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Super Mario 3D Land

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I am really surprised we're seeing a 3D-world Mario first, rather than a New Super Mario Bros. I'd have thought they'd push that first - not that I'm complaining.


Could this be the big Christmas game for 3DS? I mean Nintendo have rarely shown a game earlier than a year from launch (Skyward Sword being the exception), so I think its a safe bet we'll see this at Christmas - knocking any chance of Mario Kart being out before Easter 2012... although that does mirror the Wii release exactly.

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What is with the no colour for super?

A hint at a new gameplay mechanic or design change, perhaps?


Edit: I just realised I drew a massive conclusion from no-where. Go me! While I'm at it, I notice that the game doesn't have an official name yet. Surely this means Miyamoto is busy working on Pikmin 3.

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On top of the lack of colour in "Super", in the bottom left picture (without the hat) Mario looks really small. It may just be the run animation but it still looks too small for that.


So perhaps it has the classic health system (Standard Mario - Super Mario - Super Mario + Power-Up)

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On top of the lack of colour in "Super", in the bottom left picture (without the hat) Mario looks really small. It may just be the run animation but it still looks too small for that.


So perhaps it has the classic health system (Standard Mario - Super Mario - Super Mario + Power-Up)

I think it may just be the tiny mushroom from NSMB? But levelled health would also be neat!


Or a return to Tiny Huge Island or whatever it was called!

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I don't understand why nobody is as excited about this as I am. This looks so different to all the 3D Mario games - this is LITERALLY Super Mario Bros 3... but on a 3D plane.


The whole little mario, super mario thing just has be so hyped. It looks beautiful.

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They could call it Little-Big Planet.


And be sued. Probably.


I don't understand why nobody is as excited about this as I am. This looks so different to all the 3D Mario games - this is LITERALLY Super Mario Bros 3... but on a 3D plane.


The whole little mario, super mario thing just has be so hyped. It looks beautiful.


We know next to nothing about the game. Its clearly taking some inspiration from Mario 3, but judging by at least one of the shots (Star token coin), it'll maintain the level structure of Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy. The Mario Bros series - including New SMB - is simply about playing the level to the end and moving on. Yes, there are tons of collectables, but they're not really essential.

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I think everyone here is fucking hyped!


I am SO fucking psyched that I keep getting boners and when my dick enlargens it makes that power-up noise like when Mario eats a 'shroom :laughing:


Why am i getting the impression they are going to make this game... backwards.. like mario running TOWARDS the screen?...


That's what I've been suggesting (video at E3 showing a bit of in-game footage, and these pictures), and I really hope that the camera isn't constantly angled at that view point. :nono:

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