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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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Leave him be.. For now.

I want a part III as much as the next person, but I do think we should give it some considerable time before we plunge ourselves into massive epicness ;).

There will be plenty of great mafia games in the meantime.

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Leave him be.. For now.

I want a part III as much as the next person, but I do think we should give it some considerable time before we plunge ourselves into massive epicness ;).

There will be plenty of great mafia games in the meantime.


Definitely agree with you there. We need a substantial breather period if we are to truly appreciate a new instalment.


I'm not really worried that Jonnas has no plans currently. He said the exact same thing after the first one. ;)


By the way, did ReZ have any in-game connections to the mafia since he's apparently friends with Gallandeau? Or this that merely a post-game twist?

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ReZ was around when Gallandeau was lynched played that piano, which is why he recognized him. And Claude is not that much of a jerk, so he helped him.


No previous connection, just wanted to tie those loose ends.


Anyhoo, I still have that Ace Attorney mafia in the works. No idea when it will start, however.

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Urgh what a game! I didn't know how to play at all - I didn't want to kill until I was sure but when I was revealed on night 2 I was basically screwed.


Still, despite the fact that Esequiel wasn't angus, I'm pleased that I managed to nail a bad guy before I was lynched. I was very sure Esequiel was evil, and I was just keeping my fingers crossed he was the right one. I pretty much knew I was dead the next day anyway so I just went for it. Good fun though, great game Jonnas :)


I will start sign ups for my game tomorrow - I only just checked this board so didn't know this game was over!

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Yeah sorry about pushing for lynching you, I knew you probably did have anti-mafia interests, but I didn't want you winning away from us :p. More importantly, I didn't want to take the risk of you killing us! I'm just never comfortable around known killers who've killed. If Danny had without permission I'd have done exactly the same, even if he'd gotten Angus!


As for a G Maff the Third, I do agree it would be good but we probably need a bit more time inbetween. Autosignup for me methinks!

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Wait... I was killed for saying I knew of a butler or maid who was likely to be good, but I had no idea who it was? God dammit... I would have trusted The Peeps too. I was wondering when I would be used as tinder for the story since I wasn't dead :p


Besides the poor logic that lead to my death it was a good game for that one day phase I was involved in. Good times. I actually thought I was killed for using my info against Sméagol.

Edited by heroicjanitor
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It feels weird not having this in my life anymore and it's weird not messaging Rummy all the time. It's even more weird that I feel like a chapter of my life has ended since this ended, pmsl.


Jonnas, for the rest of your life, you must make Gentlemen sequels! You were born for this, this is your purpose in life! lol.

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Due to popular demand, I bring you the full role list!





You are King James, dearest husband of Queen Olivia


Indeed, you are the odd King who occasionally enjoys speaking as if you were some sort of an Austrian actor.

You never expected this situation, honestly. You planned on surprising your dearest wife by showing some interest and support in her activities, and now your life is in jeopardy!

...Oh, and thy dearest wife’s as well, of course.


During the night, you may target a player. You will carefully study this player, and reveal any info you may have gained on him in the write-up, during your morning speech.

As the King, you have the right to a double, or even a triple, vote. When voting, simply post Double Vote: X or Triple Vote: X, depending on which right you wish to exert.




You are The Queen’s Personal Aide, Alicia Wilder


Your attention on Her Majesty wavered for only a minute! The tragedy of fetching a Canapé downstairs, at the worst time...

Luckily, you ran into King James before this entire ordeal had started. Her Majesty did mention he could be unpredictable, but at least you know of someone you can trust.


Luckily, Queen Olivia has managed to entrust you with a mysterious key. She did not say anything about its purpose, you are merely aware that you must guard it with your life.


Being the Queen’s aide, you have the necessary knowledge to prevent assassinations. You may protect one player per night.

Also, because you are wearing the Eenuh mask (formerly won by the princess), the townies will instinctively value your opinion above others'. Your vote counts for two, at all times.



Also, you are both permitted to communicate freely outside of the thread.


Both of you are Good. You win once all the threats have been eliminated.


-I had already planned Eenuh's role, but once Flinky signed up, I just had to include him. I also included Eenuh passing the role to him once she died (since I thought at the time that the mafia should have some difficulty grabbing those keys)

-Flinky played his first game quite well. Nice going, James!





As before, you are The Duke, Phillip Manning


The fact that Queen Olivia invited you to this meeting is unsurprising. However, upon arrival, Her Majesty entrusted you with a key. “Have this†She said “In the event something happens, you are to guard this key, and keep it from falling in the wrong handsâ€. Though confused by its purpose, you guard the key.

While you are honoured to help defend Her Majesty (once again donning the Cube mask), your eye injury has been worsening for the past 7 years, despite all attempts to treat it. You cannot chat with someone, yet stay alert at all times...


You may target a player each night. You may choose to investigate or to protect this player, but you cannot do both simultaneously.


You are Good. You win once all the threats have been eliminated.


-Since I no longer wanted a "Super Townie", I had to nerf Cube's character somehow. It worked quite well because Cube was smart about his targets

-...This included protecting himself the night Diageo tried to kill him. Cube is just a natural super townie, I guess!

-One of my favourite quotes in the game: "I saw Angus MacNeil walking nearby so I pushed him and ran away


Like a man."






You are The Tamer, Arthur Langley


Indeed, you are the former Prime Minister! This time, Her Majesty actually remembered your invitation, and even gave you a proper key (though it never worked in your bedroom, and you had to wait two hours until the maids found the correct one, but baby steps, baby steps...).

In the past 7 years, you have adventured through many endeavours, and finally, you found your vocation: taming animals! Queen Olivia even provided a private yard near your room for the critters.


Each night, you may use one of your animals:






Though the kitten has grown old in the last few years, he is still capable of reading one’s heart. He is able to determine whether someone is Good or Evil (Investigator);



Whiskertington II



Originally a stray cat, this little fellow has strived to be useful on your team ever since you let him inside your house. Using his instincts, he is able to verify who else may have targeted someone during the night (Reverse Tracker);





Odd bird. It must be Australian... Douno is quite the fast runner, and will be able to track others during the night, even if he isn’t that subtle (Tracker)





You believe him to be a bear of some sort (The man who sold it to you called himself Bears O’Coolness, therefore, it must be a bear). Despite his size and indolence, he is quite the good-mannered and good-willed gentleman. He may protect others during the night (Protector)


Just remember: you must use all pets at least once before repeating an action. There’s no need to play favourites, here.


You are Good. You win once the all the threats have been eliminated.


-One of the first ideas I came up with after finishing Gentlemen's I, I just couldn't resist turning ReZ into a "Pokémon Tamer" :grin: His previous character fit the role, too!

-ReZ's PM actually had images, but I removed them here for easier viewing.

-The "wrong key" is, indeed, one of the five keys. I wanted to know if ReZ ever suspected this before he died, but he never told me anything of the sort

-ReZ had the worst suspicions ever :heh: Always investigating/tracking people that sounded innocent during the day and were, in fact, good. The "Dyson fiasco" was the logical conclusion to this behaviour.





You are now The Irish Writer, Aoife Kavanagh


You were one of the survivors of the last game. Clearly, the Queen invited you here, fearing for your safety. The irony of the situation gives you ideas for a new book...

Oddly, the Queen sent a pencil and a small key along with your invitation. The purpose of the key eludes you, but it is clear that the pencil was to be used in such an emergency.


Each night, you may target a player. You will write about this player’s nightly actions... and give the page to another player. Leaving the page in public again would be too predictable, and as a writer, you need to avoid predictability.


You are Good. You win once the all the threats have been eliminated.


-I just wanted to avoid the existence of a generic tracker. I wanted a twist of sorts for the power. Unfortunately, the role was *puts on sunglasses* short-lived :awesome:





You are...clueless! You must be suffering from amnesia. You do not remember your name, or anything about yourself.


You woke up in an unlit, locked closet, with a terrible headache. You managed to force your way out with a small blade (when did you learn how to do that...?). Once you arrived at the main room, masks were being distributed to those who wished to participate in a mafia duel (vague memories about that term...). You grabbed the mask everybody else was avoiding for some reason: the Dannyboy mask.


You need to understand what happened! Each night, you may talk with another player. Maybe someone here knows of your identity. You need to regain your memories!


You are ???. You win when ???


[After regaining his memories]


Through deductive reasoning alone, you have managed to uncover your own identity, and regain your memories!


Indeed, seven years ago, Angus MacNeil stabbed you and threw you into a swamp, but he did it rather hastily, and never realised you were still alive, and managed to cauterise your own wounds with a match.

However, you missed the Gentlemen's Mafia. You managed to find the princess afterwards and explain the situation to her. She allowed you to become one of her secret bodyguards, and thus you lived hidden away from high society, protecting Her Majesty in secrecy.


Moreso, you recall the princess handing you something before this whole ordeal... You reach for a secret pocket you hadn't realised you possessed and...a key! Not even a thief would've realised this, not even you knew!

You must guard this key with your life.


You too are a seasoned hunter. Each night, you may target a player. You may either kill this player, or protect him/her from anybody targeting them, using your traps.


You are Good. You win when all of the threats have been eliminated.


-Dannyboy could also regain his memories by coming into contact with chairdriver, or by targeting Angus

-In retrospect, I shouldn't have made it obvious that Angus was doing the killings. I could've left Dannyboy and the other townies thinking he really was an amnesiac Angus

-I forgot to mention it, but the reason James Barker was amnesiac was because Angus (or one of his companions) violently knocked him out when trying to get to the Queen's room (James was guarding it, you see)

-Also, I believe I made his protection power too overpowered. It was even better than Dyson's






You are The Bartender, Earnest Taylor


You serve drinks, that is all you know how to do. You wish you weren’t so powerless in this challenge...But what if you weren’t? It is time to put your social skills to use!


Each night, you may target a player. You will offer this player a few drinks, leaving him or her inebriated. You may either gather information from this player, or redirect them to somebody else.


You are Good. You win once all the threats have been eliminated.


-Jayseven was actually a bit of a Super Townie, now that I think about it. The suspicious nature of redirection was the only thing he had going against him. And his inactivity. And his terrible choice of targets. :heh:





You are The American Detective, Richard Jansen


You suspected, from the very beginning, that something odd and suspicious would happen in this meeting. Once you arrived, your suspicions were confirmed.

Golly, you really can’t trust these Brits. The innocents could really use some help from the good ol’ US of A.


Each night, you may investigate a player. You will discover the alignment of this player.


You are Good. You win once all the threats have been eliminated.




You are The Canadian Detective, Aubrey Gagnon


Egads! That this urgent meeting regarding mysterious murders would beget more danger and intrigue! Flabbergasting!

Out of loyalty to the crown, you choose to help in any way that you can.


Each night, you may investigate a player. You will discover the alignment of this player.


You are Good. You win once all the threats have been eliminated.


-As you now know, Dazz always got Good results, while Rummy always got Evil results.

-I have already said this, but the original plan was for one of them to become a competent investigator once the other one died, but everyone figured them out quickly, against my expectations. So I activated plan B, they would become a competent investigator only if they worked as a team. They would need to target each other at some point for the team to activate (though not necessarily in the same night, it just so happened that they did)

-Rummy would only get a "Good" investigation if he targeted himself. There was no storyline reason for him to get anything else

-Killing or roleblocking any one of them would jeopardise the investigation (permanently in the case of death)

-I have, unfortunately, lost the PM where they got their team powers :(






You are The Street Urchin, Jack Bradford


Raised in the Bradford Orphanage, you are still ashamed of the actions of your friend Charles, seven years ago. Shortly after the Gentlemen’s Mafia, you pledged servitude to Princess Olivia, and serve to this day as her contact among the lower classes.

You were summoned to this meeting to help in case things went awry. Now is the best time to redeem the Bradford name.


Each night, you may target a player. Utilising the skills you learned in street brawls, you will protect this player from any person attempting to target him.


You are Good. You win once all the threats have been eliminated.


-Indeed, he looked evil when investigated. Unluckily for him.

-He couldn't protect himself. A restriction Eddie and Danny didn't have, actually. One of the marks in my sloppiness, since they should also have it

-Charles Bradford was chairdriver's old character from Gentlemen's I, if you remember. You don't? Oh, alright, then.





You are The Policeman, Trevor Morton


Well, a mafia game, is that it? It is time for the Police to show its worth. What is it with these chivalrous nobles, thinking they can take criminal bands by themselves? Frankly, nobody respects the law anymore...


Each night, you will receive information on every victim of a night. No need to target anybody, dead bodies are easy to find.


You are Good. You win once the all the threats have been eliminated.


-Benny Hill! :hehe:

-The mafia thought MadDog was a tracker, which is why they killed him. His info wasn't that incriminating, however, and it vastly depended on who died.

-If a keyholder died via lynch, MadDog would get the key. If MadDog was dead, the key would...actually, I might use the idea for a future game, so I won't reveal it just now ;)





You are The Dancer, Clayton Rogers


Are entertainers exclusively capable of entertaining? When complications arise, should you stand still and let others deal with threats? “Noâ€, is the answer you reached. Someone with such grace and physical fitness should be able to accomplish anything! Where there is a will, there is a way.

However, what sort of ability would be useful...?


During the first night, you may target a player. You will observe this player, and gain any abilities he or she may possess.

As the game moves on, you will be able to gain new powers. However, keep in mind: one power at a time.


You are Good. You win once the all the threats have been eliminated.


-As I said before, this role was overpowered. In fact, I once even gave Diageo a roleblocking power as opposed to the proper protection power, due to the vast number of traps and protectors

-Actually, that wasn't why it was overpowered. It was because it was too good with its info, and too good with power versatility. He would gain something even if he was roleblocked.

-Overpowered role or not, Diageo actually played really well. Honourable mention for sure!

-One of my favourite quotes in the game: "I need to kill somebody to gain a new power?" "Not necessarily. You could do nothing and wait to be targeted by somebody else." "Pah! That is how women play!"

(-That was actually how aqui1a played :p)





You are The Magician, Isaac Gavin


You are but a wandering magician, helping those who are in need with your unusual tricks. This mafia game may provide a fine challenge for one of your abilities.


Each night, you may target a player. That player’s power will be enhanced one way or the other.

But how are magic tricks able to accomplish this? No use in asking. A magician never reveals his secrets...


You are Good. You win once the all the threats have been eliminated.


-chairdriver could temporarily correct flaws in people's roles, restore Danny's memory and improve powers in more than one way. He improved ReZ thrice, all different, for example.

-Indeed, there was much improvising with this role.

-chairdriver had a somewhat basic role, but he made the most of it. In fact, he was probably one of the best players in this game, even if he spoke little. Honourable mention for being so right about everything.





Tú eres El Caballero, Rodrigo Díaz Delgado


Oriundo de España, tú eres un aliado de la Reina Olivia. Venías prestar tus habilidades en esta reunión, pero esta historia te ha sorprendido: un Escóces loco amenaza la paz!

Tienes que ayudar, but you will have to do it while speaking English. God bless your flawless accent.


Each night, you may target a player. You will knock out this player, take him back to his room and protect the door (Effectively, you protect and roleblock at the same time)


Eres del Bien. Ganarás asi que todas las amenazas sean eliminadas.


-There's not much else to say about the role, honestly. It's a basic power, where the most interesting thing about it is the flavour (which I am glad Ellmeister liked)



aqui1a [later mr-paul]


You are The Athlete, William Brown


Seven years later, and sportsmen everywhere are still mocked by society! That unlucky gentleman who threw himself into the moat in the last game didn’t help matters, either...

Time to prove the naysayers wrong!


Each night, you target another player. You will make sure this player is undisturbed by the work of nefarious roleblockers, misdirectors and other ill-meaning individuals (though you can’t protect against killers).


You are Good. You win once all the threats have been eliminated.


-Please tell me you know about the gentleman in the moat! :heh:

-He could only protect against roleblocking, redirection and thieves. That was all there is to it, and I apologize yet again for my misuse of "nefarious"

-aqui1a was a very weird player. He chose to target nobody at one point, and he chose to target himself at another time. It actually worked against EddieColeslaw, who knew? :heh:

-mr-paul was an incredibly effective player. The landscape changed the moment he started taking the reins of the game, and the Mafia's doom was spelled once he did. Honourable mention for sure.



Sprout [later Eenuh]


You are The Royal Butler, Albert Hayes


Indeed, you are the butler who has been serving the Royal Family for the past seven years, ever since the tragic passing of Marleigh Wilson. Like your predecessor before you, you will do what you can to help protect Her Majesty Queen Olivia


Each night, you may target a player. You will carefully observe this player throughout the night, and keep note of whoever else may have targeted this player.


You are Good. You win once the all the threats have been eliminated.


-Basic role, actually came up with it only once I saw the huge influx of sign-ups.

-It is now canon that Albert Hayes enjoys painting in his spare time. It makes too much sense, and you know it.





You are The Sergeant, Michael Connor


Ah, masters Manleigh and Campbell. They taught you so much, in the British army. You aren’t even done from mourning them, yet their murderer insists on playing games? It seems it is time to utilise the skills those two have taught you.


Each night, you may target a player. You will capture this player and torture him for information. You are not as soft as Former Judge Campbell however, your investigations will also prevent your target from using his or her power during that night.


You are Good. You win once the all the threats have been eliminated.


-"Nefarious fiasco" aside, Mundi did look evil upon investigation.

-Masters Manleigh and Campbell died in the prologue, in the sign-ups thread, if you missed it





You are The Doorman, Oliver Carter


Out of loyalty, even a simple doorman may stand in the face of adversity. Unfortunately, a doorman can’t do much to help investigations but stand by doors, curse this utterly specific line of work! Unless...


Each night, you may target a player. Being as discreet as possible, you will steal something from this player’s room. How will this help? One never knows...


You are Good. You win once the all the threats have been eliminated.


-Zell was frustrated because he had to resort to thievery. I now see I forgot to include that part in the role PM. D'oh!

-This role was added because I felt the town needed two thieves





You are The Maid, Mary Wilson


The proud adoptive daughter of the former butler, Marleigh Wilson, you now serve as a simple maid, along with your brother Sebastian.

Unfortunately, you seem to have lost him among the crowd. He probably accepted the mafia challenge, him being who he is. You decide to accept it as well, in order to guarantee his safety, wherever he may be.


Each night, you may target a player. You will enter their room and steal something from this player.


You are Good. You win once the all the threats have been eliminated.


-Herojan was the other thief, as you see. One of the differences was that he could pass important items around instead of keeping them for himself

-The main difference was that he could team up with The Peeps if he targeted him (or vice-versa). I will not reveal the specifics of that team-up here, I might still use it for a future game.





You are The Vengeful Scotsman, Graham Finlay


Humph, Angus MacNeil... Since disappearing 7 years ago, never has he dropped by the MacNeil residence for a visit. The MacNeils may have disowned him and moved on, but you still feel resented that he never appears for a chat. Is that how one treats their former neighbour and mentor? It is time to teach that young, arrogant pup how a true manhunter kills...


Each night, you may kill another player. Your goal is to personally kill Angus MacNeil, as revenge for neglecting his own mentor. However, should you kill an innocent player, your resulting shame will reveal your identity in public. Be careful when picking your targets.

As an alternative to killing, you may choose to set traps near your bedroom, preventing others from targeting you (This action is entirely optional, though. You may wish to do neither)


You are Neutral. You win once you kill Angus MacNeil personally


-The restriction I put on Nintendohnut was a bad idea, on retrospect.

-Nintendohnut couldn't be killed by the mafia, no (though Danny or Diageo still could). I'm still unsure if I made the correct decision on this.

-Nintendohnut was the first in line to join the mafia, which is why his flavour description makes it seem like his motivations are less noble, and he could forgive Angus. This is also why I spelled his motivations better in the final write-up.

-Fun fact: I was very, very close to having Esequiel become Marcamillian's successor. I eventually decided Tales' power had less use for the mafia, so I went with that. If I had decided differently, Dohnut would've won.



You are the Mafia.


Angus MacNeil has returned, seeking to kill the princess, and anyone who might stand on his way. You are his allies:





You are The Hunter, Angus MacNeil


Some time ago, you encountered Alphonse Matthews, while travelling around the world. After a hard-fought battle, you bested the fencer in battle, and took his Marcamillian mask, which you now wear.


Each night, you may kill a player. You are the only member of the group capable of doing so.


-I bothered to include Marcamillian's old character, there, finding a roleclaim for him...He took the right idea with this, since he started investigating the credits/epilogue in the previous game... But he still didn't figure out the alibi I had prepared for him. Tough luck, I suppose.




You are The Hunter’s Apprenticess, Sveta Rost


Hailing from Russia, you used to be nothing more than a petty thief before Angus recognized the killer in you. You now live to serve Master Angus, and learn the skills of a Hunter.


Each night, you may target a player. You may either roleblock this player with a well placed trap, or use those same traps to protect that player from anyone attempting to target him.


-Not much to say here, except her protection powers weren't that broken when compared to Dannyboy, since Dyson's restriction makes less sense with the mafia.

-I liked the idea of an apprenticess, actually. At least I have something if I ever make Gentlemen's III :heh:




You are The Rogue, Claude Gallandeau


Hailing from France, you usually work as a mercenary for nobles who wish not to soil their hands with illegal actions. One day, Angus MacNeil approaches you and claims he plans on bringing justice to those responsible for the death of your uncle Edward...


Each night, you may target a player. You may either steal something from this player, or protect that player from nefarious roleblockers, misdirectors and other meddling powers (though not killers).


-Lol :laughing: can you believe Sméagol genuinely forgot Edward Gallandeau was mentioned in the role?

-Lol :laughing: he still mentioned the 5 locks in the first day, that silly Sméagol

-Joking aside, he actually made some of the better suggestions for night targets in the mafia. Unfortunately, he wasn't always heard...




You are The Con Artist, Arthur Strudwick


Hailing from... who knows? All that is known from this mysterious figure of the criminal world is that he provides swindling services to those who are willing to pay well. His devotion to a well executed job is all the honesty you’ll see from this pettifogging character.


Each night, you may target a player. If you target a fellow mafioso, you will disguise his guilt, preventing investigators from finding any traces of suspicious activity. If you target a townie, you will frame him, causing any investigators targeting him to believe him guilty.


-Esequiel was incredibly paranoid. He always thought "Now is the night when they'll investigate me/you/us!", even when there was no sign of that happening (though, in his defence, there's always a chance it could happen).

-Esequiel made his targets look innocent/guilty to all investigators, even those who merely saw flavour or powers. Like when Flinky didn't see any proof of Sméagol belonging to a group

-Arthur Strudwick was actually Australian, for those of you who are curious :heh:




You are The Prophet, Cassandra Steiner


Hailing from Germany, you are a woman of mysterious powers. Your dreams seem to be prophetic, you learn things you couldn’t possibly know about. Ostracized by those around you, a mysterious traveller named Angus MacNeil was the only one showing sympathy to this poor lady.


Each night, you will dream about a random event in the night. No need to target anyone, you automatically receive this info.


-This was yet another hastily added role. I wanted another investigator for the mafia, so I thought of trying this idea. To be honest, I didn't really like the power.

-Tales played surprisingly well. Until he started defending Eddie, I mean. Honourable mention, since, like Sméagol, he had good suggestions for night targets


The Peeps


You are a mere Servant, Sebastian Wilson


You are actually the adoptive son of the late butler, Marleigh Wilson, along with your sister Mary.

Oh, your father would be ashamed, should he see you now. Angus has blackmailed you into helping him, Mary’s life is at stake. You have agreed to join his band, and permit everyone in it to access the island. Oh, the shame...


Each night, you may investigate a player in order to learn their power.

Also, being truly good at heart, you will not appear suspicious in investigators’ eyes.


-He stopped looking good to investigators once he became Angus. Poor bastard, he was never investigated before that.

-He also missed on the relationship with Herojan, which could've been beneficial (or not, who knows?)

-Peeps, like Eddiecoleslaw and Marcamillian, played really well during the day, while having bad ideas for targets during the night. This is why none of them will be receiving the honourable mentions, unfortunately.


Unfortunately, the Queen has locked herself in a room with 5 locks. You quickly turned the tables, though. A mafia game has commenced, and once everyone else is dead, opening the door shouldn't be difficult. One way or the other, the prey will leave its hiding place.

Who knows, there might even be a way to open that locked door quietly...


All of you are Evil. You win once you gain the majority over the town.




Phew, there you have it!

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I was so going to target heroicjanitor :( wish I had. We would've been amazing (probably).


I fully admit to making probably the most stupid decisions for the mafia to take at night :p I shouldn't be allowed to make decisions - mr-paul & Jonnas know this from the Harry Potter mafia!

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Oh, I love the honourable mention.


What did you mean when you said something about me related to opening the door?


When the mafia got all the keys, they would gain a new member. Nintendohnut was the first in line, but if he was dead/victorious, a townie would join the mafia. Someone who would have no qualms about doing it, story-wise. You and mr-paul were viable candidates, for example.

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