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3DS StreetPass Plaza


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Snagged 2 passes today, one in work and one at the station. The one in work we have a mini-conversation with each other trying to locate who has the 3DS's via the "Personal Greetings". All we have so far is that we are both on the 12th and are based in the same building. Getting their slowly.

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I got Kirby Returns to Dreamland/Kirby's Adventure Wii. Did anyone get anything else? (I hope there's a Skyward Sword one!)


Bit weird that they just randomly send out a panel for a game that came out almost a year ago...

Edited by Dcubed
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These new puzzles with their pink pieces are pissing me off.


I now have 6 puzzles where I have all the normal pieces but can't finish them because of the bloody pink ones.


Ocarina of Time: missing 2 pink pieces

Star Fox: 3 pink pieces

Super Mario 3D Land: 7!!!!! pink pieces

Beat the Beat: all 4 pink pieces

Donkey Kong Country Returns: 1 pink piece

Pilotwings Resort: 3 pink pieces



Streetpasses seem to have become very rare these days where I am and on the odd time I do get one they don't have any puzzle pieces at ALL.

Last Sunday I got a streetpass and all it was for was SM3DL, not even a Mii in the plaza:mad:



Going to be in Dublin Saturday morning for a bit so hopefully will get a few there, fingers crossed.



They should do more SpotPass Miis liek teh Iwata one where you could pick one piece from ALL pieces.

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Yeah, I'm afraid everything StreetPass has almost become a thing of the past for me. I've completed StreetPass Quest II once, but don't want to do it again. Whilst I'd love to complete the Puzzles, I can only get StreetPasses from GAME/HMV now and they don't seem to collect the pieces.


Seems StreetPass in general benefitted from the 3DS being new more than it now does the larger userbase.

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I notice there are two ads for Streetpass on the eshop at the mo. They might be aware that it's ground to a halt. Although it seems to have had a little resurgence here since the students came back / Pokemon BW2. I regularly get anywhere up to 4 hits in town on a weekday.


Got a Kirby's Adventure Wii piece earlier. Didn't come accompanied by a Nintendo team Mii as I'd hoped. I wonder if we'll get a visit at the launch of the WiiU.

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I had nearly 300 play coins when the new puzzle arrived yesterday, and after spending nearly all of them, now only pink pieces left. Bit of a shame we didn't get the Animal Crossing puzzle - after all, we got the Rhythm Heaven one six months before its release over here!

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I had nearly 300 play coins when the new puzzle arrived yesterday, and after spending nearly all of them, now only pink pieces left. Bit of a shame we didn't get the Animal Crossing puzzle - after all, we got the Rhythm Heaven one six months before its release over here!


I did the exact same thing, think I had 240+, had just 30 left by the time I'd collected all the normal pieces for the new puzzles.


Last 6-7 people I've streetpassed havent given me any pieces at all, probably just got a 3DS and not completed the original puzzle panels.


Nintendo need to start sending out a pink puzzle piece once a month or something.

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Completely forgot about shaking for coins/puzzles/quest 2 extra since getting the new Pokemon. Could have had almost 300 coins, hell, maybe even 600 since I shake my bro's console at the same time (quicker to collect pieces when you have a 100% guaranteed piece each day). The only problem is, is whatever decides the pink pieces you need, it's the EXACT same for each of us. Updating at the same time maybe...?


The thing that bugs me about the piece thing (as well as the pink thing) is the glaring omissions. No Layton? No Pokemon? No Skyward Sword? No Smash Bros? Yet Kirby now has three.

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Those pink pieces, a massive pain in the backside. I suppose it's lucky i get a few streetpasses a week, only have a few pink pieces left on the New Super Mario Bros 2 and Mario Kart. Then the new Kirby came out, crap. Was nearly complete on the puzzles.

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Somewhat productive StreetPass trip to my cousins in Dublin this weekend.


Got 2 hits on Saturday in Grafton Street... one a guy from Florida and the other a guy from Co. Kildare (oddly no hits from Dublin people :heh:)...they guy from Kildare I had passed before on a previous trip to Dublin too haha.


Anyway managed to get a pink piece off each of them...but neither allowed me to finish a puzzle :(


Then Sunday in Dundrum got one hit but it was only for MK7 data...no Mii in the Plaza....that is messed up. How do people not have StreetPass turned on in the plaza :mad:

Nintendo should ship 3DS' with StreetPass already turned on for teh Plaza

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Whats with these annoying messages i seem to get. Ninty send a piece of puzzle, a pink one usually for a new panel. Then they say you can get pieces via Spotpass, which i've never been able to do/can't find the option to do.


Oh well, completed 2 panels yesterday thanks to the coins

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  • 2 months later...

More Streetpass content incoming! :D




The Internet-connection ratio for the Nintendo 3DS has reached a level that no handheld gaming device has ever experienced. In Japan and the U.S. where the ratio is specifically high, the number of Nintendo 3DS units which have been connected to the network has surpassed 80 percent. I referred to "approximately 60 percent" in one of my presentations here last year, and that ratio has significantly increased in one year.


When it comes to StreetPass, users in the automobile-dominated U.S. do not use it as much as Japanese users do. In contrast, it has gradually become popular in the metropolitan areas of European countries. This year we plan to add some StreetPass-related features to the Nintendo 3DS in order to encourage more people to go out with their Nintendo 3DS, and make StreetPass and SpotPass more popular overseas.


I could do with a new StreetPass Plaza game :)

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I still have a couple of pathways to finish on StreetPass Quest II, along with a few hats to retrieve, but new content would be greatly appreciated :hehe: I still take my 3DS out with me whenever I can but I very rarely get any StreetPass activity. Any time I do, they NEVER have any puzzle pieces for me.. and I'm desperate to get a few more of the pink pieces :(


I hope they do something different with the new features and not go down the StreetPass Quest III route :indeed: A miniature Nintendo Land type game would be cool :heh:

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I hope they start sending out more regular "Iwata" type Miis with pink puzzle pieces.


I've got a tone of puzzles where I have all on the blue pieces but can't get a pink piece at all.

The odd time that I can get a street pass down here there seems to be a 90% chance that person has no puzzle pieces for me :mad:

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Almost finished my first play through of Street Quest II thanks to using my original 3DS and Japanese unit for extra Street Passes. Last time we had new content I found I got more Street Passes so I do hope this will cause people to carry their's around again as I stopped getting Street Pass hits a while ago.


Pretty sure I randomly got a pink puzzle piece while spending coins for new pieces.

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Just on the final boss of my 8th play of Streetpass quest 2 (secret quest) I should have all the hats by the time I finish my 10th play. Slow progress..


Also need about 30 pieces to complete finish all the current puzzles. If anyone needs pink pieces I have em all (bar a few on the new Kirby puzzle.)

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Just on the final boss of my 8th play of Streetpass quest 2 (secret quest) I should have all the hats by the time I finish my 10th play. Slow progress..


Also need about 30 pieces to complete finish all the current puzzles. If anyone needs pink pieces I have em all (bar a few on the new Kirby puzzle.)


I don't have any of the pink pieces for Kirby Wii. I must have StreetPassed at least 20-25 people since that puzzle came out, but nobody's had any! Hope we get a new puzzle soon - maybe a Luigi's Mansion one? Japan has an Animal Crossing one, so at least we'll get that when the game's released... one day.

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