am no threat to the town. I can prove this, but it would involve me killing, so if that's something the town wants me to do I can but otherwise I shan't.


Well I've worked at trying to help the town (proving Dazz is a naive cop). I'm the only player who is claiming neutral; obviously everyone else is claiming good. I know I can't prove I'm neutral, but it would be a pretty daft thing for me to claim. Why wouldn't I just claim good? And seeing as I'm the only neutral so far, I'm the only one who can prove that Dazz and Rummy are naive and paranoid.


Also I'm not a lady.


Also I'm only protesting against you as you are giving us nothing about yourself. I will say again - give us something about yourself before you go accusing me alloverthegoddamplace.


Going out briefly - obviously happy to answer any questions when I get back


wonder if Esequiel is willing to do the same? lol

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I'm giving him an hour or two, though I suspect from the time he went to work he should have finished/been in ages ago. He knew his responsibilities when he left, I shan't feel bad lynching him because he didn't check.

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Vote Standings


Diageo (1): Cube


Marcamillian (11): Diageo, Dyson, Tales, EddieColeslaw, aqui1a, Dannyboy-the-Dane, ReZourceman, Jayseven, Flinky, Esequiel, Nintendohnut


Nintendohnut (1): chairdriver


Majority is 12

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It seems I've received word back, I can target myself, and I believe I probably shall tonight. There's too much risk for me and you to target each other Dazz, it'll just be an opportunity for people to jump on and cause confusion. I know myself so I can verify myself, not saying I don't believe you either, just there's no doubt on my own alignment :P


Also second to me not saying much is the fact Dazz was clearing people I found evil, didn't exactly help the doubt. Getting 4 Goods is more likely than getting 4 evils.


Okay, dude. You target yourself because then at least you'll find out whether you are or aren't a paranoid cop. However, I won't know the result myself and so will target someone in the game, however I won't say who it is.


People want us to target each other in hopes of us getting some sort of Gentlemanly boost-up. However, I'm unsure. Firstly, the mafia are likely to get in the way in case such a thing could occur. Secondly, what am I going to find out, that Dazz is evil? What if he IS evil? If I target myself, I will(assuming no interference) know for sure that I'm 100% dud, or possibly a very lucky guesser as a good cop, the deal with Dohnut makes it tricky though. Do we have any 100% confirmed townies? Not via Dazz?


I'm not evil, I swear to you! Also, I don't think that there is any confirmation with anybody.


Dammit I wish Dazz would get in here.


I'm sorry, a lot has happened in a couple of hours! lol.


Targetting myself, and finding myself evil, just proves I'm a paranoid cop. It proves nothing of the innocence of others, because I never get a result saying someone is innocent. Dazz, is essentially the same but the other side of the coin. All it proves is that I'm useless.



Flink, I see where you're coming from, I was a lot like that in my first mafias(not that I'm seasoned or anything) but it isn't worth throwing an ally to the dogs until later in the game/they've got some doubt on them already really? Mafia are a minority in a game full of people, it's prudent to keep numbers as much and as while you can. However, that total ridiculousness and exception could be just a reason to do it, but at the moment it doesn't clear enough people to warrant it, so I'm not inclined to go with the theory.



Doesn't mean anybody involved isn't mafia/neutral, though.


This is true. Okay Rummy, good idea and I think you're right. I don't think us targeting each other would be a good idea because the mafia would toy with us most likely.


However Rummy, if we live, I think we should target each other on a number of the night after pitch black, where there's the face of another day. We have to be careful because there's not a minute we can lose! Anyways, I haven't got anything, I'll target someone tonight but I won't say who.

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