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PlayStation Vita Console Discussion


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Oh, fuck off, will you? Pure gimmick, if I ever saw one. It's like when they included those touch screen specials in dawn of sorrow for the DS, just because the touch screen is there... Bah.


It isn't, not at all actually. For starters, it's optional and why would a button combination be any better than tapping the screen to stealth kill someone? Also, for the climbing I said it made it accessible. Games require a foreknowledge of what you can and can't do, the touch screen cuts through that. I probably wont use it, unless I'm feeling lazy, but it obviously simplifies the controls and as an option I can't see how you can argue it as a bad thing.


I've seen people try and play Uncharted who don't usually play games. They can get frustrated pretty easily with the climbing.


Edit: Fist proper Uncharted screenshot, it seems.



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How small are your hands?!


Even if your hands weren't big enough, you'd literally switch to holding like a DS for a few seconds to swipe. That's pretty much how I use an iPad. Holding it with two hands and the just supporting it with one. Works for that and that is much bigger.

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3 things:


- I am super interested to hear the price. I hope for low, I suspect astoundingly high. Whoever predicted $999.99 (Kotaku? Don't remember) I just hope were wrong. I laughed when I read that, then though, "Wait... shit... what if that's even close to being right?"


Lol I thought the same thing, if it is 300 euros and has the games I'll probably get one but I see that as unlikely. I want to see what Square Enix and God of War guys can do with it.

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How small are your hands?!


Well, my thumb isn't 9cm long.


The main thing is the weight (which hasn't been announced). If it's exactly the same weight as the DS then it will feel quite a bit heavier because of the size.

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Jeebus, that's going to look mighty fine on a 5 inch screen but it looks so awful on my monitor haha.


So this is the point we've reached when people demand good graphics...


So, I skim-read details, but I hear this will have a second joystick (yay!), touchscreen (lol), an extra touchpad on the back (buh?) and motion controls (woot!).


On the other hand, the 3DS has Nintendo games, and healthy 3rd party support...


If I buy one of these portables it will be a bit farther in the future (like a year or so from now), but the 3DS sounds better thus far. Mainly due to confirmed software (screw the launch line-up, I'm thinking longterm).

I'd hate to see either machine become wasted potential, anyway.


@Dazz: Useless touchscreen controls are gimmicky. Good touchscreen controls have the game built around them (e.g. The DS Zeldas, Soul Bubbles), while gimmicky touchscreen functions can be tacked on any game, without the game becoming better for it (e.g. Dawn of Sorrow, Wario: Master of Disguise).

An Uncharted game entirely controlled with the touchscreen, now that would be something.

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Or you know, you could read the whole post and see that I noted that it's going to look amazing on the screen the NGP uses, compared to a 22" computer monitor


I know.


A few jagged edges/blurriness aside, it doesn't look anywhere near "awful" on the monitor. That was my point. Something that looks fine is being called awful. That's the point we've reached.

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It isn't, not at all actually. For starters, it's optional and why would a button combination be any better than tapping the screen to stealth kill someone? Also, for the climbing I said it made it accessible. Games require a foreknowledge of what you can and can't do, the touch screen cuts through that. I probably wont use it, unless I'm feeling lazy, but it obviously simplifies the controls and as an option I can't see how you can argue it as a bad thing.


I've seen people try and play Uncharted who don't usually play games. They can get frustrated pretty easily with the climbing.


I have nothing against touch screen controls in general... what I think is lame is the fact that only some things work with touch. And since it's an action game, it interferes with the game's flow! It's either full blown touch, or nothing. And this is most definitely one of the cases where I deem it as a gimmicky extra.


So this is the point we've reached when people demand good graphics...


So, I skim-read details, but I hear this will have a second joystick (yay!), touchscreen (lol), an extra touchpad on the back (buh?) and motion controls (woot!).


On the other hand, the 3DS has Nintendo games, and healthy 3rd party support...


If I buy one of these portables it will be a bit farther in the future (like a year or so from now), but the 3DS sounds better thus far. Mainly due to confirmed software (screw the launch line-up, I'm thinking longterm).

I'd hate to see either machine become wasted potential, anyway.


@Dazz: Useless touchscreen controls are gimmicky. Good touchscreen controls have the game built around them (e.g. The DS Zeldas, Soul Bubbles), while gimmicky touchscreen functions can be tacked on any game, without the game becoming better for it (e.g. Dawn of Sorrow, Wario: Master of Disguise).

An Uncharted game entirely controlled with the touchscreen, now that would be something.


Thank you. For all of that. Every single thing you said! It seems my post was useless, then.

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To the whole 'the 3DS is doing nothing new, 3D is a gimmick', wasn't the touchscreen just a gimmick? Look how that turned out. 3D will either work, or it won't, it's a chance Nintendo are taking.


3D isnt the same thing as a touch screen. Viewing = controls? Also I dont think alot of people are happy with Nintendo's pricing for what is essentially a very cut down, budget handheld being sold at an insanely expensive premium price. Not to mention how far behind Nintendo are Sony or MS when it comes to online and features. Sony seem to be listening alot more.


I am sure the 3D thing will sell tons of 3DS alone but there is less long term substance than the Wii or DS.

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To the whole 'the 3DS is doing nothing new, 3D is a gimmick', wasn't the touchscreen just a gimmick? Look how that turned out. 3D will either work, or it won't, it's a chance Nintendo are taking.


Everybody knows it will work, because it's not actually changing anything, it's just a slightly different perspective. When people say it's nothing new, they mean that it does't affect gameplay, so much so that you can turn it off and games will still play the same way, all of them. That's why it's considered a gimmick, because unlike the DS and Wii, there's no real gameplay innovation.

I don't really think it's a gimmick, it seems to me like it's quite a cool extra. But that's all it is... a nice little feature, not something you should base your whole marketing strategy upon.

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But that's all it is... a nice little feature, not something you should base your whole marketing strategy upon.


True but it seems to be what many currently want, 3D has been introduced into a good few home console games though you can only take advantage of this if you have either a 3DTV, 3D glasses or both while the 3DS is able to create 3D images without the need to buy special glasses or spend £800? + on a new TV so in many ways it's pioneering the way on a smaller scale for what may well become the technology that we take for granted on a larger scale on TV's a few years or so down the line.


But yes, it's still just a neat extra, nothing truely game-changing though I look forward to the extra level of depth that it's bound to add to certain games.

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True but it seems to be what many currently want, 3D has been introduced into a good few home console games though you can only take advantage of this if you have either a 3DTV, 3D glasses or both while the 3DS is able to create 3D images without the need to buy special glasses or spend £800? + on a new TV so in many ways it's pioneering the way on a smaller scale for what may well become the technology that we take for granted on a larger scale on TV's a few years or so down the line.


But yes, it's still just a neat extra, nothing truely game-changing though I look forward to the extra level of depth that it's bound to add to certain games.


I'll be completely honest here, Nintendo could basically release a new DS with only hardware improvements and I still wouldn't care about wether or not it was innovative enough... I would denitely still buy it, just because it's Nintendo.

So, I'm absolutely fine with whatever gets thrown our way.


That being said, while I really can't wait to try that 3D effect first-hand (and I know that I'll use it constantly the first month I get the 3DS), I will probably stop using it after that, for battery reasons. Which I think most of us will do too.


But yes, it is a good marketing strategy, I just think it needed another standout feature to really wow the crowd.



Also, tech question about 3D... I thought this no glasses approach was impossible to transfer to TVs since it relies heavily on persective... Meaning you're either directly in front of the TV/3DS/whatever or all you'll see is a weird heap of "holograms". Am I wrong about this?


If I'm right, I can already imagine VIP theater rooms with only a single file at the center, with two seats per row and a max capacity of 30 people. Ah ah, lol, that'd be weird!

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I know.


A few jagged edges/blurriness aside, it doesn't look anywhere near "awful" on the monitor. That was my point. Something that looks fine is being called awful. That's the point we've reached.


After cross referencing my view with some leading scientists in the field of 'opinions', we have established the majority, in their opinion, think it looks awful.


However they were quick to ejaculate into a cup and drink their own semen at the thought of it looking as good as it will on a 5 inch screen.


Just chill brah.

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Also, tech question about 3D... I thought this no glasses approach was impossible to transfer to TVs since it relies heavily on persective... Meaning you're either directly in front of the TV/3DS/whatever or all you'll see is a weird heap of "holograms". Am I wrong about this?


Toshiba are bringing out a 40" Glasses-free 3DTV in April. It's a completely different technology to the 3DS.

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Don't knock it 'til you've tried it ;) Fucks with the eyes something awful though (I hear that eases with time, hope so or the 3D glasses will be going back).


Had my 3D gear arrive this morning and so far... Metro 2033 is still 'meh' despite what I've heard. Napoleon: Total War doesn't work in 3D (well, it does, but not everything is 3D so it looks weird). Arkham Asylum looks the shit in 3D though. Bad Company 2 next.

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Don't knock it 'til you've tried it ;) Fucks with the eyes something awful though (I hear that eases with time, hope so or the 3D glasses will be going back).


Had my 3D gear arrive this morning and so far... Metro 2033 is still 'meh' despite what I've heard. Napoleon: Total War doesn't work in 3D (well, it does, but not everything is 3D so it looks weird). Arkham Asylum looks the shit in 3D though. Bad Company 2 next.


I'm not talkin' bout the 3DS, I mean on TVs and movies. It's the most useless piece of crap ever!


And even in games, I have a 3D sony bravia with a PS3, so far it's bullshit... it doesn't really add anything except a bit ooomph factor.

But I'll bet it looks cool on the 3DS.


Well, at least from what I've tried on the PS3... GT5 - unimpressed. Motorstorm - unimpressed. Stardust HD - unimpressed. Really, waste of money... I'm glad it came free with the TV, coz otherwise I would beat my dad with a stick for buying it.


Active shutter glasses are amazing. I was writing it off completely but I changed my mind pretty much instantly after trying them on. I think it was some kind of Panasonic I tried.


Disagree. Massively. It made me even more against the whole 3D thing.

Overcharging us for nearly nothing. Nazi punks fuck off.

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Disagree. Massively. It made me even more against the whole 3D thing.

Overcharging us for nearly nothing. Nazi punks fuck off.


Well I was impressed. I hate it in the cinemas. On TV it was razor sharp. I would probably just use it for gaming though, not films. Also, it doesn't cost that much more. You can get a 50" 3DTV now for £700. The price has gone down much faster than that of HDTVs.



Not sure if it's been posted but a white NGP.



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