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Pandora's Tower


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Just curious but how is the voice acting in this game?


It only just occured to me that NoE would have handled it again here so curious how it holds up to the great jobs done on Xenoblade and Last Story? Also did the actor who voiced Alvis and Jiral(sp?) in Xeno and Last respectivly pull a triple header?

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I have played some more and just finished the first tower boss. The game continues to grow on me. Still getting used to the controls but I am sure I will get them.


The voice acting seems good, though Aeron doesn't really say that much.


The cut scenes have been quite nice too so far.


I want to play more, which is a good thing!

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Not much discussion going on here about this game. It's a bit of a shame really as it is a very good game.


The more I play it, the more I like it. There is a lot more depth to the controls and battle system than immediately meets the eye. This game is certainly no button masher. Yes, you just press the A button to attack and timing allows you to string a combination of slashes together. However, the ability to use the chain to mix things up is extremely well done.


Bind enemies so that they can't attack you for a period of time allowing you to move in for the kill. Binding enemies to objects to stop them from moving is rather neat. Binding enemies and then throwing them at other enemies or against the wall, and binding enemies to pull items from them. The Wiimote is used to great effect!


Navigation and movement is good too. Automatically jump across platforms, cling to side ledges, side step narrow walkways, auto climb up reachable platforms, latch on to items and swing using the chain. It all works very well.


I have now beaten the 2nd tower boss and so far have died 3 times in the game. However, you can restart at the check points. Initially I was worried about the timer aspect having to rush through towers, but I think it's ok. So far, you will have to make several trips to towers, but they are designed in a way that you can get to places via different routes 2nd time around.


So far, I think this game deserves more than the average 7 it has received. Don't be put off by the score if you enjoy adventure games, you should buy this.


Much more positive Pandora's Tower review:



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Is anyone else finding this game a little "blurry"? Maybe it's the settings on my TV [although other games are fine] but things seemed to be a bit fuzzy.


Just did the first tower, not sure I've gotten hold of the chain mechanics yet, I just keep flicking the remote back.

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I've made my way through the first 3 towers (even if I was cutting it fine with the most recent master to make it back in time :indeed:) and I'm enjoying the game :smile: It was never going to be a masterpiece but I'm having a good time with it and enjoying playing around with the chain..

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You've got further than me already ;0). Guess I like taking my time. I revisited the 1st dungeon for more practice and picking up leots.


I am really liking the game. Enjoying the RPG elements of upgrading weapons, creating stuff etc. Have increased the size of my bag from 30 to 50 items.


The dungeons seem well designed and I am loving the chain too. Nothing wrong with the graphics in my book.


I find I need to get my fix of this game everyday even if I don't have time I need to squeeze in 20 mins ;0)

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Just finished the 3rd tower. Another great boss battle. So far, they have all been very good. Also upgraded my sword to 4.

I'm loving this game now and the controls just keeps getting better when you get used to it. The combination of using chain and sword is awesome.

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I only have two weapons available at the moment, @thomaschung, but I've levelled up the original sword several times now :smile:


I've bought a couple of gifts too, including one that I expected to increase the capacity of my bag further only for Elena to tell me that she didn't think it would make my bag stronger but that she'd take it anyway for herself.. the tart :nono:


I imagine I'll be hopping over to the fifth tower at some stage tomorrow..

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Just picked this up today.


But need to finish Pokepark 2: Wonders Beyond before I post my impressions.


Hopefully it's not as long as Xenoblade I reached a point in the game and got bored/couldn't defeat a boss and haven't been back to it since. Plus since upgrading to a HD TV the graphics look all blocky and horrid. :(

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I take my time..


You certainly are taking your time :heh: I cleared the 5th tower earlier and my playtime currently stands at 7h 20. I'm not really that sure where you could have squeezed out that extra 3 hours :indeed:


As for the Ironclad Turret, it was probably one of the most disorienting sections of the game so far but, like the other towers, I enjoyed it and it was good to get to do some battle with my weapon during the master battle in addition to the chain :hehe:

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You certainly are taking your time :heh: I cleared the 5th tower earlier and my playtime currently stands at 7h 20. I'm not really that sure where you could have squeezed out that extra 3 hours :indeed:

This is the same person who managed to play Xenoblade Chronicles for ten hours more than me, despite skipping most/all of the late-game quests. I think he just really enjoys taking his time. :heh:

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Alright! I've finally finished the game! And I really enjoyed it :D


You can tell that the game was designed with the story/characters/world in mind first and the gameplay second, but that doesn't mean that the gameplay is lacking.


Really, the highlights of the gameplay are the bosses and the tower navigation/exploration (especially the 11th & 12th towers. Very cleverly designed!), though it is a shame that the tower types are recycled once each - it does lead to a feeling of repetition.


That's a feeling that does end up prevailing throughout the game unfortunately. The combat doesn't really evolve much from the start and it is rather basic, while the enemies are all kind of samey and don't present much in the way of challenge or excitement (they're just obstacles really) The visual repetition doesn't help much in that respect either (and nor does the fact that every tower uses the same music)


It's a bit of a shame that the time limit & day night cycle wasn't exploited fully. I wasn't expecting a fully blown Majora's Mask type experience, but with the time limit being used solely as a means to drag you back to Elena to avoid a game over and the day night cycle only affecting enemy difficulty and item placement, it does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity. Still, it was clearly designed for a story/emphatic reason and it works well in that respect.


The bosses are really good though. While it can feel like a bit of a slog at times when that feeling of repetition gets to you, the bosses definitely make up for it. Clearly taking inspiration from Zelda, like its forebearer, the bosses are elaborate puzzles that require quick thinking and dexterity. They're tough and a lot of fun to fight. A worthy reward for sure! :D (Shame there's no boss rush mode though :cry:)


Aside from the repetitive nature of the visual design (which does however come with the added benefit of practically zero loading times!), it is a good looking game and the arrangements of classical music are very nice. It's a polished experience for the most part (few bouts of slowdown here and there), which is really nice after the mess that was The Last Story!


Speaking of story... I'd say it's one of the few examples in gaming of a love story that was actually really well done. You do end up feeling for Elena (as well as others...), the plot is genuinely interesting, the writing is well done (as is the localisation!) and the characters are great (especially Mavda! HE-HE-HE :laughing: ) There's a real sense of cohesiveness about the world, which is really impressive considering that you don't ever really get to see any of it! Also, without spoiling anything, the endings are really cleverly done. I first finished the game with Ending A (the 2nd best one, I was so close to S!) then quickly finished it again to get Ending S (the best one). The endings change MASSIVELY! It's not just a matter of a few extra bits here and there, but rather they change almost completely. The cool thing about them though is that they actually give you different information; while Ending S is obviously the best ending and the one that is intended to be canon, you wont actually fully understand the story unless you see Ending A as well! (It's a clever way of encouraging you to see all the different endings since they tie together!)


Overall, a really good game and a fun ride. It gets to feel samey and repetitive at times, but the payoff is more than worth it. I'd say it's better than The Last Story (yeah yeah, different genre blah blah blah, I still enjoyed it more). It's like a 3D Castlevania game with polish, really fun boss battles and a lot of heart :heart:

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Very well written feedback Dcubed.


I for one am really enjoying the game. Just beat 5th tower boss and cannot wait to start tower 6. One of the reasons why I am taking longer getting through the game is because I am not able to spend long hours at a time with it because of other commitments. This means that I make a few visits to each tower but I don;t mind it as I pick up more items.


My main gripe about the game is the fixed camera angles which can sometimes impede you in battle. It's fine for the most part though.


I do wonder about the comments about repetitiveness. You get that with most games including Zelda games, RPGs, and shooters. You could say the battles in RPGs are repetitive or the running around.

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I got an email yesterday saying I have qualified for the Club Nintendo coin set. :yay:


Me too. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it because I thought it was a late Toad 3DS win! :o


Too bad it was just the set of coins that I already knew I had :cry:

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How did you read Confirmation about your Club Nintendo RPG Commemorative Coin Collection as Toad 3DS? :P


Got mine as well. Like how they're going to have to send a 3rd email about it when they are ready to get our address.

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