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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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I get reports each night about the death scene. Last night Flink hurried away from the death scene, it then says the killer was more discreet. So Flink didn't kill her, but was present.


Which implies he has the key?


That is true. Firstly, I just want to confirm that I am not a thief neither do I have the ability to steal items or anything like that. I was present just before Ine fluffed it.


Also, you bastardddds! Good thing this is just a game and not IRL. Or else...I would diiie. :(


I asked for every night, surely you've had useful stuff for other nights then. This is a useful power.


Also, if that was Flink hurrying away with the key, who is the note writer?


I know who he is and I fully trust him.


Ok, I think I know who you are, but I'm going to need some sort of proof. Can you tell me the letter in which your character's title ends in?


I do not know your name, but I know that. Also, if you can confirm when you knew I was good, (Which day or night)...just incase this is a mafia trick.


I targeted Dyson, as I was a bit worried about his inactivity. Wasn't sure if it was a mafia plan to stay away from the thread, or whether he was just being lazy. I...don't really know what the answer is. We know he's a protector from the write-up. But, after that? I dunno.

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That's just typical. I was reading through the thread, and literally (this was a bit creepy) reading the post above the Peeps' original 'Dohnut's evil' post and started thinking "you know what I think I'll just tell everyone exactly who I am and see what happens". Then I read his post and was like "oh ffs, now it will just look like I'm covering for myself". Never mind, will just do it anyway!


My name is Graham Finlay. In my PM I am described as a 'Vengeful Scotsman'


My PM says that I am angry at Angus MacNeill because while his family have disowned him and moved on, he has not once been home for a visit, and as his neighbour and mentor I resent this. Apparently it is time to teach him how a true manhunter kills.


Each night I can kill another player, and I am neutral. My goal is to kill Angus MacNeill personally as revenge for ignoring me, his mentor. However, if I kill an innocent player, my shame will reveal myself to the rest of the town. If I choose not to kill, I can instead choose to set traps outside my room, preventing anyone from targeting me. Or I can do nothing.


Now so far in this game I have targeted literally nobody (including myself). I haven't killed as I haven't wanted to be revealed for obvious reasons, and I haven't protected myself with traps as Angus had them in the last game and I was sure that if I did so I would be thought to be him. Clearly that plan didn't work anyway, as The Peeps found them when he targeted me, but had I used them earlier I'm sure I would have been discovered and thought to be Angus.


I have absolutely no desire to kill anyone other than Angus. My role is almost exactly the same as Anguss/Dannyboy's from the last game, except I am trying to kill an killer, and he was trying to kill the then-princess.


What I ask is that I have the chance to prove myself. Is there a person in the game that we want to get rid of as a group? If so I would suggest that rather than lynching them, you let me kill them. This will reveal me in the write-up and confirm everything that I have said is true. I realise it may result in the death of a townie, but if that person is agreed upon by the majority then it would be the same as them being lynched, would it not?


I can't say much more. This is literally my entire role, and seeing as I haven't done anything so far in the game I can't contribute with any other information. I will, of course, understand if people wish to lynch me, but I want to make sure everyone knows I am telling the entire truth.


Happy to answer any other questions, but I can only ask for a chance to prove that I am not Angus.

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Sprout says he targeted Aqui1a, Aqui1a says he was roleblocked. Sprout, are you the roleblocker? And if so, why did you target Aqui1a? Someone we know is a protector?

Ooh, that's a kinda interesting development actually.


I'm not a roleblocker. My power is that I target a person, and I get to find out who else targeted that person. Except my info revealed that nobody else targeted aqui1a...

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Ooh, that's a kinda interesting development actually.


I'm not a roleblocker. My power is that I target a person, and I get to find out who else targeted that person. Except my info revealed that nobody else targeted aqui1a...


Surely someone would have to target him in order to roleblock him?

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Ooh, that's a kinda interesting development actually.


I'm not a roleblocker. My power is that I target a person, and I get to find out who else targeted that person. Except my info revealed that nobody else targeted aqui1a...

See how participating helps?


Could this be that Aqui1a, under the guise of a roleblock, since so little is shown in the write up is covering up for something, like a kill?


What have you to say on the matter Aqui1a?


In regards to Nintendohnut, his role seems believable enough. I don't particularly want to pursue him right now.

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Sweet decanter! This is moving blisteringly quickly. I havn't even read this properly yet since I got back.


Well it needs to move quicker, and it is good that some of the inactives are starting to speak up.


I'm getting increasingly worried as the game goes on. We don't seem to be getting any leads, and those that we do seem like "half" leads. Nothing solid. I thought Mundi was a mafia, but even that turned out to be wrong.


Give theese people air!

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Could this be that Aqui1a, under the guise of a roleblock, since so little is shown in the write up is covering up for something, like a kill?


Aqui1a says he was roleblocked, and he targeted Dazz. Is it possible that Dazz was targeted by a jailkeeper, which prevented Aqui1a from targetting him? (Is that how jailkeeping works?)

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Since he hasn't killed anyone, and he sounds believable, I'm not voting on him now. I don't want him to kill anyone either though(although, would killing dannyboy be too cruel...? You know, just to see if he's telling the truth :P)


I don't have anything useful unfortunately. I think. It's even vaguer than last night.

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That is possible, but he specifically said he was roleblocked. Can anyone back up the fact that a jailkeeper targeted Dazz.


Why would someone want to keep Dazz from investigating with a jailkeep? Are you that jailkeep Eddie?

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Even more than transexuals?


Too soon?


All right, nothing I hate more, with the exception of transexuals.






Interesting developments all round. We have mild confirmation on Aqui1a's power at least, as I know all who targeted me the (other) night, and his (stop nefarious etc) stopped Mundi and allowed Dazz to successfully investigate me. So I would be inclined to say we could believe him.


Probably Dazz too. Maybe. But Dazz could be lying....BUT I know he targeted me, nothing bad happened to me, AND he confirmed me as good. And Diageo.



This Sprout development is very interesting.

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I'll be honest, I had considered killing Dannyboy. I'm really not sure I believe him, but I certainly wasn't going to risk anything based on a hunch. I will kill (if the majority agree on who to go for) as long as it helps to prove that I am telling the truth.


Also, thanks for believing me. Like I said, I was considering just outing myself anyway but sort of had my hand forced by The Peeps.


EDIT: When I say I had considered killing Dannyboy, it was because I suspected he was Angus again. However, seeing as I wasn't completely sure I didn't go for it. It wasn't like I was considering killing people at random, there was an actual reason for it. Just wanted to make that clear :p

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I can't remember if it's been mentioned, but what is your role again, Diageo?


Double post: I've been trying for 10 minutes to send that last message. So, ignore the fact that it seems right in the middle of the discussion about Aqui1a. That wasn't intended, heh.

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Your neutralness possibly indicates why Whiskerington's investigation came out as inconclusive.


Like I said at the time, I have genuinely got no idea why that was affected. I really haven't done anything so far, on any night, so I assume I would have just been in my room. I don't know what happened to what I assume is your cat (whiskers etc) but I had absolutely nothing to do with it.


Actually, I'm thinking this: What if I just set my traps from now on? Then one person can target me to check that I actually set my traps (they won't be able to reach me etc) and if Angus still kills you can be sure that I am not he. Ie if I was him I wouldn't be able to set traps and hide in my room, as he was out and about killing. Does that make sense? It's a less 'killy' way to prove I'm telling the truth :D

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Ok, I think I know who you are, but I'm going to need some sort of proof. Can you tell me the letter in which your character's title ends in?


I'm pretty sure that the majority of people from the last game know anyway.


I'm Duke Phillip Manning. I'm just not as good due to a horrible eye injury that someone gave me seven years ago.

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I'm pretty sure that the majority of people from the last game know anyway.


I'm Duke Phillip Manning. I'm just not as good due to a horrible eye injury that someone gave me seven years ago.


Ahh, I wasn't sure if you wanted to reveal that, so that's why I went for the whole "gimme your last letter" stuff, heh.


Ok, well, I can confirm that we have made contact. I can't safely say that you are town since I didn't investigate you but you didn't cause me harm and...I'm pretty sure you're good.


So, that's a relief. I was trying to figure out who that was, but didn't want to draw attention to it. So, glad that's sorted.

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Oh, and on Night 1 somebody (don't know who) attempted to talk to me. That's all I got


That was me.


I can't believe anyone would make that up. Change Vote: No Lynch


I can, because I would. :heh:


(although, would killing dannyboy be too cruel...? You know, just to see if he's telling the truth :P)


It would be what in technical terms is known as a "dick move". :heh:


If people are still in doubts about me, I can reveal some info about myself.

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