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I'm expecting good things from this after Sonic Colours last year and I'm especially happy that classic Sonic has returned! (Even if he is just shorter and fatter)


And it seems I'm the only one who was incredibly excited at the City Escape music being in the game?

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I'm expecting good things from this after Sonic Colours last year and I'm especially happy that classic Sonic has returned! (Even if he is just shorter and fatter)


And it seems I'm the only one who was incredibly excited at the City Escape music being in the game?


I'm excited abot the whole game and that includes the City Escape music! :)

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Demo tomorrow?! Oh man, I can't wait! It had better be on XBLA anyway, if it's not I will have to endure hours of sorrow. Green Hill Zone looked stunning in the trailer but then I'm still fairly new to the PS360 scene after only getting a 360 a month ago so maybe I'm still just used to the ways of Wii. Either way... Head explosion! (Penis head obvz)

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Hoping the demo is good. I've really got my fingers crossed for this one. I'd take average 3D modern versions of the levels if the 2D classic versions are top notch :D


I'm more the other way around. I'm looking forward to the 3D stages much more than the 2D ones just because I prefer my Sonic that way. I love the intensity of it all as the scenery whizzes by and even though the paths can be narrow at times, I think that the games often create the illusion that the levels/world is much bigger than it actually is.


I wonder if they might have another trailer ready to go tomorrow as well. I know they only showed the City Escape one the other week but it is the big day after all and they got into the phase of releasing Unleashed trailers every week at one point showcasing the levels.

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I had a quick blast of it before, the demo is stupidly short. I have to say while it looks stunning it took a while for my eyes to get adjusted as there is alot going on, especially when Sonic's at full speed.


Just played it and I see what you mean about having to adjust your eyes, I think by the end I was still having a bit of trouble.


Also I think ive played Sonic 4 too much as I tried a couple of time to use a homing attack during the demo.

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Its toooooooooooooooo fast for classic Sonic it felt like my eyes were going to puke at one point and Sonics jumping physics are way off. It does look very nice though with maybe abit to much going on and Sonic himself is really short in comparison to the world.


Its still a ways off so I hope they slow down abit and sort out that jumping.

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I agree with needing to adjust your eyes loads. I found myself looking for Sonic through the level :heh:


Question: Does this game support 3d?

Coz it certainly looks that way with all of the background layers - I think that's part of the reason it is so difficult to focus on Sonic?


I'm sure it will look good if you can view it in 3d - but not many have 3d tv support so seems a bit pointless?!


Edit: Just read this:



Now it makes sense :p

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I really enjoyed it, had a couple of goes. I wish that Sonic 4 had been a bit closer to this, it's so much better without the homing jump, it's incredibly fast and wonderfully old-school.


Couple of gripes, feels like the gravity's too strong on the jump! You don't go as high and you come down faster. Also the sheer detail in the foreground, they've really outdone themselves, but to the point where you can actually lose Sonic with the speed.


Also, anyone else trip up on that slope with the spikes at the top? Same as in STH4, I'm a constant-forward-holder, and Sonic Team don't seem to cater for that anymore!

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Some clever bods have taken a particularly close look at the demo and managed to extract a level list for the full game beyond the 3 already shown (GHZ, City Escape, Roof Top Run)


I'll put them in a spoilers box because I'm kind.


Green Hill Zone (S1)

Chemical Plant (S2)

Sky Sanctuary (S3&K)

Speed Highway (SA1) - Emerald Coast seemed the obvious choice but luckily they didn't go there.

City Escape (SA2)

Seaside Hill (SH)

Crisis City (S'06)

Roof Top Run (Unleashed)

Planet Wisp (Colours)


Casino Night will appear as DLC.




Taken from here - they also confirm a list of bosses.


Personally, I'm quite happy with that list. The only one I'd perhaps change is from Sonic Heroes and it's not because it's a bad level (I think SH gets a particularly harsh deal) but because there were better in there.


And to not include

Ice Cap from Sonic 3

is just criminal... hopefully it will turn up in the 3DS version instead.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Some clever people have been breaking into the demo. First is a level list


Green Hill zone (Sonic 1)

Chemical Plant Zone (Sonic 2)

Sky Sanctuary (Sonic3)

Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure)

City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2)

Seaside Hill (Sonic Heroes)

Crisis City (Sonic 2006)

Spagonia Rooftop Run (Sonic Unleashed)

Planet Wisp (Sonic Colors)



Casino Night Zone.


Each level is 1 Classic Act, 1 Modern Act and 3 Side Mission Acts.



Boss fights

Metal Sonic



"Death Egg"

Perfect Chaos

Egg Dragoon

Time Eater



And interesting things found in the demo:


Full files for:

- Classic Green Hill

- Modern Green Hill

- Classic City Escape

- Modern City Escape


Are all in here. Perhaps they'll be unlocked as the 20 days progress.



There's also a Mega Drive emulator somewhere in the code.

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I didn't see that on my travels.. interesting... Out of interest, how big is the download (file size)?


It was about 600-700MB.


Even more leaks






Those Japanese words translate to


Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Rouge, Espio, Charmy, Vector and Blaze. - see Mission Mode for more info.






Warehog life icon...oh no!



5 missions per act. Full list:



Mission 1: Sonic Ghost (beat the time attack ghost)

Mission 2: Beaton (that's the fish badniks)

Mission 3: Vs Knuckles

Mission 4: Swings (likely involving the Green Hill swings)

Mission 5: High Speed (*shrugs*)



Mission 1: Ordered Dash Ring

Mission 2: VS Tails (....wut)

Mission 3: Sonic ghost

Mission 4: Jump Jump Jump! (...)

Mission 5: 300% Boost



Mission 1: Co-Op Tails (tails co-op partner?)

Mission 2: Recue the Animals

Mission 3: Aqua Barrier (Bubble shield~)

Mission 4: Sonic Ghost

Mission 5: Invincibility



Mission 1: One Ring

Mission 2: Sonic Ghost

Mission 3: Co-Op Amy

Mission 4: Grabber (those spider robots from Chemical Plant)

Mission 5: Sprinkler in Water



Mission 1: Sonic Ghost

Mission 2: Eggrobo

Mission 3: Round Platform

Mission 4: Enemy Rings (WHAT!? Likely has to do with Motobug monitor)

Mission 5: VS. Amy



Mission 1: VS Knuckles

Mission 2: 200% Boost

Mission 3: Balloon

Mission 4: Sonic Ghost

Mission 5: Fast Tempo



Mission 1: VS Cream (...)

Mission 2: Keep Moving!

Mission 3: High Speed

Mission 4: Many Copspeeders (those race-car robot monkies from Adventure)

Mission 5: Sonic Ghost



Mission 1: Drift

Mission 2: Keep Moving!

Mission 3: Sonic ghost

Mission 4: Driller (?)

Mission 5: VS Espio



Mission 1: Sk8Board

Mission 2: Thunder Barrier

Mission 3: VS Rouge

Mission 4: Sonic ghost

Mission 5: Half a Spring (oui?)



Mission 1: Vs Cream (...wut, Cream doesn't seem to want to be your friend, why fight her twice?)

Mission 2: Ordered Dash Ring

Mission 3: Truck

Mission 4: Fast Tempo

Mission 5: Sonic Ghost



Mission 1: Rescue Animals

Mission 2: Sonic Ghost

Mission 3: Co-op Espio

Mission 4: Fast Tempo

Mission 5: In Water



Mission 1: Co-Op Rouge

Mission 2: Sonic ghost

Mission 3: Rainbow rings

Mission 4: Sea Turtle in the Sky (...)

Mission 5: Giant Batabata



Mission 1: Sonic Ghost

Mission 2: Goal Plate Juggling

Mission 3: Co-Op Vector

Mission 4: Flame Barrier

Mission 5: Enemy Rings



Mission 1: Stomping

Mission 2: Sonic ghost

Mission 3: Switch

Mission 4: Co-Op Blaze

Mission 5: Select Canon



Mission 1: Sonic Ghost

Mission 2: Egg Fighter

Mission 3: Ordered Dash Ring

Mission 4: VS Charmy

Mission 5: High Speed



Mission 1: Rolling Barrel

Mission 2: Sonic Ghost

Mission 3: Sk8Board (so it returns in this stage?)

Mission 4: Endless Boost

Mission 5: VS Vector



Mission 1: Fast Temp Pink Spike

Mission 2: Sonic Ghost

Mission 3: Goal Plate Juggling

Mission 4: Vs Blaze

Mission 5: Sprinkler (those were the things in Planet wisp that spewed either spikes or rings)



Mission 1: Sonic Ghost

Mission 2: Tram

Mission 3: Co-Op Charmy

Mission 4- Every Skill

Mission 5: Orange Rocket



The "Co-op" levels have special controls including "Partner's attack", "Change Characters", "Hold Hands", etc.



(This is all stolen from a topic on SonicStadium but is all backed up - the code for the mission mode was posted in full).


Also, when this game with out I'll certainly be constantly swapping between the 360 controller and SSFIV pad (the one that looks like a Mega Drive controller).

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