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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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I didn't think it would be worth starting a game specific thread (only because not many appear to play it) but Trails of Cold Steel II arrived earlier today.


Since completing the previous game earlier this year, in which it happened to become one of my favourite games of recent years, I have been eagerly awaiting this game and despite only spending a couple of hours with it so far I can already see that this sequel is unlikely to disappoint.


It carries on from the cliff-hanger ending of the first game and it feels great to be back in Erebonia again. One thing the Legend of Heroes games do really well is world-building, narrative and creating a cast of characters that you really do care about with some great back stories and whist the games can be quite slow going to start off they are definitely worth sticking with. As is typical with JRPGs there is a tonne of stuff to do and I absolutely love the combat system, which due to events in this previous game, will have even more variety this time around.


I really am looking forward to spending more time with this and if it is anything close to the greatness of the previous game then I may be constantly recharging my Vita for a while yet.


WAIT WHAT?! today?



aww shit i need to buy that

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  • 1 month later...

I've put a lot of time into Freedom Wars over the weekend. I got this from PS+ at some point, played it a bit last year and then never touched it again. For some reason I had the urge to play it and have loved my time with it over the past couple of days.


Last time I played it I just stuck to the single player mode, so this time I decided to give the co-op a try. Man, it's good! It's just like Monster Hunter. Coordinating to take down a big beastie is very satisfying, especially when everyone uses their ropes to drag the thing to the floor and get a good few hits in.


I had to laugh while playing online. It's just like MH in the sense that there's always one idiot who's faffing about in the lobby and not readying up. One of the hosts I was playing with had zero tolerance and was booting people left and right if they didn't get a move on. Good people. My kinda people. :D


With MH jumping ship to Nintendo platforms, I'm surprised Sony hasn't tried to work this as an exclusive alternative for the PS4. A HD version of this game could have served to see if there was a market for this outside of the Vita audience. Shame, as I do love me some hunting action.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Out of curiosity: Anybody here who would love to see Sony give a portable device another go?


I'd kill for a Vita 2. It will never happen, though, especially not with the Switch out in the wild. No way another portable gaming device could compete with it. But goddammit, I would be all over it.


The Vita is an amazing piece of hardware and after 5 years I still play it regularly. The OLED screen is a thing of beauty.

It's a shame that Sony dropped the support early on but other devs (most importantly from the indie scene) have provided (continue to provide) some of the greatest gaming experiences I've had.

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Out of curiosity: Anybody here who would love to see Sony give a portable device another go?


I'd kill for a Vita 2. It will never happen, though, especially not with the Switch out in the wild. No way another portable gaming device could compete with it. But goddammit, I would be all over it.


The Vita is an amazing piece of hardware and after 5 years I still play it regularly. The OLED screen is a thing of beauty.

It's a shame that Sony dropped the support early on but other devs (most importantly from the indie scene) have provided (continue to provide) some of the greatest gaming experiences I've had.


I'd like to see it ( more competition is a good thing ) but I doubt it will ever happen. I don't think Sony are bothered about the handheld market anymore and I imagine the Switch will get most of the indie support for a handheld device. To be fair, I see the Switch to be kinda the successor to the Vita in this respect. We are already seeing strong indie support on the platform and imagine more will flock to it once the Vita finally fades away or if Nintendo give the dev kits. :D


If they did make another handheld I would like them to pretty much keep the form factor the same except this time give us L2 and R2 buttons. That was such a design flaw, especially when you want to play PSOne games or do remote play on the thing.


Like the PSP, I feel the Vita is very underrated. It's a great little indie device and a fantastic Final Fantasy machine.

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  • 2 months later...

Prices Plunge on Japanese Gems in Gigantic PS4, Vita Sale

Big in Japan PlayStation Store Sale 1

Stop! Sony’s got this whole PlayStation Store sale thing down to an art now, and it’s extracting money from our wallets with reckless abandon. A new sale has gone live in Europe named Big in Japan, which focuses on all of the very best Eastern releases. And it’s just ridiculously large, spanning the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Vita.

There are just so many good offers here: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is £7.49, Yakuza 0 is a shade over £20 if you’re a PlayStation Plus member, The King of Fighters XIV is £15.99, and Resident Evil Revelations 2 is £6.99. We could go on and on – Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment is £4.99, for example.

And as mentioned, there’s an absolute wealth of Vita stuff, too. Practically every Final Fantasy game is on sale, while Dragon Quest Builders is £11.99 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus is £5.79. It’s ridiculous: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair is £9.79, while the likes of Monster Monpiece is £3.99. Some of these games are 80 per cent off.

You can browse the full list of savings through here, but do let us know what you’ve blown all of your cash on in the comments section below. The offers will end on 19th July, so you've got a bit of time to decide. Crazy times, readers!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Started playing The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel.

It seems to have a bit of a slow beginning, but that's fine with me. The battle system might become my favourite one in the JRPG genre. Looks like it's pretty deep and has a lot of mechanics to keep in mind. It's also completely turn-based so that's always a plus.
Short loading times before and after battles are a little annoying, but don't distract from the positive experience I've had in the first 80 minutes.


I also played a bit of Undertale.

So far, so good...I'd say? It's a little weird, but funny. :D And the music is glorious.


The latter of the two games will take much less time to finish, so I might focus on Undertale during the Christmas days.

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  • 6 months later...

Finished a platinumed Cosmic Star Heroine this morning. I played through the game last year on the PS4 and loved it. The game got released on the Vita earlier in the year and it was free for those who bought it the PS4 version. The loading times are a little longer and there is a bit of jank when entering and exiting a screen. Still, it was free and the main game is as fun as ever. I wish there were more of these types of JRPG style games that have a completion time of around 10 hours. It makes them so much easier to sit down and play. I may pick this game up again when it's released on the Switch, depending on the quality of the port.

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On 7/3/2018 at 4:52 PM, drahkon said:

Downloading Zero Time Dilemma. Will watch a story recap later tonight and then start the journey :peace: Can'T wait.

Been playing this for a little while now.

I'm utterly lost :D Every time I finish a time fragment I have more questions than answers...love it :laughing: 

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I freaking love the Zero Escape series.

The plot, the setting, the puzzles...everything is incredible.

Especially the puzzles. These are actually puzzles...you find pieces of information and then you have to use them to solve a problem. Not like in other games where you just look around a room and shoot a switch hanging from the roof.

Escaping from a room in this series actually feels like an achievement. So much fun :) 

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I finished a platinumed Reverie this morning. A few people rated it highly and figured I would give it a go seeing as it's on sale. It plays like a Link to the Past but looks like an Earthbound game.

After finishing it I then downloaded it again on the PS4 (it's crossbuy) and then sat and completed and platinumed again. Figured I would do it straight away as the puzzles and collectibles would be fresh in my head.

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Wanted to go to bed 4 hours ago but Zero Time Dilemma just sucked me right into the final few hours...Sweet Jesus, those plot twists and revelations. :eek:

The Zero Escape series is now one of my favourite series of any form of media. Maybe the best plot I've experienced so far. :bowdown:

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21 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I think it was worth the cash but then I love 2D Zelda type games. You can clock it in around 4 hours.

Who doesn't :p Bought, downloading now. :peace: 

Started Grand Kingdom yesterday. Finished the tutorial mission and stopped because I needed sleep. The game seems to be quite complex. Not sure if I'm in the mood for it right now.

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On 16/07/2018 at 12:55 AM, drahkon said:

Wanted to go to bed 4 hours ago but Zero Time Dilemma just sucked me right into the final few hours...Sweet Jesus, those plot twists and revelations. :eek:

The Zero Escape series is now one of my favourite series of any form of media. Maybe the best plot I've experienced so far. :bowdown:

I've been avoiding the game as I heard a lot of negative opinions, like it doesn't really answer some of the questions from the previous games, do you agree with them or is it still worth playing?

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1 hour ago, Ike said:

I've been avoiding the game as I heard a lot of negative opinions, like it doesn't really answer some of the questions from the previous games, do you agree with them or is it still worth playing?

I have to say it's a little disappointing with regards to its ties to the first two games, but I think it's still great. The puzzles are what you expect from the Zero Escape series, the twists are awesome and the themes are interesting.

If you played the first you will most likely enjoy this, too, even though it's the weakest of the series.

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